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Posts posted by Jordan

  1. It has been a while since I took 5-meo dmt but thinking back on it I remember more that I didn’t mention before. I get a desire to stay perfectly still and that includes breathing very slowly. It feels incredibly good to stay as still as possible. Then it feels like you are dissolving but instead of pain it feels like love and relaxation as you turn into something more like a gas. You can’t feel your body or your breath but you remember that you could before just recently which makes you wonder if you are breathing or not. It is a bit scary not knowing if your body stopped breathing.

  2. 1 hour ago, r0ckyreed said:

    Be honest though. If you won free tickets to go travel Europe or go on a 10 day Vipassana retreat in Costa Rica, I bet you’d pick the travel through Europe. If you can make everything a meditation, then there is absolutely no point in sitting in one place for 10 days. It’s a complete waste of time. I meditated for 5 hours straight and it was a waste of time. I can be more happy walking outside and running and more connected to being than doing some monotonous activity like closing my eyes and focusing on my breath and chanting a mantra.

    If you can make everything a meditation then I would agree with you but most people including myself are unable to make everything a meditation. The monotonous meditation techniques are the easy mode where you learn without as many distractions. Then you can increase the difficulty. Especially when around other people it is much more difficult. In terms of a trap, I would say doing tons of seated meditation without learning to bring the mediation to the rest of your life would be the trap.

    To tell you the truth I have been replacing much of my sitting meditation time with walking in the park and doing the exercise from the “guided exercise to realizing you are god” video. Also I will contemplate asking questions such as: “Can I be fully at peace with everything as it is right now?” as I walk. I would still call that meditation because I am entering meditative states as I do that.

    Also yes, I would rather go to Europe since there are many new experiences I could have there and it would be more expensive if I had to pay myself. I could just go to Costa rica another time :D The costa rica trip is still very tempting though.

  3. Meditation is a term that covers both meditative states and meditative techniques. Meditative states are those states in which you are more calm and focused than usual. When you say you are meditating, you are doing a technique in order to have a higher chance of entering a meditative state. I think you can make a good argument that you can get many of the benefits without putting a lot of time into it. I haven't been meditating much recently but I would like to be more consistent because when I am it seems to allow me to enjoy my life much more. It helped me learn to really enjoy simple things at a level of blissfulness I would never have before when walking in the park or driving to work ext. It is like sharpening an axe before chopping wood. 

    You seem to think people can just go travel the world and be just as mindful whether or not they meditate. That doesn't seem to be the case for me. The difference between going a year without meditating and meditating daily for 3-4 months is quite obvious in my level of contentment and making wise choices, my understanding of situations overall.

  4. Everyone is only ever conscious of the present moment but they typically do believe that the past is real. Believing the past is real helps you understand what is happening now. What could happen that would allow someone to know with their direct experience that the past is real or not real? It seems there is no way to know it because they only are conscious of now. What would change in your life if the past was real vs the past never existing? If it is the same either way then maybe there is not much to be gained by believing one over the other. Develop your understanding without letting concepts like "the past is real" or "the past never existed" get in your way. If you do not know then realize you do not know and experience reality in different ways until you understand it coming from many perspectives. 

  5. When you simplify your ideas they can become black and white thinking. Reality is in shakes of grey so there will be many contradictions the more you explain your simplified worldview. 

    A worldview should be like a map that you use to navigate life. If you want to improve the map, you really should consider looking at what you are mapping more than what is on the map. Increase your consciousness of what life is directly. Not your model of it.

    Consider different worldviews, try living life through different lenses and see what leads to a good life. See what maps work in certain situations and will not work in others. Contemplate and test your theories in reality. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Tudo said:

    Yes, but my point is that when we act lovingly towards other people, we are often acting out of an egoic place. I want to know that I love people not because I am them, but because it's the right thing to do.

    That is actually a great desire you have to be loving because it is the right thing to do and not for egoic reasons. Consider contemplating what “the right thing to do” is directly in your experience. 

  7. 27 minutes ago, Ajay0 said:

    Morality is one of the tools you have to wake up from the dream. Ethical and moral conduct is associated with mental equanimity and higher states of consciousness in eastern religious philosophy, leading to enlightenment. The noble eight fold path in buddhism deals with moral actions such as right speech and right effort designed to attained enlightenment or wake up from the dream. 

    Rajini Menon is a recent enlightened sage who attained enlightenment through adherence to virtuous or moral conduct at all times. 

    Nihilism is a license for immoral conduct which can ensure that one is trapped in the nightmare at all times without a chance for waking up and getting relief. 

    I think following moral rules is good when you are at a low level of consciousness to improve your life but I am not sure that it help you increase your consciousness that effectively for most people. If you meditate, contemplate, and get life experience surround yourself with higher consciousness people, it becomes the obvious choice to act in ways that other people will view as moral. it isn't that you should follow moral rules strictly to avoid going to hell after death, it is just that you act in a moral way based on what you see will give you a life with as much bliss and satisfaction as possible.

  8. I recommend you do everything you can to find a job where you work with people that make you feel appreciated. Even if you work more hours than you do now, if you are appreciated and you are doing something you think matters, it will not drain your energy in the same way it does now. I never considered myself to have any mental health problems but there was a time where I was working as a laborer and I would get this emotion in my heart where I really felt like it was torture going to work every day without being fairly compensated or appreciated for the effort I put in. I tried starting my own business that did ok at first but I got lazy and felt the same about doing the parts of the business I found boring. After that I found a job where I am paid more now and they do make a point to take care of their employees here. That emotion has not come back in the 3 years I have been working here. Keep searching, you can find a way to make your life worth living.  

