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Everything posted by universe

  1. Guys, he is not trying to get laid Completely normal. You have to know that girls also have a life and sometimes also problems when it comes to dating. So even if you "killed" it on your first impression. That doesn't help your cause, when she is unsure wether or not she even wants to get into something new right now. Oftentimes, girls have this whole dialogue in their head about if dating right now is good for her or not. And as mentioned already, mood changes. One day she might feel like going out and meeting new people, the other day she won't and there is something completely different on her mind. That being said. What exactly did you type? Asking her to come to a party right away might be off putting. It also sets you up as the "party guy".
  2. It's not about taking care of appearance in order to be more attractive. That is completely fine. But believing this is the only thing that matters for a man and never doubt your beliefs about this is what's problematic. And it is way closer to a belief that girls have been indoctrinated for since aeons. Now, I'm not saying this is a good thing or a bad thing. But you tell me about how you feel for men now to believe in the same thing. No, it's to wake you up from your black pill dream that is destroying your life. ❤️
  3. Dude ever seen an ugly guy with a hot girl? Black Pill is so easy to dismiss. Are you trying to be a girl? Wear make up, paint a sixpack on you and get surgery to feel good about yourself. ❤️
  4. How old are you? It will be whatever you make out of it.
  5. Interesting. Normally dogs are quite friendly and cute. They are trained not to bite people. Do they attack random people walking down the street? I remember once on a holiday that some dogs came up to us when it was dark. A loud and direct "no" or "stop" from my friend prevented a possible attack. It really helps if you have experience with dogs (from family or friends), then you'll know better how to handle them.
  6. I understand that. And I'm here to offer you help. It's important that you first understand that society is not suddenly going to change or give you whatever you want. Nobody out there is going to do it for you. You have to do it yourself. The question is, have you had enough? Enough suffering already, so that you are ready to take a leap of faith, take action. Even if that means you might get in conflict with the wrong girl and you very well might And you will do it anyway. Because that is not enough to stop you. You don't care, as long as you get what you want. Wanting to indulge in victim mentality feels nice in the moment. I know. But this is not the right place for it. I mean I'm pointing out victim mentality to you and you come back with another victim mentality on top of that. This is not how this works here. Because it just doesn't help you. We want you to succeed and Grow. That is why we have stricter rules. It's not to make you smaller and take your power away. It's because we know that it won't get you anywhere. I know guys who have approached over 15.000 women in their lives. And they do just fine. Yes, people are fishing for views on TikTok a bit too much. Still, you are probably living in the best time ever right now to go out and talk to strangers and socialise. You even said other people have decent girlfriends, so you acknowledge that people are somehow getting together. What more proof do you need that you can do it as well. If they can do it, you can do it. That's the only thing you need to know.
  7. It's extremely rare to be kidnapped. Of course there is always a chance but you could be hit by lighting as well. Are you scared of dogs?
  8. How old are you? Sounds like she is a little insecure. You told her, so you were honest. The "I can't trust you" seems like a cover up for her insecurities. And when you are not committed you don't have to be loyal while still dating. Could be something else that made her lose trust though, something you haven't mentioned. Or the fact that you didn't went through and had sex with her on multiple occasions. Nevertheless, I would say your chances are pretty high that you can date her again.
  9. Watch out for projections and egoic reactions. This is a place for personal development. Don't you have bigger fish to fry? Please read this thread.
  10. "As bad as heavy metals are in seafood, there are other chemicals which are even worse that no one tells you about:" https://www.actualized.org/insights/the-worlds-most-toxic-fish
  11. It's a big illusion. Wake up. Snap out of it. ❤️
  12. Move on. Take responsibility for your life. Texting means very little. Forgive her, she is doing the best she can. But it's best to move on. Whenever there is a break up there is the opportunity for finding a better match. Take it! Go find out what lies on the other side of that door that opened 1 year ago.
  13. In the beginning phase it's good to have a lot of time for yourself. So you can read, meditate and contemplate (and do 10.000 doses of psychedelics). Without the constant pull of everyone to indulge and wallow in unconsciousness. When you are a little more stable in your pursuits you should mix it up. Having a romantic partner, very close friends or kids who are constantly mirroring your patterns back to you can grow you immensely and rapidly. Living wise, you can stay with flatmates but definitely move out of your parents home (unless they are Jesus Christ but even then).
  14. In this video Nischa talks about how to get your finances in order and the mechanism that decide if you are climbing up or down the financial ladder. For example - Playing the game of spending money on assets like stocks, houses, self-development or to better your skills. So in things that have a positive ROI. Instead of playing the status game by spending money on expensive cloth, cars and holidays. Which do not help you in achieving financial freedom. She also brings in studies about how people commonly and unreasonably compare themselves when it comes to money. The video packs a lot of concepts with nice examples and exercises in a 8 minute format.
  15. What is a honey do list? But no, then you go to the hospital. Listen to what they tell you what the treatment plan is and make health a priority in your life. You are the one who is in charge. You are responsible for every fucking thing in your life. If in doubt -> Self-Love is always the correct path.
  16. Can someone already pretty please show him where he can find the past?
  17. Feminine and masculine qualities are different. You can't expect that when you go into the more feminine side you will get as much positive response from a woman as if you where fully in your masculine. The same goes the other way around. If she would act all masculine you would have a hard time coming to terms with that as well. Now, while this is the case you can still be respectful with each other. But that's a different topic.
  18. Sounds good. Just some tips. Think about yourself as if you already are an entertaining musician. The belief that you are is one of the biggest difference between someone who always wants to be an entertaining musician and someone who already does this for a living. Now in order for you to make money from it there is a kind of market dynamic at play here. For your life purpose (or anyone else's actually) there is not a perfect match for what the market wants and what you want to do. It's like a Venn diagram. Where the market needs and your Life Purpose overlap is your income zone. For example - You are an actor and you want to express yourself in a certain way and always play and experience different roles. But the big bucks lie in getting in and practicing one popular theater show and playing it over and over for over a year. You see where I'm going with this? There is always the balance between following my Life Purpose to the T, or do I pick one aspect of my Life Purpose that is the most valuable for others right now and make a living with it. And this applies in the earlier phase more than later. You picked a good industry. Entertainment is always in demand. Maybe you can find a pub where you can play music and entertain the guests. And you could also organise some events yourself. Then prepare a show and iterate until something works.