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Posts posted by TheGod

  1. 5 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

    A lot of psychedelics, but little taste of the Ultimate. Because if not you wouldn´t be writing those words....



    5 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

    There is just empty blissful freedom. Which blows out the water anything that you have tasted in life. All that you know about life including psychedelics is identification, not true You.

    Go do 5MeO-DMT at least 10 times, reach the level I'm talking about and come back to have a conversation with me here.

    For now, you have no idea what God is. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Lyubov said:

    I don’t really know how to start a conversation with a woman in a loud club setting. It’s easier for me in a setting outside a club. A bar or in the beach is easier. In a loud club where there’s a ton of girls and guys acting bold, I’m just lost. I sort of want to learn and have no limits when and where I interact with women. 

    To be honest I prefer day game as well. I started my approaches in clubs, but now I can clearly see it doesn't fit my personality. Drank girls are very annoying, especially if I'm the only sober person on a dance floor. 

    But it's easier to have sex from night game and it's much faster to start kissing or making out with a girl. I saw some guys doing it within minutes. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

    God is not dreaming in the sense of a subject doing things, but the inevitable fact of the absence of limits causes the appearance of everything that appears. The great mind, the infinite intelligence, is the perfect coordination of the infinites cycles of the cosmos, which is a cycle in itself.

    God cannot be only void because it would be limited to the void, and there can be no limits. God does not decide to be, it is. it is unavoidable

    u should stop mental masturbation and start doing psychedelics

  4. 2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    It's a very tricky question because the future IS a dream. And you are asking about the future.


    Now is a dream as well, isn't it? 

    2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    In general I would say that it is God's nature to dream forever

    It's very intelligent because there is nothing else to do

    2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    However it's also possible to take pauses in dreaming and rest in pure Infinity/Nothingness.

    Is that what I'm doing when I imagine going to sleep at nigh? Night dreams seem to be even more immersive than this one. There is no time in them, pure action, drama and emotions :D

  5. Will there ever be a point in my experience where I will actually stop dreaming? 

    I'm dreaming constantly without stopping. I had an experience on 5MeO-DMT where I fully woke up and then decided to go back giving away my power. I don't remember 99% of that trip. But I clearly remember I realized my immortality, my pure goodness and that nothing bad has ever happened (but if you ask me to explain on that I won't be able to, because I don't remember shit). I also remember that I was shocked with the fact that I'm the actual fucking God. But the thing that freaked me out the most is the paradox of things happening but not actually happening. I was counscious of myself appearing and re-appearing as some form or an object, but at the same time I was aware that nothing was happening. 

  6. 1 hour ago, joeyi99 said:

    @TheGod So your only goal is to just overcome the fear of approaching? 

    For now, I have 2 goals: overcome fear & destroy my unrealistic expectations towards women (idealization). I feel less fear with every approach, as well first scratches on my rosy glasses that I'd been using to look at women have appeared.

    After I approach a 1000 girls I'll change my goals.

    I'm not in a rush, 

  7. 6 hours ago, BlessedLion said:

    Honestly man, you’re in the wrong place. Toronto has a very anti male culture and it’s hard to be a masculine man there. Most Canadian women I meet are just not that attractive and very out of touch with what it means to be sexy. This is why you feel that way. It’s because they are NOT Godesses. The toxic feminist of that culture have stripped that from them and those women are not in tune with their sexual power or how to make a man feel like a man. 

    Currently I’m in Brazil. A very rich feminine culture where sexuality is something of pride and even the fattest women can be sexy with just how confident they are. But most of them aren’t fat. They take care of their bodies, know what it means to be feminine and naturally make you feel like a more masculine man. 

    This isn’t a stupid spiral dynamics debate and it’s not an issue of development. These women are naturally just sexier and more feminine because their culture encourages it, and yes, they are Godesses here. Actual Godesses. I’m in constant awe of this place and even reluctantly talking about it because I don’t want a bunch of men coming here fucking it up


    Bro we are definitely on the same page about this issue! My ex was from Rio! 

    I can't compare Latin women to European or Canadian women, they are on a different level! I actually miss the time when I worked on cruise ships in San Paulo. I met so many beautiful women. Thanks God, there are some Latin girls here, in Toronto. When I talk to them it’s not a feministic nonsense. On the other hand, they are not trying to please men easier. It’s a perfect balance. I could write a book about different it is to flirt with Latin women in Spanish.

    I’m planning to move to Latin America at some point in my life. Not only for the girls, I like their night life it kinda suits my personality. The only reason why I’m here in Canada is because of the war in my home country.   

    Spiral dynamics mambo-jambo is irrelevant here. People who want to be at the ultimate stage don't even need women, because it's a distraction.

  8. 4 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

    In 50 approaches you cracked what woman actually is im curious what are they?


    Not really, I realized that they are not what I thought they were. I had stupid, naive and idealizing ideas. On the other hand, I still lack a significant experience. But “the perfect girlfriend” was a part of my imagination.

    4 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

    Interesting to see that guys who cant offer nothing to a woman will say, that woman cant bring no value to a man.


    This one is hard. To be honest I think that different women need different things from men and vice versa. Value is a subjective therm. 

  9. 14 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:

    Women are humans just like men. There's no secret about women other than what your mind comes up with. The only thing in my observation is that women don't prefer someone who isn't too friendly with their general interests. If you want to please them you have to make them feel interested in what you do or be interested in what they are doing in their lives. In short be their friend. But don't get friendzoned. Always know when to detach. Women like an air of mystery around men. So if you get too promotional about yourself, it can be a turn off,lile a used car salesman vibe that turns off a lot of high quality women. Be the mysterious guy who isn't too invasive. 

