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Please Help Brother Break Free Of Porn And Masterubation!

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For over five years I have been mired in an addiction. I have been addicted to porn and view porn regularly. I have seen its effect on me. Where I'm, compared to where I have set even my easy goals, I haven't even been able to achieve those. I have tried to heal, and the longest I have been able to go with out jerking off or viewing porn is may be 3 or 4 days in those years. I know most people say they grew out of it, but for me as 24 year old man I still struggle with it. I want to be productive and go after my bigger goals, I want build businesses and have beautiful women in my life. I want to have great social life. I want to do many more things and I can see my porn addiction has dragged me back from doing those. Is there any suggestion you have for me. What should I do to get my self together and go after my goals. Your advice and tips are really appreciated!

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List of options that I can think of:
Gradually reduce your porn intake. So instead of completely saying no to porn, one method is to consciously choose what porn you are going to watch, when and then create a plan that suits you which is nice and realistic to your circumstances.

Watch Leos video on backsliding.

Get rid of internet in the house, only use the library computers.

Block porn websites from your phone/computer.

Stop watching porn but continue masturbating, for a few weeks and then after then start choosing when you wank to masturbate more effectively.


There's no easy way out. If your waiting for you to emotionally finally come to  a conclusion that porn is done, its not gonna happen you have to push through the mud abit, find your purpose and develop yourself in the process.

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What worked for me was gradually decreasing the intensity of the material:

1- download a couple of videos (no more than 3) to your computer and watch those only for the next month, choose wisely.

2-Start meditating if you haven't already

3- After te first month goes by, meditate and after you finish go look for one new video to download and a bunch of pics (no more than 10 pics)

4-those will be you material for the next month

5-If you make it this far then virtually all your porn-related problems will have vanished, you can then choose either to stay where you are or aim to get rid of it  completely

If you find yourself failing then you might want to add some transitory steps in between, just don't overdo it.

6-You'll get a lot of extra energy so find some activity that will be an outlet for it, It helps if it's more physical

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@Matth I would also similar to Tariq would advise you to try using Leo's addiction removal method. As, I know that it had helped with my own life, and now because of that have eliminated masturbation. Another technique I would suggest is writing down what steps you do before watching porn, in order to actually help you identity what's happening and when to discipline yourself. And if that doesn't work in the moment you should simply allow yourself to feel the feeling to your full ability feel the sensation in your body then ask yourself 'can I let go of this?' Then answer yes or no. If no it's simply still fine, your mind will inevitably become confused and let go of it no matter the answer. 


"It is YOU that must change for all else to change." - Me.

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@Matth here it is use it well, and replace it with the time that you have to browse porn, as that will leave you no time to masturbate, thus eliminating your craving also. 


"It is YOU that must change for all else to change." - Me.

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When I noticed the problem I did the "Cold Turkey" approach.   I stopped all of the addictive activities for 7 consecutive days.  It help bring perspective for myself and it broke the "High" generated.   I now am a 3 to 4 times a week with self pleasuring...    Plus the longer you wait in between the more powerful the effect when indulged.  ( The Key... moderation )

Hope this helps! 

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no. just go find yourself a girlfriend. do whatever it takes to make a relationship. for all the time you spend you could have been more productive in social by having a girlfriend. you got too much energy that is natural gift. but doing porn and self-eject = self destruction. good luck.

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