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About MarcusJ

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    Tucson, AZ
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  1. In the Netflix comedy / drama "Orange is the New Black," this technique was coined as "Edging..."
  2. @Leo Gura We need your opinion on this tough one!
  3. Not to be pessimistic... but all good relationships come to an end. It is just a question of time, the good one's almost last a life time.
  4. I have been told when two parties become so different, one awakening, the other still heavily unconscious, Only one eventual outcome will be reached, she will leave. But take all that you can with your interactions... unconscious people do a great job activating the awakening's ego which is diminishing. This "burning of your ego in the fire" with her unconscious ego is an excellent teaching tool for you. You will find another...
  5. When I noticed the problem I did the "Cold Turkey" approach. I stopped all of the addictive activities for 7 consecutive days. It help bring perspective for myself and it broke the "High" generated. I now am a 3 to 4 times a week with self pleasuring... Plus the longer you wait in between the more powerful the effect when indulged. ( The Key... moderation ) Hope this helps!
  6. Question: Are relationships required for the per-suite of enlightenment? As I have started to walk the path my answer comes to: No! Yes, relationships can be a fire for self discovery but is not a requirement! Life and being human is just a conduit of the one universal consciousness. When the ego is dismantled or set aside then consciousness shines through and the wonder of it all is revealed. Yes... a journey without a relationship is a longer path... but my point is that its not required. I can only recall one Guru who was in a relationship, Echart Tolle. All the others I have seen were journeying the path as a single being in enlightenment, a counter part seemed un-needed to the seeker of enlightenment. Your comments and perspective my fellow bothers and sisters of the same single universal consciousness?
  7. @Wouter This would be a good starting place... makes sense with the path we are all taking...
  8. @Matthew Lamot I agree... the people who reported on this were not initially on the path of awareness. To them it was just another experience.
  9. Enlightenment is one of my goals in life... to slowly annihilate my ego. I've already successfully cracked it, through the "Power of Now." My other goals in no particular order: Think only when needed... the rest of the time be present in my awareness Meditate 3 hrs a day! Allow life to be following your passion. Help others find the path along the way... Be as healthy as possible for as long as possible!
  10. @Eelco1981 I have read some peoples awaking to the higher self during extreme stress or near life/death situations. The common observation from all of them was how "un-empethetic" the higher self was toward there horrible situations. It appeared as if the higher self was almost being robotic or "cold" about the whole thing. Do this that... maybe you will survive....and obviously they did. Your observation?
  11. I suggest readying some the the Timothy Leary papers... very enlightening.
  12. Resisting or stopping the watching of Porn will not solve the desire of it EVER! Pushing it away just gives it power over you. It is just a question of addiction... For myself Porn in its self is not bad. It is what it is. So, just like alcohol, or drugs, or food, you need to manage it. I had a daily habit... and it was becoming a problem. Something said to STOP for a while... this gave me perspective, and it can be useful in breaking an addiction. But as long as Porn is so easily accessible... it will be there.... waiting, especially when you don't have a relationship or a satisfying one.
  13. I agree with all posters on your question, "Am I in Enlightenment?" I suspect you are closer than you think. You are like a snail on a razors edge... on the verge of being cut. Keep going.... you are doing very well.
  14. @Eelco1981 Excellent video explanation of why we have a life.