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Everything posted by abundance

  1. Dude stop hiding behind questions that we all know have malevolent intentions and just admit you don't like black people. If you were genuinely interested in African history you'd search through the numerous resources online or in your local library. I can't help but think your intentions here are nefarious in nature and your real aim is to express your hatred for non-white people under the guise of asking silly and half baked questions. You aren't intelligent and we aren't naive.
  2. Elon Musk is a genius and I'll never take that away from him. However Elon couldn't be who is today without his upbringing. He was literally born in a position of privilege and was a benefactor of an exploitative colonial system. That isn't demonizing Musk or his family. However, we are all products of our environment and born with certain leverage.
  3. Considering the Climate Crisis is one of the greatest challenges we have ever faced as a species, it makes sense to have a thread dedicated to it. For the past year or two I went from being someone who generally thought that the Climate Change was overblown to acknowledging that it is a HUGE issue that warrants awareness. I'd like to share some of the resources that have helped me understand this issue. Though, the situation regarding climate change is becoming increasingly grim, there are things we can do to mitigate the most severe consequences. Thus, I'll also be posting material about sustainability. Feel free to join along and post material that is related to the premise of this thread to spread awareness regarding this important issue. I'd like to introduce a few YouTube Channels that have helped me gain a better understanding of Climate Change Just Have A Think - David Borlace creates some of the best content regarding Climate Change and Sustainability. His videos are well organized and easily digestible for the average laymen Paul Beckwith - Paul is a well known climate scientist and professor. If you like graphs and data, this channel is awesome. He regularly reviews the latest scientific studies and reports. Book Recommendations https://www.amazon.com/Farewell-Ice-Report-Arctic/dp/0190691158/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=FAREWELL+TO+ICE&qid=1600279518&sr=8-1 https://www.amazon.com/End-Ice-Bearing-Witness-Disruption/dp/1620972344/ref=pd_bxgy_img_2/144-7210804-3740057?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=1620972344&pd_rd_r=fbe321af-3082-45e9-a663-f2676f23593e&pd_rd_w=2Jn3W&pd_rd_wg=wVHGO&pf_rd_p=ce6c479b-ef53-49a6-845b-bbbf35c28dd3&pf_rd_r=0E9ERD663JSEGMGY1SVN&psc=1&refRID=0E9ERD663JSEGMGY1SVN https://www.amazon.com/This-Changes-Everything-Capitalism-Climate/dp/1451697392/ref=rtpb_2/144-7210804-3740057?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=1451697392&pd_rd_r=83477181-888d-482e-a1e1-b2fd661f90ad&pd_rd_w=OCl2E&pd_rd_wg=PvzWE&pf_rd_p=49740592-2805-416d-896c-b825ad91c2cf&pf_rd_r=33R76M5BXAH0T67XGDSE&psc=1&refRID=33R76M5BXAH0T67XGDSE https://www.amazon.com/Our-Final-Warning-Degrees-Climate/dp/0008308551/ref=rtpb_3/144-7210804-3740057?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0008308551&pd_rd_r=83477181-888d-482e-a1e1-b2fd661f90ad&pd_rd_w=OCl2E&pd_rd_wg=PvzWE&pf_rd_p=49740592-2805-416d-896c-b825ad91c2cf&pf_rd_r=33R76M5BXAH0T67XGDSE&psc=1&refRID=33R76M5BXAH0T67XGDSE https://www.amazon.com/Madhouse-Effect-Threatening-Destroying-Politics/dp/0231177879/ref=sr_1_1?crid=22RCEBGDPNLHY&dchild=1&keywords=michael+mann&qid=1600280277&s=books&sprefix=MICHAEL+MANN%2Cstripbooks%2C199&sr=1-1
  4. Well, its not like GME stock buyers are storming capitols, threatening to murder politicians, and discrediting fair and free elections etc. I get your point but the comparison isn't that strong
  5. In one your videos a few years back you predicted Trump will destroy the Republican Party. I thought you were being hyperbolic at the time but now it is in plain sight.
  6. white privilege on full display. if these protestors were a few shades darker, there would be tanks and snipers. Very sad and tragic day for American democracy.
  7. Dude the looting and vandalizing done by BLM is miniscule compared to the decades (centuries if we're being honest) of degradation the black community has gone through. Buildings can be replaced. Lives cannot. I don't agree with burning down your own neighborhood but if all else fails then I see no other alternative. It is the language of a people who've been ignored and are fed up. All police brutality is wrong (which BLM denounces btw). You asked why this wasn'tca nationwide scandal. Perhaps it would have been if the white community (as a collective) weren't so passive and accepting of police brutality.
