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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Thats a good answer to your question too. You are arguing with yourself. In so many levels
  2. Are you OK bud. You are your own guru.
  3. Hi to whoever is reading. I will be writing my dreams out here whenever I dream something worthwhile to put on. I think last night's dream qualified. Note - the dreams written are usually not the whole thing, because sometimes there are details that are too subtle to explain, or i dont remember bits, or it is somewhat irrelevant in my view. The Dream: ... Stuff about playing football with a colleague and talking to some doctor guy telling him all the supplements i take (most of those are the ones leo has a video on) he looked at me funny, while i was remembering the actual names of each one within the dream. Interesting bits started later. I was at home, there was a dvd player infront of me and an old TV. I suddenly got the in-dream realisation that i can put anything in that dvd and relive it. The dvds were full of footage from my family's past. My main idea was to see what my father was like, because hes been gone since 2001. I could actually get in this footage just like harry potter stuff. Next thing i am kicked out of that, and im on a ship ? That ship was somehow England. Dont ask. America declared war on England. I was on this ship with a girl, i knew her very well within the dream, but now i cant remember who she was. So war started and it was grand. The ship where i was, was hit, and somehow i was both the air and myself. My girl ran towards the room i was in to help me. She had two pets, one mouse and one bunny, so we grabbed their cages before we left running. I thought to myself - good thing im not attached to any stuff, i can run freely. Then we escaped the ship and we were on land, but the main feeling was fear, because we were, i thought, in danger. We ran past a corn field and i said: lets get some corn to eat later. Oh wait, we cant cook it, nevermind. So we went on. Suddenly bolders started falling from the sky in our direction - it was like a meteor shower. We tried to dodge, i even pushed one away but it hit her, and i thought i had killed her, but thankfully she was alright. After a while we managed to survive... And i suddenly realized wait... This is a dream... And i felt the sudden release of fear. I felt so good. And i told my girl - you know what this means? We're not in danger! Look, i can even fly! And i raised off the ground. It felt like both a lucid dream but at the same time i was not directly in control. So i asked her: if this is true, does this mean you are also dreaming this and we are having the same dream? And you will be able to remember when you wake up??? Then she smiled and said, still from the ground: No.. This is all you. Epicness
  4. Wtf? Why are you setting sepatate time for self enquiry, i just do it all day long... Why make separate practise, shouldn't you be asking yourself this while you are talking to people or when an i thought pops up, or while you are pooping, eating, having a meditation session, having desires, feeling tired, feeling lonely anf so on. Who is teh one feelin lonely bro
  5. Oh it just popped into my mind. You can definitely use this suicidal thoughts to your advantage. I mean instead of acting on them, use your desire to die to help you dive the deepest you can into this conciousness subject. Because you are ready to die, that will make you a better warrior. You will not be afraid to go where others would turn back from because of fear ? .
  6. They are just objects of knowing for you, the observer. But you r nothing and everything also. Gosh im confused when i think about that stuff. Thats why me loves no mind. I am nothing. Giving up yourself is definitely something good tho, whatever that means to you. Im also mental Cheers ?
  7. Ive always been a mindless dodo bird, this just helps me be myself more fully <3 but thanks for the words and the salt we are one after all love you because i love myself ?
  8. Well ive been suicidal, but for me poker made me suicidal, and lack of money, so i was tired and didnt see why i should go on with this. I also was only looking in one direction, i didnt want to let go of poker. So before i was bout to jump, i decided wouldnt it be better to do this die before you die thing. So i sat in meditation and sat there foe longer than ever, even when i was feeling so much pain i continued. I felt my insides become hardened, rebelling. I thought maybe i will die this way, i guess its a more pleasant and clean way than jumping. Then when i finally finished, because i was so tired. I was so relieved that i could only go to bed and sleep, and it was awesome. I felt so awesome in my body and thought, why would i want to get rid of this, i love it. (when i didnt think about external circumstances) Ithink even till this day, sleep is the best part of life for me. Dreams are awesome. They are kinda worth struggling for. Your life is a triangle ? waking, dream and deep sleep. Non duality says this triangle is a dot actually and everything else is a projection. You go to death every night in deep sleep. Its the bottom left point of the triangle. In other words, suicide wont do anything for you. You are already that point always. By suicide you would not achieve peace. Go for enlightenment instead! Ps: watch videos of Ira, Rupert Spira and Ramana Maharshi. I like those contents best for non duality.
