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Everything posted by Barna

  1. You need the block only if your love is not unconditional. I love Reality unconditionally, even if I am temporal in it.
  2. From the perspective of consciousness, there's no besides / outside of consciousness. Because everything we're conscious of is inside consciousness. Exactly, the only thing I wanted to trigger is the sense of I don't know.
  3. Why would consciousness depend on the content of consciousness? It's getting more and more obvious that you're expressing your philosophy, not knowledge.
  4. I'm not being poetic. I'm saying that I notice when there's silence. Don't you? Saying that consciousness in nothingness is like saying that space is the absence of matter. You're saying: "if you remove every matter from space then nothing remains, therefore space is nothing". Don't you see the flaw in this logic?
  5. Consciousness is left. When I close my eyes, I'm aware that I can't see anything. When there is silence, I'm aware of the silence. And so on. When everything disappears, I'm aware of the nothingness. Are you saying that you only hear the noise and you don't even notice the silence? Noticing is consciousness.
  6. @RMQualtrough Consciousness is not nothing. Consciousness might be aware of nothing (like in deep sleep), but it's not nothing and it's not something. Something and nothing are content. Consciousness is the context (or space) that the content (or something-nothing) is made of. If you say that consciousness is nothing, that implies that a rock is just as conscious as a human. I mean, you can say that, but that would be just another belief based on nothing.
  7. I am consciousness, and the totality of this experience-field (aka suchness) is made of this consciousness. From my experience, there's no space, no distance, every experience happens in dimensionless consciousness always in the here and now. I understand that. But there's a possibility that this consciousness didn't exist before this body was born because I have no memory of it existing. So there's also a possibility that it won't exist after this body dies.
  8. Also, keep in mind that the ego is terrified of death. So you have to be very suspicious of the ego here because the belief in eternal consciousness might be just the way the ego deals with its existential fears.
  9. @Razard86, @Cykaaaa, @RMQualtrough, @Michael Jackson I guess it's already obvious that I won't just blindly believe something. So tell me, what was the path that led you to the point where you realized the eternal nature of your consciousness? If you were a spiritual master, how would you help your students to directly see their eternal nature?
  10. What did you experience that made you so sure about eternal life that you closed down your mind to other possibilities? I'm just curious because I've also done a lot of 5meo, for multiple months, frequently. Had a lot of psychedelic death experiences. But a psychedelic death has nothing to do with the death of consciousness because, in the psychedelic death, consciousness was present the whole time. In a sense, the death of consciousness (if it exists) is a deeper death than the death of the ego. So no matter how many ego deaths you have, you cannot use that as evidence for the eternal nature of consciousness.
  11. Consciousness is not a what. It's the awareness of all whats. It's a verb, not a noun. It's a meta-process, not a thing. Just because the process is processing right now, it doesn't mean that it'll process in the future.
  12. Physical death is inevitable anyway. So if this Law of Attraction force exists, then yes, I welcome death, exactly because death is the most interesting thing that I know about.
  13. I've already done the "research", and my conclusion was that we cannot know for sure if consciousness continues after physical death. But sure, I can still be stupid, that's not off the table. I'm just waiting for someone to give an actual pointer to why is it stupid what I'm stating.
  14. Do you really think that I blindly believe in eternal life, and I'm just trolling around by questioning this belief?
  15. I think we are spiritual agnostics. I have spiritual intentions but no beliefs.
  16. You're right, it's just drama about conflicting viewpoints. Let's get back onto the meditation pillow
  17. Yes, on some level, I agree. He was actually the main influencer in my life.
  18. Everything is BS until you become open to it. For ordinary people, spirituality is BS.
  19. What if spiritual masters tell us that consciousness is eternal only because they recognize that the fear of death is an unnecessary burden? (Or because they are still afraid of death themselves?) If death was the end of consciousness, would you be okay with that right now?
  20. Well, would you go to sleep with that much acceptance while gas is filling up your room, and you don't know whether you'll wake up the next morning?
  21. You're mixing context with content. Something-nothing is content, consciousness is the context. I'm talking about the end of consciousness.