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Everything posted by Martin123

  1. Enlightenment doesn't fix all your neuroses. It's just a realization. That's why it can be attained at any time. But you can still be a jerk, bad with relationships, terrible at this and that. The only thing you gain is "detachment" from those issues. Which alleviates the emotional suffering. But the issues stay the same. Your "human avatar" (I think that Leo used this term, I like it) - your ego, stay the same. The only difference is that you no longer identify yourself as the ego.
  2. @kurt But don't hesitate to criticize the person who seems to be the king of skeptics, has thousands of meditation hours under his belt, with different psychadelic experiences, and apparently someone who's done lots of research. But heyy why stop there, also start calling people who disagree with you names.
  3. @kurt And you sure are mister ultraspiritual, mega-enlightenment pro, compassion spreading and love realizing NINJA.
  4. @kurt I understand that, I do. To me there are 2 levels to existence. 1. The level where you project, you make assumptions and you conceptualize, and live in concepts. 2. You are. You observe. You enjoy all as it is, you do not manipulate. TRUe BEING These 2 are not at conflict. You are describing the first level, the second level however is the essence of the sage. It is the essence of all, you cannot undo being. But does it not allow to talk in concepts? On the contrary. It becomes obvious to you that "level 2" is literally impossible to communicate. You can only communicate level 2 through level 1, but never illustrate its full essence. (If you have bit of an imagination, someone who lives in 3D reality cannot communicate what depth is to someone in 2D reality, in one of my fun processes I imagine enlightenment being the 4D, undescribeable from 3D). Character traits of sage - What is that? Language Concept Idea Imagination Memory - all within the first level Is it necessary to have this concept in becoming a sage-like character? Probably not. Is it possible to have them and still become a sage? Why not? It does not disturb the second paradigm. Of course when you're unaware of this mechanism, you become a slave to your concepts, thoughts and ideas. But I think We should not underestimate Leo by saying he's unaware of his ideas of being a sage.
  5. @kurt Umm just to clarify what you're saying. Every goal you create for yourself is a projection - we can agree on that. What the fuck is un-sage like, ironic and hilarious about that? Are sages not allowed to have projections? GOod lord, you can't survive without projections. edit: If you stop the car when there's a red light, that is you projecting onto reality. I feel like many people get this notion of: OMG MUST NOT PROJECT AAAAAAA Like what the fuck no, same with thought and meditation =D. Meditation is to observe your thoughts, not "STOP THOUGHT" Becoming aware of projections serves as a tool of becoming aware how we distort reality in ways that don't serve us at all. Nothing wrong with projection in essence.
  6. The whole concept of free will just doesn't make sense. The whole philosophical debate, determinism vs. free will, I literally don't understand how those often intelligent and educated people be talking about it. It is a complete NONSENSE. They're just words holy shit. When I say "I have free will, and everything is predetermined", it is not a contradiction. They don't exclude each other. The concept of free will and determinism are completely outside of reality. They are just random thoughts. Not different from thoughts about sex, weather and food.
  7. @Costa7 What do you wanna get out of them?
  8. @Costa7 Every book serves a specific purpose. Self-help books are good for mastering certain areas of life. History books are great if you wanna gain some history knowledge. Fictional books are great if you find the artistic side and imagination side of literature fascinating. Books about meditation help you understand and develop yourself in meditation. Use books for the purposes you need. It's kinda nobrainer =D. now beletry vs self-help? Read biographies, combines both. :-)
  9. @Callum Milner I aint no Leo. BUt I will answer anyway. What you need is a selective focus. Mastery in terms of your purpose is one area of your life. One puzzle piece of the big-picture. If you by "personal development" mean consciousness work, then it is almost necessary. Consciousness work enhances your direct experience, increases your efficiency, and makes every-day and mundane activities enjoyable and effortless. Relationships increase your sense of companionship and safety. A great woman supporting you is going to result in having more energy for your life-purpose mastery. Aim for the big picture - which will take longer, but the journey is more fun, and the end result is waay beyond just mastery of one field. You don't want to become a chess world-champion with neurotic relationships, sense of meaninglessness in life, social anxiety and with no money skills. edit: in terms of knowhow There will be times where you will have to put purpose aside to fix your neurotic mind, or work on relationships, or study money psychology. Create a big picture in your head for your life, decide what's necessary for the vision to come true, and then distribute the work that needs to be done!
