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Everything posted by Raphael

  1. Hey ! I know what you are feeling, I have the same problem, but my states are more irregular and not so black and white. I'm currently not in my best state from a little long period (maybe one month), but my bad states are not so bad compared to yours. I don't have a lot of motivations, but I don't think that my life sucks, and I'm still meditating every day. I've had periods in the past where I didn't meditate for several consecutive days. Currently it's a little hard for me, I'm stress and under pressure because I'm going to quit college in one month and I don't have any job, but my still meditating, eating well, doing sport five times per week. It's very difficult for me to sleep, I'm a little sad and anxious My advice for you is simply to not give up your goods habits, you need to break the loop, you will have to do another big effort to reduce the bullshit. Good luck man !
  2. "Don’t be distracted by surface appearances or unnecessary features; start by solving the immediate problem with a “beautiful” solution." I've get it from this post.
  3. It's a nice place for medidation and personal introspection. The do nothing technique is working well
  4. Hello, I want to show what is meditation to a group of people that maybe don't even know what it is. I want to make them feel quickly relaxed and calm in 3 minutes, so I did this : Be in the present moment and put all your attention on your body. Feel completely your body, from your foot to your head. Notice your respiration, feel this movement in your body. Feel yourself breathing in and then breathing out. Notice every others sensations. The pressure of your body on your chair, notice your heart beating, feel your clothes on your body. Now let go of everything that’s in your mind and just be in the present moment. Let go of everything else and continue to feel your body. Imagine that there is no past and no future, the only thing that exist is this present moment. Notice the sound of my voice, now notice this silence. Become the silence. You are this silence, you are calm and relaxed. Enjoy this moment. I’m going to count to ten, when I’ll will be at ten you will open your eyes. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Open your eyes. What's your thoughts on this guided meditation ? Thanks
  5. No it's not for a youtube video, it's only for a school classroom. I don't think that it's too short, I've already done some experiments and it seems that speaking more make concentration a little bit harder. I'm going to make some blanks of 5 - 10 seconds and speak slowly.
  6. Hello, over the last three month I've been seeing a psychologist to help me work on myself, but I found that it's a frustrating waste of time. In more than three month I've didn't learn anything on me, and it's also seems that she doesn't like her job and has some personnal problems. There are many blanks in our sessions where no one have nothing to say, it's very awkward. I feel resistance to speak with her, our sessions never last one hour it's more 45 minutes. It seems that she is pressed to end the session. It's just like thinking alone and doing some personnal introspections, which I already does and I also meditate 40 minutes per days (10 when I wake up, and 30 before going to sleep). Should I stop seeing her ? Until now for me it's just a big waste of time that can be useful for doing other stuff.
  7. I've cancel my next appointment and chose to stop the therapy, but she called me recently. She said that she did some researches on a diagnostic center that can help to specify my type of disorder (development, etc.) and which therapy could be better for my problems, than a simple psychologist. @Lynnel I've already saw three of theses videos, but I didn't really applied it. I actually know that this is what I should do, but my ego is always very resistant. So like Leo's said : I speak a lot of shit, but didn't applied this to myself.
  8. Thanks for the answers guys, I've never feel good at speaking with her since the beginning. With Leo's videos and others content that I've read/watch I already understand more the way of how my mind is working and that the big problem is the ego. Another problem that I have is social anxiety, I'm a very (very, very, ...) solo person, I've thought that it was great to see a psychologist to help me on this point.
  9. Note : English is not my native language, sorry for language mistakes. Hello everyone, I've start meditating five month ago for 20 minutes and now I am starting to be a little more advance. It's past midnight for me, and I did my last meditation two hours ago, I don't want to go to sleep because I'm scared of what happened to me during my last meditation. After a moment I've start to have some tingling sensations (if the expression is correct) in my right hand, my breath speed increased, I've stayed like this but my timer rang, and then I opened my eyes. I was feeling very lightweight and in a state of vertigo, in a certain way I wasn't really in my body. This sensation scared me a lot, after this I've start to do some movements, to run very quickly because I didn't wanted to die. This was my sensation : feeling of death. Now I'm afraid of meditate, and going to sleep. What should I do ? Is it normal ? Have you ever experienced sensations like this ? Thank you
  10. Since this experience I don't look at myself the same way. I don't always feel that my body is really me, sometimes I have the sensation that a part of me is floating around the body.
  11. After reading some stuff about astral projection, it seems quite similar to what I've experienced. This is not the first time that I have tingling sensations in my hands, the first time I stopped quickly. Last time I stop myself when my timer stopped, I didn't pushed it too far actually. I'm not even sure about what I'm going to say, but I think that I have a memory of a top view of my scene, but I don't remember any view my body.
  12. I didn't sleep a lot these last days, I were tired during my meditation. Does it matter ?
  13. I don't know it was very scary to me, I don't want to die. After I quit my public bench I felt that I could fall if I don't try to control myself.