  8. BLM is the largest civil rights movement since the 60s. Its impossible to determine the conscious level of the millions of people who've participated in the movement. Overall, I'd say the movement as a whole is relatively higher in conciousness than the All Lives Matter crowd. You can argue the ethics of their tactics but the end goal results in a more progressive society. And to be honest given the track record of how America has treated its black citizens, they should be awfully lucky that BLM is as inclusive and 'peaceful' as it is.
  9. Prepping is good to do regardless of what's going on. Start off stocking up on basic necessities. Canned food, water and/or a decent water purifier, first aid kits etc.
  10. Dog-whistling to Armed White Supremacists terrorist militias Completely screwing up the response to COVID-19 Downplaying COVID 19 and politicizing simple things like wearing a mask Denying climate change and invoking policies that make it 10x worse Inability to take accountability for ANYTHING Giving the largest tax break to corporations in US history Cozying up with dictators and authoritarians across the world Practicing nepotism and putting his smug silver spoon fed family members in vital positions of government Withdrawing from Nuclear Arms treaties and accelerating the nuclear arms race Almost starting WWIII after assassinating Iran's top general Accelerating the Militarization of Space Smacking down legislation that would have stopped our support of Saudi Arabia's genocide in Yemen Rolling back vital enviromental regulations that keep us from dying from polluted water and air His constant lying and theatrics His brain washed and brain dead supporters (all 71 million of them) Mockingly throwing rolls of paper towels to a crowd of Puerto Ricans after their island was ravaged by a climate change induced hurricane
  11. You do realize that this is the exact same mentality that has put us in this predicament, right? Offsetting the responsibility on younger and future generations to deal with climate change is just morally wrong. Especially when we have the time and means to do something meaningful about it. Also, those of us younger than 30, will probably be spending our waning years watching the planet burn while the younger generations curse our existence for not doing anything about it. If you plan on having children, value living in a clean environment, value the natural world then you really have no reason not to care about this issue.
  12. My dude do you know how climate change works and what the implications of living in 2 - 3 degree world are? Everything you take for granted about human civilization today was and is dependent on a stable climate system. In fact human agriculture could have never been initiated were it not for a stable and reliant climate favorable for growing crops. There is a reason why we spent hundreds of thousands of years as hunter gatherers. I have no doubt that human ingenuity will solve many issues related to energy and sustainability. However, we're on track to entering into a whole new world that will become increasingly inhospitable for large swaths of people. And climate change is no longer something that'll occur in 2100. It is occurring now and its accelerating exponentially. Unless we take immediate action we'll be spending our waning years watching the tragic destruction of the planet and each calamity that unfolds as a result. Our children will be the ones who have to live their adult years in a world completely unrecognizeable from the world we live in today.
  13. David Packman gives a good anaylsis on the minds of MAGA When 68+ million Americans vote for Trump after 4 years of this lunacy there is a much bigger problem here. Its deeper than the Democrats not "appealing" more to progressive ideas or more centrist ideas. These people DON'T care about policies and ethics. They care about what Trump represents, which is largely maintaining white supremacy, and "owning the libs".
  14. Once again the African American community saves America from itself.
  15. Say goodbye to any action being done about climate change.
  16. Vaush did an excellent job!
  17. You've literally espoused almost every right wing talking point. Its hard to take you serious because its ao obvious you're getting all of your talking points from right wing media. Also if there is one thing that should make you vote blue it is climate change. Any administration that denies climate change is happening in 2020 is disqualified to lead.
  18. This a new documentary that goes over the threat of White Supremacist terrorists in America Interesting watch
  19. You're welcome. These groups have been around for decades but really proliferated during the Obama admin. Now with a president that dog whistles to them and all the chaos that's taken place, they feel emboldened. I can definitely see some incidents of far right terrorist attacks against "soft targets" if Trump loses. I don't mean to spread fear but I think we all need to be vigilant in the next few months.
  20. Agreed. Her response to COVID showed competent leadership. I am so glad I live in a state with a governor that listens to the science.
  21. Here is a few you can pick from Have you ever considered doing volunteering? Where do you see yourself and Actualized.org in 5 years? What are the top 5 most powerful & influential books you've ever read? When do you expect to update your booklist? When can we expect a new course?