    Sorry bro but I don't understand why you're giving me a pick-up advice when the topic isn't about it. I didn't ask about what women prefer or how should I behave myself around them. 

    Anyways, thanks for the advice :x

  10. I moved to Toronto a few weeks ago in order to work on my game. I’ve approached just around 50+ girls by now (90%-day game) and I can clearly see why approaching is important. Everyone has their own reasons for doing the game some of them are very immature and toxic (lay count) and some of them are wise (developing social skills). My reason was mainly to get rid of the fear. Today after approaching another girl and asking her what were her top 5 values (she said she never thought about it and then she said she didn’t have any specific value) I became aware why I had such a big fear. It’s because all this time I’d been deluded by my own imagination. When I was a teenage, I had created an image of what is women without actually talking to women (I was very shy and anxious kid).

     Now at the age of 27 the illusion cracked and I begin to see women for who they actually are. To be honest I’m very disappointed with a value of women I have approached (although they looked hot). I know it sounds funny, but deep down I used to think of them as though they were goddess, beings with a higher value than regular guy. I realized that the perfect girl that I had been chasing all this time actually is a fantasy.

    On the other hand, I’m happy because now I know that women won’t add any crucial value or meaning to my life. I’m responsible for making my life meaningful. Real happiness doesn’t depend on having or not having a girlfriend, unfortunately to my falls beliefs and ideas. I know some guys who keep idealizing and worshiping women and the other half demonizes them thinking that women are evil materialistic cold bitches. None of these guys are correct. They are trapped in their minds that play them.

    Nevertheless, I won’t stop approaching women, until the fear of approaching is completely gone.

  11. 1 hour ago, Dauntment said:

    Good luck with whatever journey youre setting but I always think the "numbers" game is absurd. I came across a reddit post. I even went to find it for you about a similar conquest. In my opinion, if you're needing to approach 1000 f**king women for (meaningful) "results", you are SERIOUSLY doing something wrong. I would say "Quality not quantity". 


    You can't talk about quality before approaching at least 1000 women. It doesn't matter how many pick-up advice you read, watch youtube videos about it. What matters is direct experience in the field. With experience comes expertise. You've got to find your authentic style and it takes lots of practice. After you've approached a 1000 now we can talk about quality and change the aim of approaching. 


    1 hour ago, Dauntment said:

    But if/since you ARE going to playing some numbers game, I'd at least emphasize Diversity in your quest. Various ages, different cultures & regions, all ethnicities etc. so that way you have a much more RICH pool of experience rather than "knocking 200-300 approaches at your nearest mall/plaza" kinda thing

    I won't comment on this because it's too obvious 

  12. 1 hour ago, Lyubov said:

    I think keeping low expectations is always good

    Women and expectations are two words that can't be used in one sentence ;D It's seems to be that women don't know what to expect even from themselves. 


    1 hour ago, Lyubov said:

    Also look at why you create fear talking to girls. You choose to create that fear. Why? What do you believe here about talking to women? 

    Childhood issues, but I'm working on them and very soon will transform myself in the domain of dating. 

  13. I finally grasped how to feel more at ease when approaching women. The key here is understanding that chances to get laid if you are a newbie are very small. Which is why approaching someone just because you want to have sex is a low-quality reason. 
    For myself, the main reason why I need to approach women is one - get rid of the fear. I was bullied in school so from childhood I had self-esteem issues. I used to put women on pedestal (I was raised by my mother and grandmother). I tried to lie to myself saying that I don’t need to approach women making a lot of excuses, but recently I really realized all of my bullshit. I have to approach women. I need to start seeing them for who they are otherwise I’ll be one of those guys in their 50s standing at the bar with a bottle of beer looking at women but too afraid to approach. 
    Lay count is nonsense and people who show off with the amount of the girls they have slept with derive their sens of self worth from it. Deep down they still weak, baby men. 
    For me what’s important is the approach number. As long as I have  balls to approach a women it’s a win. It’s irrelevant how she reacts. 
    My plan is to approach a thousand women by the age of 30 (I’m 27). Even if I don’t get laid it’s not important. If I want to get laid 100% I’d go to a prostitute or watch porn. 
    I want to make my weakness into my greatest expertise. 

  14. I reached the point where I don't understand what God is. I used to think I understand but now I'm very very puzzled with it. 

    I did 50+ trips on mushrooms for the last 4 years, around 20+ DMT and 15+ 5MeODMT trips. I used to have only good trips before I started doing 5MeODMT. Sometimes I'm tripping and I feel great that I'm God but recently I've been having a plenty of bad trips where I have a lot of fear and negativity. 

    My question is, should I trust bad trips or good trips? Also, I never tried 5MeOMalt so I might be missing out on some important aspect. On the other hand, even if I tried 5MeOMalt how can I trust the experience? I'm sure that in 50 years I will imagine new psychedelics that will be as powerfull as 5MeO or even more powerful. I have a theory that I can't be understood completely as God

  15. 2 hours ago, OBEler said:

    Girls nowadays rarely have a really good and healthy body thanks to the fastfood industry and feminism teaching to accept your fat body.

    What a time to be alive.

    No only that! They also don't know how to have a wild and hot sex. Neither do they know how to stay sexy during the sex. I remember I had sex with a girl and the way she stand in the back position turned me off. She was like old lady picking up some veggies at the store.