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Everything posted by mathieu

  1. hi. i am surprised you were asking this. i dont know if you have the drive at least to know the basic stuff about business or career. you do the research. many books and coaches out there that specializes in almost any kind of business that interests you. cheers.
  2. If you follow Leo's content or re-watch the older videos, you will just keep receiving his advice of having your Life purpose as one of the foundational structure of your life. So who will make the decision to purchase the course anyway?
  3. I think this video is the one that really hit me the most. I wish I could show it to people I know without ever getting offended. my question is: how do you deal with yourself when you feel, you literally feel, that whatever you do still seems evil to other people even if you know that what you are doing is the only good thing you know?? so they reject you and hated you instead what i mean by the "good thing" is relevant to other people depending on their level of consciousness or understanding, something that people hate to talk, say religious differences.
  4. thats really interesting! i think you have came up with a pretty good answers on the exercises. on the ideal medium, it could be a bit challenging, at least in my case. There's practically thousands of possible mediums out there. In my experience, it took me lots of dabbling within the areas of my interest like 2 years to come up with my niche and ideal medium where i could monetize my passion. I am not sure with others, but i am sure you can ultimately find your ideal medium
  5. @Leo Gura yeah. thanks! It was just hard to deal with emotions but i think thats the way it is. The video reminded me to always compare my life to other people who were less fortunate, like Viktor Frankl in concentration camps. hey! its effective now lol
  6. @Truth yeah i admit i was lacking social understanding and skills about 3 years ago. it was like people dont really want correcting them and people really respond to what they see and what are their current understanding of some areas of life. but at least for, now it became a non-issue for me by doing lots of personal development. what i always do these times is to just humble myself down whenever i am confronted with conflicts of understanding, and show respect to people as much as possible. and not be so reactive of them. well, i know it was really hard, especially when you were really hated by somebody.
  7. @eskwire ok in other terms, how do you deal with yourself when you got death threats by doing what you think is good? like what Leo admitted on the first part of the video.
  8. Leo said to me last time that "nothing is inherently a distraction." Unless he chose to make it one ?
  9. It seemed like everything in the physical world and mental world like the thoughts were all just noise or distractions, in other words, the Red Herring. And Leo says that the only Spirituality is the truth. So i thought that the only place that there is no distraction is literally Living in a cave! without connections to other egos or the society. is this correct? if not, what are the practical alternatives? also, how can the rational thinking of a human trick itself that he/she is in a state where there is no distraction? pls check this if i got this wrong. thank you
  10. Philippines here! i saw few guys who are also Filipinos @pOnG @Zaye @30secs @Sambodhi
  11. this is great. i think this should be my priority too, insteadbof half-assing enlightenment. i have not been acing my life purpose yet and i used to forget it will take 10,000 hrs to the mastery level.
  12. yeah. you got me. ? it was really difficult to do inner works like self-inquiry or meditation when you are surrounded by other egos or say people who dont understand you, and the things that society feeds, like whenever you talk to people daily, like a constant stream of data is kept in connection to your mind. What Leo said, we can do change our perception of that by doing the priority: consciousness work. But to a rational mind, it seems almost impossible in a fucking society of egos lol
  13. @Leo Gura thanks. interesting! i think i have to eliminate the thought of living in a cave entirely
  14. i recommend this book called psycho-cybernetics by maltz. it was a deep study about self-image and has practical exercises. it was no bullshit.. just do the research. cheers!
  15. i also suggested a similar thing for this forum. it has made a few impression. here's the thread
  16. I saw this on Leo's blog. i dont have the gut to grasp this yet
  17. @ajasatya wonderful! thanks for sharing that. although i am not into agriculture, i love nature :))) ps. i just bought fruits for dinner tonight because you reminded me of that. lol
  18. @ajasatya it is a bit unimaginable to make such a huge forest. but i was blown by that man who showed it was possible :))))))
  19. @gleb how is this contrary to "doing much less with mindfulness"? it looks similar to the concept of "The One Thing." he was so very disciplined to do his thing consistently for many years. wow
  20. Hey @Leo Gura, is it possible for this forum to have a category about Community Groups, like, let's say by country? where we could meet people of our country. or say by Profession or Fields of Expertise, where we could meet people of similar careers or life purposes. even if a lot of people here are introverted, i think this is a better way for most of us to unite strategically ?
  21. @Key Elements i think this is a fairly good list describing highly creative people. I just laughed at #20 (They will never grow up), it was very much like me haha. if people don't have these, i think those qualities of highly creative people can absolutely be nurtured and developed. it's feels inappropriate for me to brag about one's qualities have or not.
  22. actually engaging with ideas is not a bad thing, in my opinion. yeah it really seems like the aim of is to give lots lots of insights and "useful" information. but who cares if he likes it? It is so clear that Leo absolutely know what he's doing with All his theories and concepts were just "scaffoldings" that are destined to be burned right after. quoted from Leo's blog: When the ancient Greeks built their temples, they would use wood scaffolding to aid in construction. But the scaffolding was then burned or buried. The Greeks didn’t go around saying, “Look how wonderful our scaffolding is! Come, heathens… prostrate yourselves before our mighty scaffolding!” It’s really important to understand what content is. It’s just mental scaffolding. It’s a functional stepping-stone which you use to improve your life, and then you throw it away. You do not worship the scaffolding, you do not cling to preserving it, you do not confuse it with reality itself. The scaffolding does not have to be perfect to get you there. In fact, the scaffolding is often makeshift, crude, and ever-evolving. My videos, insights, and frameworks have zero ideological purpose. I am not here to convince you of anything or to have you believe my worldview. My worldview is that there are no true worldviews. And even that must be recognized to eat itself. if you think it's time to burn the scaffolding, then burn it. I am not suggesting to worship it.
  23. i think that kind of menial job needs to happen. if you think you control the things you can control and let go of the things you cant, then you are on the right track. right now, it is apparent you are not yet on where you wanted to be, but you are on the right path. keep it up dude. just deal with difficult and toxic people the right way. or else stay away from them
  24. thanks for this. i think this needs some time to sink in our natural way of thinking. this is helpful
  25. lol. thanks. it just feels different when you realize you can die anytime, it was like a bitter truth that I have been denying for so long. it's easier to fool ourselves than to accept what is honest and real. after all, it seems like we still live like we have so much time we have in our life, because i believe that's the default way of thinking in humans. Realizing and contemplating death every single day will make this attachment crumble away little by little