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Everything posted by Schizophonia

  1. It was easily to see that he is right-wing.
  2. No, Trump is a very different persona from Hitler.
  3. You need to manifest Trump's victory to be able to keep your persona.
  4. It’s only some hundreds of thousands of votes, RK and the random of the libertarian party « stole » twice from trump.
  5. I don't know who should win, or even who I should make win.
  6. @Davino I have the inner conviction that this election is macro reproduction of what's happen in micro in my mind, in fractal model.
  7. Lol, it is a Reddit pol ? 😂
  8. Nothing happens. I think i felt something but it was probably nacebo effect.
  9. The only time i tried an opioid i vomited mu gut lol. Never again.
  10. Of course.
  11. @Sugarcoat Speaking of buttock, i will plug 5/10mg of 5 Meo in several dozens of minutes. I think i will increase the dose a little each day.
  12. You do your own gingerbread ? 🤔 Mea culpa, i'm just proud of my fish 😉 I'm not going to slide too much here yes dw.
  13. Yet, the salvia visuals/delusions seem mocking, goofy, quite aggressive. Not as "round" and "organic" as mushrooms. 4 HO MET is a mushroom derivative, and yet to me the vibe is generally sexual, perverse, sensual, twisted, clownish, carnivalesque. No no dw. Ive seen here and there it was even worst than 5 MeO DMT, which is already very hard for me for some reasons. LSD is my favorite psychedelic, i can go very far and it always feels "good", maybe because of dopamine agonism idk.
  14. Jokes asides, i googled and it looks a bit like gingerbread, in term of composition.
  15. Nice, fattier buttock for wily.
  16. Yea, i meant the internal visuals. A friend tried Salvia a bit and compared it to a cold and unpleasant mix of mushroom and a dissociative.
  17. And your blodpudding Ahah, maybe. The most tendentious private joke on this forum.
  18. I was severely insomniac for 2 years, until 4 sleepless nights on a week ; Not sleeping is an absolute nightmare.
  19. Cool for you. How did you meet him ? 🤔
  20. It curiously looks like most of my 4 ho met trips.
  21. Each time i watch a video from India it feels like most people suffer from hypothyroidism. They looks lazy, dirty, unhappy in general and they tends to be skinny fat.