  9. I have had some insights into time. I have tried to explain it to friends of mine and they say they understand but I am a bit skeptical because they couldn't really repeat back to me what I meant. 

    I see time as more of a description of reality than something that actually exists. Change and movement happens and you use the story of time to conceive how quickly things are moving and changing. Yesterday is a story that helps you explain what is happening now but there is no time to observe. Nothing happened in the past. The experience now is constantly changing but it doesn't mean there is a separate thing called the past that exists as well where things happened. It all happened in the present. There is just the experience of now that changes but it doesn't change through time. Things like time can be imagined to help you make sense of what is going on now.

  10. 1. Mantra meditation

    2. Dropping concepts that are overlaying reality as you stare at your hand

    3. Contemplate the nature of happiness and satisfaction

    4.  Mindful driving, be aware of what flickers of possible future scenarios' show up in your mind's eye as you are driving. 

    5. Pay attention to people's body language and facial expressions and how they are feeling as you talk with them. 

  11. Ohh she says your mother hatched from an egg. I didn't hear it the first bunch of times I listened to it. I had to come back to it after an hour and listen again. I don't really like the slow hypnotic way she speaks. It is kind of sexy but annoying to wait 2 minutes to hear 3 sentences. As for Leo being a trap, at least for me it is a bit laughable. I consumed a ton of free valuable content. I received a much higher value than he has received from me.

  12. I just sat down for 1.5 hours dropping my attachment to thoughts and becoming my sensations. I realized that god is what makes up the current experience. The only thing that stays constant is not any of the content but the fact that the experience exists exactly as it is. Why is it made of god? The current experience is infinity condensing down to a limited form. I believe it is so that it can know what it is like to be this particular finite experience. Infinity is god because it is unlimited and all powerful. How can you know that infinity is condensing down? The finite experience is only existing as it is because it is not existing as every other possible way. Being is Existence. A limitless god is understanding what it like to have limits. What can you do with this realization? Continue being this finite experience and enjoy discovering how it unfolds. God's purpose for you is to be as you are and understand yourself as deeply as your limits allow. You are free to create your own purpose. That is also part of god's purpose for you.

  13. This video helped me conceptualize meditation in a different way. it is a bit long. After watching it I had more motivation to meditate more often and longer. I haven't watched it in a while so I hope it is as relevant as I think it is. Consistency is important and understanding/observing how your motivations work will help you keep consistent with a practice if it truly is important to you.

    I find it really helps to do several preparatory techniques before the actual meditation. I recently shared what I do when I meditate. I will link to it.

    I am not enlightened or anything but I have been meditating for around 9 years off and on. I usually meditate 2x per day around 30-60 minutes each time sometimes more on the weekend. More often than not I get into a calm blissful focused state. I never looked into how the different states are mapped by people with jhanas. I would rather just go take a look myself. I have been more getting into trying to meditate throughout my day by continuously accepting the moment exactly as it is or being aware of awareness. I also often contemplate the nature of satisfaction and happiness paying attention to how accepting everything as it is affects my emotions.  I recently bought an audio book Leo recommended recently here:

    You can listen to the first chapter for free. I plan to listen to it in the mornings while following along being as present as possible and try to maintain it as much as I can throughout the day.

    Not sure if anything here helps you but I wish you the best.

  14. 7 hours ago, Lucasxp64 said:

    So everyone knows: I've seen counter-recommendations against meditating on the physical heart. I don't remember where, but I'd look it up if anyone reading this is concerned.

    Ohh I focus on the sensation of the physical heart beating more than anything else haha. It really feels amazing when you are in certain states. If you remember where you heard that let me know and I might look into it. Right now I am not that concerned about it and I am pretty sure if it is something that has negative consequences for me I will be able to tell at some point. I just find it more enjoyable and interesting than focusing on breath sensations and it seems to give me more clarity of my emotions around my heart. I could use an internal mantra chant to keep track of time instead of counting heart beats and see if I notice any difference. 

    4 hours ago, Ayham said:

    Thanks for sharing

    This reminds me of a technique in Christian mysticsm I believe, where you choose any mantra, and chant each syllable with heartbeat, you do this for 20 minutes (vocalising the sound, even if very low so that only you hear it), and then your whole day will be meditation because the mantra will repeat naturally with your heartbeat whenever you are aware of it, so the mantra will be in your head all the time.

    For example: "om nama shivayah"

    You chant om, then na, then ma, then Shi, then va, then yah, each with a heartbeat 

    Or you can say any mantra from any tradition or religion 

    This is called "prayer of the heart"


    Ohh cool, I do chant the mantra in rhythm with my heart beat which I guess I didn't mention. Usually 2 beats for Baba, 2 beats for Nam as I breath in then kevalam in 3 beats then hold the mmmmmm one beat as I breath out for a total of 8 beats for inhale and exhale like a song.

  15. 1 hour ago, abrakamowse said:

    I did one a meditation technique shared by Leo and I become aware of many internal things happening in my body like I could feel the blood running through my veins and many other things.


    Maybe someone can become awakened after that, who knows? 

    Hello abrakamowse, was that meditation technique the one where he gets you to focus on the sensation of the inside of your mouth and push yourself out of your head to the sensations and stuff like that? It is pretty cool you can be aware of things you never noticed before. It seems most people that meditate a lot do not get enlightened but maybe it helps increase the chances a bit compared to doing whatever everyone else is doing.

    Even if it doesn't get me any closer to enlightenment, It helps me be more aware of my thoughts and emotions so I can analyze my behavior and make better decisions. I can also feel my senses and emotions much more clearly which really improves the quality of my day to day life. It is really enjoyable to sit in bliss for a couple hours a day and leaves you feeling better after in a way that dopamine hits don't.