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Everything posted by Eyowey

  1. Female beauty is a drug so strong that it can addict you just by looking at it. It's wise to only look at female beauty while touching it. Otherwise it's torture.
  2. A girlfriend only cares about what she can get out of the relationship. If she enjoys giving affection and taking care of sad creatures then you can be vulnerable. You should already know if she's that type of girl or not.
  3. Something tells me he never masturbated.
  4. I can hear all the cats in the world yelling nooo! pork! tuna gift! special tuna gift! lol
  5. @mmKay I like that they don't talk to each other.
  6. I like the word perceptiveness more than consciousness. Health is the key to increasing your perceptiveness. But don't trust anyone to tell you what's healthy. Pay attention to what feels good and what feels pure. If something is easily accessible then it's likely not good for you.
  7. No wonder they were conquered. Instead of making armor they make weird stuff like this. It's cool though. I want one.
  8. If you want to be chased by 9's and 10's you have to have a celebrity vibe. Handsomeness is not enough in most cases. They will check you out but not chase. I'm very impressionable so I find it easy to copy what people are doing. I copied her vibe once and people seemed to be attracted to it but also afraid of it.
  9. I dreamed about being god recently and I jokingly told myself while I was dreaming ''okay lets go back to this sh*thole'' and then I woke up. God just likes to torture himself as a joke. After the torture is over he laughs about it.
  10. Switch to 100% raw diet without additives (fruits, nuts, eggs, meats) Throw away my headphones Be on my feet 6 hours a day Have my first reproductive orgasm Sell my first product Play new single player games for 365 hours Watch 365 new movies / episodes Listen to 3650 new songs Read 3650 new pages
  11. I'll put those on my read list. I like erotic comic books but I never read them. I rented one accidentally when I was ten.
  12. I think humans are immortal but they get poisoned to prevent humans from growing too old and wise. They need everyone to be dumb workers.
  13. It would be funny if there ends up being a pornstar who looks 100% like me. And he does all kinds of cringy stuff. I'd have to find him and Dexter him lol
  14. You have to enjoy the process of improving itself. It doesn't matter if it takes a billion years. Enjoy every atom sized improvement that you make.
  15. Being too thin is unattractive. I know a girl who used to be hot but now looks like a reanimated corpse. Guess which peacock she wants now but didn't want back then lol. How do you tell people to eat without being rude?
  16. A bit repetitive. Reminds me of a construction site.
  17. Run and throw banana peels to make him fall. Or pepper spray. I honestly wouldn't hesitate to poke someone's eyes out with my fingers. The middle of the body is the most sensitive. Eyes, nose, throat, balls.
  18. I didn't know that guitars could sound magical like this. I'm more interested in guitars now.
  19. It's creepy that people make pro masturbation ted talks while most males already masturbate. Do most males look like strong happy males? No. Muslim men often do look strong because they don't masturbate. They call orgasm petite mort in France for a reason. It means little death.
  20. You have the potential to become different from everyone else and better than everyone else. The problem is that there's literally no reason to do it except for the fun of it. Use fun as your compass.
  21. I used Twitter once to test how censorius it is and I stopped using it immediately. If you question the existence of satellites for example your tweet is made invisible to everyone except yourself. Absolutely insane. How to improve it? Let people say whatever they want and let the police simply do their job with arresting people who talk about illegal things.
  22. Imagine telling a caveman that he needs a vaccine to survive. It's ridiculous. People wanting to put their shady technology in my body can hang themselves. Feel free to inject yourself though whoever wants it. Love thy self.
  23. Speed up your development to make up for the lost time. You can do in one day what most people do in one year.
  24. Normalcy is what more than 50% of humans are doing. This can apply to earth, country, city, etc. Keep the things you love while searching for new treasures. Sometimes you have to sacrifice a good thing for a better thing.