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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. Thank you for taking pity on my "1 reply" 😂 Dw nutrition is probably simpler than psychoanalysis, it's more about memory. Health care professions are above all a question of memory in general. Yes exactly, i have read a certain number of articles on psychoanalysis and excerpts from reference psychoanalysts here and there. Freud, Lacan, Richard Abibon, and a bit of Jung.
  2. That's just obvious lol. Or i didn't understand something.
  3. She's ok, if one likes the style. I meant a similarity in some specific expressions. It just crossed my mind, nevermind. I teased ahah.
  4. You are just afraid of rejection. Women are objects, just like men; You go to each other to enjoy different things.
  5. In spirituality maybe, but in everyday life there are non-traumatized and functioning people everywhere.
  6. @Sugarcoat It's Emerald, i find she looks a bit like you in some expressions, especially the smile. But don't become vegan and jungian please
  7. Eheh I totally see what you mean. Some stimulants for the attention of the mind actually numb the mind and it makes one seem stupid, or in any case very uncreative or "thinking outside the box"
  8. Day 11 Franck Lopvet is one of my main "mentors" (in spite of himself) on my path both intellectual and spiritual, he is someone who has made self-exploration, self-awareness his battle path and he is the one from whom I hold the principle of the mirror effect. Everything that we perceive in the universe, and automatically in others, is projection; It is not 70%, 90%, 99.9%, but the totality of what is perceived at each moment, for the simple reason that it is not possible to observe anything outside of our energetic structure. To put it simply, remaining "physicalist", in the relative, the reason why you are able to experience the color red is that you have neurological patterns attributed to this color, the reason why you are able to experience jealousy is that you have patterns constituting jealousy, the reason why you are able to experience manipulation is, once again, that you possess these patterns, etc. As Neville Goddard would say (in another context and same paradigm), mental discourse is the conscious part and maya is the unconscious part; Nature does not make useless things, what needs to be clarified (=made conscious) is what is subject to doubt (=what is not experienced), and what is actually integrated as true, what really wants to be true is what is projected on the maya (sometimes strangely quickly propelled towards you if necessary by synchronicities, if you believe in this kind of thing). As Franck would say, humans are like paradoxical soap bubbles which, by "sticking" together, form a common border representing an emotion, a frequency; If I am lazy, I will automatically end up hanging around too much on my computer, hanging around too much on actualize lol, and coming across many people who do the same thing. If it is accepted that I am lazy, if it is not a subject, then there is no reason for neurological patterns associated with the perception of laziness to be activated, but in the opposite case then I will project the affect, the emotion perceived on the basis of the representation of this concept, that is to say for example (self)aggression, and I will start to say sentences like: "You are really lazy, you have to move your fingers off your ass because otherwise x will happen to you". This statement is not false and refutations are generally a way for the other to protect themselves against your accusation, or even to humiliate you (as in "humility") a little by tacitly exposing on your projection, and it is never completely true either because we can never completely grasp the situation of the other, but it is a message from the conscious ("masculine", one could say) you to your unconscious you; This is why men manifest more wealth and power in general than women, it is not very feminist to say but it is the truth, because men identify more with their conscious, with the divine which drives rather than with what is driven. As Owen Cook would say, men bring women back to God. Women talk more and lie more (either directly or by omission) because they have more ego, they do not want to be hurt nor hurt (unconsciously to not be hut actually); As the one who inspired me to write this journal would say, women are often in conflict between their social constitution and their reptilian brain, what they desire. I think that this is also the case for men, except that once again men are more identified with their conscious and in denial of their unconscious including the emotional process which is basically the intermediary between the two worlds; So men can find themselves continually experiencing "wanting" without experiencing "having" it because that would be being in the emotional, even if it is "masculine" emotional (=predation), while women who have a more accepted emotional world (even if it is more "victim", most of the time) are more likely to give in, hence the fact that most divorces are committed by women. When you understand that the precise reason why, instead of doing anything else, a person preferred to end up on actualized, on the "dating" or "politics" sub-forum and write texts is that their brain is just excited by it, that is to say that it recognizes itself, then you understand that what is closest to the truth is the one that is not said and that everyone is only trying to persuade themselves of what they think must be the truth; If this is really what must happen then the emotional world will agree to manifest the evidence of this new truth. For example, it may be that a woman (they are generally women, for the reasons I have cited) wants (well, her "higher self" we could say) to be cuddled and loved by a man, but that she is at the same time too attached to her world of victim. So she will declare something like: "I don't need a man, because men are x or y, I'm very good with my cats, who are you to say who I need! Blahblahblah, it's society that says that..." So the woman will be able to continue to chronically see herself as a victim, keep her limiting beliefs in general, by diverting her desire into aggression, by transferring it onto others. Either take a "masculine" position, that is to say, projection of the emotional onto the other ("No, don't worry, you'll find someone great, you're a nice woman, blahblahblah"), or take a feminine position and projection of the masculine, rational part, and therefore expression of the denial that takes place without the emotional, desire transformed into aggression (What are you saying! I don't need a man!) Women don't like to have power, to use their "animus" as Jung would say, hence the anger. Franki's only video in English, it's a bit old but still as good :