  10. @John Flores How do you know with such certainty?
  11. @Leo Gura Would you please lock this topic. I created this topic as a joke for fellow people who are familiar with Naruto, it got kinda obnoxious.
  12. @smd Rali is far from enlightened imo. Where did you get that?
  13. @Leo Gura yeh that's for sure. I see flow as the first steping stone into a better life.
  14. Flow state The mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by complete absorption in what one does. As we go about our days, we are unable to sustain a "flow" in our minds. We get distracted by obsessive thoughts and emotions, sidetracked from the "flow of life". After spiritual purificaiton As the majority of the distracting thoughts (mostly self-referential) dissolves, the flow state will be the default state of mind. Now this comes from personal experience and hypothesis. I suddenly got into flow for like 40hours straight, and then more purification took place, which is still continuing. I have not achieved flow for longer than 40hours. Do you think this hypothesis is valid?
  15. @Frogfucius Bbbbut duuude duuuude duuuuuuuude!! We have to bring Sasuke back to the Leaf village. Because he's our friend And we can't do that without sage mode. We are nobody without Sasuke Why you ruin dis.. :////
  16. I just realized through this topic how fucking beautiful this forum is. You'd have to pay big bucks to get this kind of advice from a professional. Leo gives you such beautiful freebies. It never hit me how generous Leo is... as weird as it sounds Thanks @Leo Gura! You da real MVP <3 @Toshko Travel fosho! The thing with helping people... Is it the exact quote? Idk, doesn't matter "Gandhi! Gandhi! What is your message? My life is my message." The impact you have on people around you is often times indirect. I experienced this with my family. I never really tried to help them, but as I transformed, they started noticing things, and actually quite turned themselves around. Like srsly my dad started meditating, thats fucking beautiful lol =D. If you live your life consciously and with passion, people can see it. They can see the light in your eyes. They can see the love for life in your body-language, in the way you speak, in the way you describe things, in the way you approach problems. And that itself is inspiring. This is a real contribution! :-)
  17. @AlwaysBeNice Yeah the child thing crossed my mind. Although I have a very shitty reference point I was conditioned very early in my childhood.
  18. Just sayin... shouldn't the ideal be less wishing for more Leo's content, less whinning and mental masturbation on this forum (Yee... Im guilty), and more action in real life? is an anchor, not your mom.
  19. Lol text this to RSD Tyler. He will drive your van and do enlightened 3somes!
  20. @Kserkkj Of course it's conceptualizing. You don't get it. The thought of the 4th dimension being reachable is intriguing. Why not talk about that. If you're not interested in cocepts that's fine. But ffs you people stop spaming "bro enlightenment can only be realiiizeeed, ur just thinkiingg, egoo beaaahj, infiniiiiteeeee, fuck conceeepts." like no. Go spam that shit into more awareness based threads, this is pure mind, ego, thought, maya and conceptualization. Bye.
  21. Given the assumption that time is only how we perceive the 4th dimension within which our 3D reality exists. Wouldn't enlightenment then be explained by realizing the limitation of the 3rd dimension, and moving your consciousness into the reality of the 4th dimension? (Your stored information within your consciousness would basically overflow the capacity of the 3rd dimension and would move into 4th). And he swore by him who lives to the eternity of eternities, him who created Heaven and that which is in it, and The Earth, and that which is in it: “Time shall be no more.”
  22. @AlwaysBeNice I had the need to bark and sniff objects once
  23. @Snick You sure? You sure that is not just your ego trying to make you feel special? There is nothing to be fixed about society. (not saying you shouldnt strive to make your contribution, but from a place if "We shall change the bad bad bad people in the world" it is compulsive and unnecesarily suffering generating and inefficient.