Parallax Mind

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About Parallax Mind

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  1. You talk to yourself to think through things. It could be similar when talking to "others". Thanks @Inliytened1for opening the post!
  2. Do other consciousnesses exist like other rooms in a house? They exist and not exist at the same time?
  3. So does Taylor Swift. The masses are idiots
  4. You are already dead brother, can't be alive if you were never born
  5. In your other post you said you were gay?
  6. Leo answers this question over and over again in his many videos.
  7. We have the dilemma of involvement vs non- involvement. The higher road is non-involvement but that's not practical on the same planet you live on.
  8. What's wrong with solipsism? Did solipsism hurt you?
  9. Interestingly if you continue with this line of thinking it goes full circle and becomes completely meaningless. If you say "right & wrong don't exist" than believing they do, isn't wrong. It becomes a paradox. Or am I tripping?
  10. @Princess Arabia Good point, and if you don't have a self, then I don't either. Something exists but without individual selves sounds alot like solipsism to me. 🤯
  11. The sitting president of the US is considered by many as the worlds most powerful person. That's what they mean by that.
  12. No offense, but what did this even mean? I know you are honestly trying to discuss issues but I just can't see a comment like this as anything but word salad. What does feminism have anything to with fiat money being a scam? Other than it being a set of beliefs or something? (Again not sure what you are trying to say).
  13. Alot of things are childish but some things are less so. Discerning between the two is maturity.
  14. Read/listen to Leo's highly recommended book "Conversations with God"