  9. Good ty. Even if i "cheated" and did 4 sessions of 30 minutes lol.
  10. This is an English peculiarity, I always make the mistake of writing it in lower case unless I use Google Translate since the software understands this rule. ich is lowercase except for the first letter if it's at the beginning of the sentence. Nevermind i teased. Oh ok. These don't seem to be particularly "mind-numbing" games. Yes. Have you used medication?
  11. It makes no sense to talk about AI programmers because value is purely subjective, especially when you are a man. You have to build a life that pleases you.
  12. I was kidding.
  13. Day 10 When you are a child, young in general, your neuroplasticity is very high because you seriously need to assimilate as much information as possible to build survival strategies. Then, after adolescence, as you get older, neuroplasticity decreases significantly to make the performance of default mode tasks more efficient; this is why you become much more patient as you get older, the brain does not seek as much information, in fact it can even get used to seeking dangerously little. This is what happens to some traumatized people, neurotics in general, who start to suffer from senility or even who have suffered brain damage; they become particularly slow and repetitive and actually push away new experiences, they will spend a lot of time in front of the TV watching the same things, playing the same games, cooking and eating the same things, etc. Once again i blame Leo for being content to play his "super serious" persona and never trying to theorize maturity; Why do people become mature or on the contrary seem to maintain a childish behavior. So i asked myself the question and contemplated a little on what sometimes prevented me from reacting in a rational, calm way, with the objective somewhere of guaranteeing my long-term goals, and reciprocally pushed me to react in a "deliquescent" and therefore ultimately rather destructive way. I came to the conclusion that the part of me that pushed me to deliquescence was the one that refused, certainly a residual phenomenon of my oedipus complex, to take the father's (=powerful) place. To put it simply, when you are a child, you are, "your mother's wife", your mother's substitute phallus. From this position a feeling of libidinal omnipotence (and enjoyment) will be able to be expressed. However, with maturation the libido will become sexualized and you will come up against the impossibility of sexual relations with the mother (= integration of the prohibition of incest) and competition with the father. The father will therefore "castrate" you from this omnipotence, to fill the gap and find the power in question, you will have to capitulate the idea of being the center of the "absolute" world and rather conceive of yourself as the center of the "relative" world; In other words, rather than seeking to be powerful by being the cog of a higher force of unconstitutional love, you will rather find (and anyway be pushed by your male nervous system) enjoyment by playing on the contrary the "master", the pillar of energetic phenomena more fragile than you (women, business, maintenance of a big car... having a newspaper?). To be the one who has the phallus rather than the one who is the phallus. This is why, for example, women mainly seek to add things to themselves (long hair, long and colored nails, dresses, red lipstick, suspenders) while men will rather physically castrate themselves (go to the gym to be thin, shave their head or have a haircut, dress in black at least with simple clothes), because associating the phallus (the "more") with the identity directly associated with the subject would imply seeking to be a bigger substitute phallus, a substitute phallus for someone else; This is precisely what men do not want, men want to have power and therefore have power and therefore, once again, the anchoring, the center of gravity, etc. To seek too much, voluntarily, to have the insignia of the phallus tacitly means that one does not work for oneself, hence the cliché of pseudo-virilist repressed homosexuals. Everyone is more or less neurotic, that is to say in cognitive dissonance having been separated by the oedipus complex from the feeling of omnipotence. If the confrontation with the complex went badly, for example because of a bad relationship with the father or the father's substitutes (and this is certainly the case for most men today unfortunately), the personality may not succeed in identifying with the father, with the phallus, where however our libido expresses itself best and is normally the strategy automatically chosen with an equal system of limiting beliefs (superego), and curl up in a so-called neurotic functioning where the libido can continue to express itself in a regressive manner. This is manifested by a so-called split behavior, articulated around the avoidance of the phallic position. A "basic" part (which would explain why the vast majority of BDSM followers are essentially masochists lol, this time it's Freud; He who refuses to be phallic, including and especially women of course, also automatically unconsciously refuses through narcissism to dominate inferior subjects, and prefers even if it is less intuitive and satisfying to be a (submissive) cog of more phallic entities) which is passive and repetitive, and another "explosive" part, which "releases excrement" reacting to the injunction to adopt phallic behavior, because of the ingrained fear of adopting phallic behavior (serious, ingrained, reliable...). So when we understand this, we understand that making men more mature essentially consists of making them understand that there is no advantage to functioning in a regressive manner, that it is an illusion due to cognitive dissonance, and that it is much more enjoyable, much more profitable to function in a phallic manner in any context (varies according to the people and their belief system).