  9. Didnt Ramana Maharshi, the greatest teacher, say something along the lines of 'everything that will happen, will happen - try and stop it. Therefore the best course of action is silence.' I saw the truth in those words, so i am doing that the best i can. Like a newbie level Ramana, cause he was way more radical in doing nothing.
  10. I like this, gonna use this technique to keep it more fun. Been whoamiing for days
  11. But if i became enlightened, i wouldnt have problem with my job? Its not all that bad, but the thing is it requires me to think and right now im practising not thinking and i just want to sit and do nothing
  12. Wont i die a painful death by hunger? Would be no problem if i could eat sunlight, but i am currently a prisoner of needs. Also i love watermelon ?
  13. Nice try, but i said go not walk. Also it doesnt only have to mean nothingness. If one is supposedly enlightened and knows that he is everything, there are definitely particles or whatevers that go through walls.
  14. What bout my problem? Me as a human, not as conciousness, want to do nothing and dont enjoy my work, but i need to go to feed myself. I get frustrated that i cant just do nothing and live. Man i wish i was a plant.
  15. Is enlightenment not just the recognition that whatever you are seeing and experiencing is inside of yourself? Rupert gets the listener there so effortlessly through the vortex of the mind. Its like the dog and the human. The bubble inside the dogs head is what he sees feels etc without labeling them. For human, the bubble has become thoughts and labels... So isnt enlightenment seeing for example the street while you are walking and knowing that all this is happening within you. Like having a thought ? bubble containing what you see and not thinking about this or that or about future and past? And realizing all you feel as to sensations and smells are all already within you, hence realizing you are at least a 4d being and not the human you were mistaking yourself for? Asking cause confused ?
  16. Whatever helps you sleep at night man. Im already doing the questioning. Thats exactly what the gurus are saying, or are you blind
  17. Ok if you're not enlightened why are you eben talking. I might need to post my initial question in another thread. It might surprise you, but i wasnt asking only you, but anyone who knows. If you don't, there might be someone else who does. Nice talk PS: The True Goal of Life: Is Rupert Spira a new age hippy or are your views somehow wrong? There is no other option im afraid ?
  18. Right on, o enlightened one, you seem a bit jealous about those still able to feel happiness? Maybe one day you will get out of this depression. Go on, commit mass murder, be the next hitler. Dont forget to also kill all the children who are constantly playing and having fun. Because they are trully in the wrong here. Life is definitely not about happiness. I bow to you wise one.
  19. Just to make you aware, that i made an edit to my post, the Ps part. Now this... Empirical, i am doing that. Not taking anything out of my experience for true. I am following my own experience. Why must you judge? You think you have it all figured out, dont you. I am not seeking enlightenment through this, at least not your enlightenment. I dont want to turn into a judgemental forum ghost ? Thats why i later wrote extralightenment. Because i believe that knowing the truth and being happy is better than simply knowing some truth that makes you cranky and defensive
  20. Im sorry if you never felt what i am talking about, because did, you wouldnt be saying this. There are infinite infinities in infinity. Believing you have the ultimate and only truth is disturbing my sentience Ps: i am already aware they are experiences. I am not referimg to the labels but to actual experience, which is real. And if its an experience that doesnt make it meaningless. Thats the entire meaning. Its a song. Every note matters, but you'd prefer if the melody is nice. You cant say you would choose to be painfully tortured rather than be massaged by beautiful naked ladies with a happy finish. Or would you? Weird.
  21. Relax. I mean pleasure, happiness, as opposed to unhappiness and pain. From the point of view of the person i am experiencing. The kind of fullness i get when the person i am experiencing gets high on weed and then smokes a cigarette to ground himself. When i experience my brain as a ball ofexplosion. What im askimg is, is there an extralightened state where you can feel that way whenever you like or always, without the drugs.
  22. Is there a type of enlightenment where one can freely choose how they feel no matter the circumstances? Thats what i initially thought about enlightened state before i started. More like not choose how they feel, but be able to feel pleasurably and full (happiness) no matter their circumstances? I.e. One that can fully control ttheir state, not necessarily one that knows the ultimate truth or whatever.