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Everything posted by Pheonix

  1. Leo I think your most probably right about everything your saying on this matter and I only say that because you have been right about literally EVERYTHING you have ever spoken of. I’ve watched every single one of your videos and you are spot on your content is fucking amazing so please don’t think for a moment that I’m am not an avid fan. But this is a forum and forums are for conversations and this approach your taking on here isn’t helpful one bit because you know more than anyone here that words won’t suffice to communicate these topics. When you finally talk about this in video format I am without a doubt it will make so much sense, you have an incredible gift for communicating ideas on that medium. I love you Leo and I hope your all good man, I can’t wait for more content from you and by the way your life purpose course is an absolute masterpiece it changed my life <3 x
  2. This is basically it in a nutshell Leo. To be honest you may as well just shut down this entire subsection of the forum or stop posting here and just communicate this to people on the blog because your not teaching anything on this sub forum anymore. The rest of your advice is amazing and on point but your damaging your credibility and losing followers/customers with your communications on this topic now.
  3. I have done a lot of time contemplating the nature of reality and yes I absolutely believe what Leo says is accurate about the nature of reality which is why I so closely follow his work. I haven’t had any direct experience of it but conceptually it makes perfect sense to me.
  4. CBT can be incredibly helpful if your thinking tends towards the negative (pretty much all of us!) If your interested in the subject then give it a go you have nothing to lose!! It has been shown to be as effective as medication for the treatment of depression so it is powerful stuff. It can be done solo there is a lot of literature on the subject but if you have the money you really can’t beat being guided through the process by a trained professional, CBT can be completed in as little as 6 sessions so it can be relatively inexpensive, in fact in the UK it can be gotten for free on the NHS if you speak to a doctor! Obviously that won’t be the case for all countries but there are many website nowadays where you can do video talk therapy which is just as good as face to face! good luck!
  5. Although socialisation does tend to compromise values, we are social creatures at heart and social skills can also be critical if you are to thrive professionally. One of the most powerful ways to develop yourself is to develop your social skills it’s important to find a balance between inner and outer work. Socialisation does make you stupid for sure but it also can make you happy if done right remember Leo also talks about finding balance, be wary of tipping the scales to far in one direction.
  6. Why would you assume that I know nothing of spirituality? I’m a follower of Leo’s work just like you. You think being a mental health professional makes me a scientist? What gives you that idea? Psychedelics used responsibly under the direction of a physician for a therapeutic benefit is not the same in anyway as chasing states of “insanity”, this needs to be understood.
  7. Thank you for your detailed and thoughtful response. I must admit in retrospect I wasn’t very careful with my words, I didn’t intend a blanket statement of all forum users rather it was aimed at the significant proportion of users that clearly are unbalanced and at risk of a psychotic episode. Up until now I have only been an observer of this forum and please Leo if you read this do know that you have changed my life, I adore your work and I’ve followed your content for many years now. however recently there has been a lot of talk of insanity, alien consciousness and alien insanity and Leo seems to be drumming up excitement around these ideas. Leo is a veteran user of these substances and I assume that most people that read this forum are not. Even Leo has quoted in the past that he was awake at night suffering from multiple alien awakenings, how many people here are going to have the mental resilience to handle that without it negatively affecting there lives? there is nothing fun or to be gained from insanity, I’m a mental health professional and I see people frequently that have been triggered by recreational drugs into psychotic episode and yes this includes psychedelic use. again I apologise if I offended anyone here it’s just if even one person here ruins there whole life by triggering a latent mental illness and that could be avoided then surely any offence caused pales in comparison in severity to the life that’s been ruined.
  8. Strawman you? People on this forum follow your word to the letter. The advice you give to one person that you assume ‘they need’ will be embodied and followed by everyone else on this forum whether you direct it to them or not. You have responsibility as a leader to be wary of the advice that you give, this is your platform.
  9. Absolutely terrible advice Leo. What if this guy has some kind of underlying mental health condition that they are not aware of? Psychedelic drugs should always be used with upmost caution and judging by the general demeanour of most people on this forum there seems to be a lot of people suffering from poor mental health with a potential for schizophrenia/bipolar that may be latent and that they are unaware of and seem to follow you blindly and could absolutely be triggered into an episode by following your dangerous advice regarding psychedelics.
  10. The older you get the less any women is going to want a ‘bad boy’. Stay authentic to yourself and build genuine self confidence, that’s how you will attract a real woman.