  14. Everything is polarized, it all depends on whether you prefer to look at the "positive" part or the "negative" part.
  15. It's the mirror effect; The reason that pushed you, unconsciously excited to respond to this topic by talking about him like that is that you recognized a part of yourself in denial. You can keep this duality on life support, and thus not confront the conscious or unconscious limiting beliefs that make your life what it is, from the way you manage your hygiene or work to your sexual fantasies through your favorite foods; Everything is linked in the constitution of the persona, and even by extension, automatically, what is projected in the maya. Or you can choose to love Bryan, to stop judging him or people with a similar energy, and finally marry this energy; Identify with it. And ultimately you will change duality, the game will change.
  16. Ok, i see he means by that.
  17. Lol. It's a bit vulgar and all women are different, but i know a guy who is a seduction coach who said on his college telegram "Deep inside every woman, there is someone who wants to be fucked like a dog" 😂 Something like that.
  18. Yes, it was caused by legumes and milk, especially legumes. It's not "scientific" but i strongly believe that if a food is really bad for you for some reason your instincts will refuse it and you will feel that something is wrong when you eat it. The food will seem "heavy", "not very appetizing", "tiring to eat", something like that. Some will say that the human senses are too primitive to detect that Coca-Cola is inferior to a bowl of beans, but this is false; Coca-Cola is more digestible, will not produce intestinal inflammation, is not shielded with copper, actually contains a stimulant and anti-estrogenic compound (caffeine), and other possible reasons that in a certain context would make it more favorable for the metabolism and the body in general than these beans. And me i realize that everyone here uses google translate all the time since there is a bug that automatically transforms lowercase i into uppercase lol Jk. I don't know if i have ADHD but i have lost attention since i was a child because of the computer and even worse because of music and youtube shorts. Luckily I'm not the worst. What are you playing? There are games that are probably good for cognition like Paradox Interactive games ; Strategy and management games in general. Yea stress inhibits the neo cortex. I also noticed in high school that sitting down and clearing my mind helped dissolve brain fog. Eating a lot was also my defense mechanism when i was in middle school when faced with stress and i didn't have brain fog yet, despite the intense stress here and there. 🤓
  19. Ahah. Because her energy matches you in some way.
  20. Day 10 Tomorrow i will have time, i will be able to write my topic quietly; I try to synthesizing a psychoanalytic explanation, rather Lacanian in inspiration even if i will automatically whip with what i found interesting from other psychoanalysts (Freud, Fromm ...), to masculinity and by extension to maturity in general. Leo has made videos, but it is never really theorized, most of his efforts are put into the creation of a particularly digestible and concrete message, it is like eating at a restaurant: The taste and the service are satisfactory, but it tells you nothing about what makes a good or bad dish, how it works ; That's not the same work. I had started learning electrical engineering, but it quickly becomes very heavy to not say boring even at a few hours a week, and even if i want to show off on how intelligent and curious i am to be interested in this lol i don't want a priori to become an electrician either; So i returned to my usual passions, i also got back into meditation, today I will do 2 hours, that's the goal. In terms of sports, i have started to work out a little more intensely, with a session every 2 days instead of every 3. I also plan to try English boxing for at least a few weeks next fall, and possibly continue; I was advised to try sambo, so that is also a possibility. I like the completeness of this type of sport, it requires and develops discipline, courage, and the taming of violence; It is also and above all an art form, but it is physical.
  21. Lol you must be his biggest fan at this point.
  22. Neville Goddard and Franck Lopvet.
  23. I didn't know you are also into curry foids lol.
  24. What is the purpose of this topic?