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Everything posted by FourCrossedWands

  1. Well, I have not stopped masturbating to become successful. Just wanted to improve my health and discipline. I already became successful while wanking every day. No reason to stop wanking if you just want to be financially free.
  2. People tend to vote for the least dangerous and most predictable candidate. It has been a trend in both the US and EU. Biden will win without a doubt. Presidents are just puppets anyway. Y'all take it too seriously... US had a chance to have a good president and wasted it (Ron Paul).
  3. Porn is like coffee. Half of the society glorifies it and takes it like something necessary in life and healthy. The other half can live happily without it.
  4. It's not so easy and you can end up with the exact opposite. When I started with "nofap" I was having sexual thoughts all the time, which resulted in less productivity and more horniness. There are other important factors that you need to implement as well to be successful. You need to stop drinking alcohol at all costs. After that, everything becomes much much easier. You will never succeed with semen retention if you don't stop drinking alcohol.
  5. Looks tike it was mostly scripted. However, even when other spiders such as tarantulas are mating, a male must be removed from the female immediately, otherwise she will kill him.
  6. Most of us westerners don't realize that even during the war, Russia is still being idolised by millions of people around the world. Most countries in Africa and Asia prefer Russia over the United States. Their cultural values are closer to Russia than to the US. Also their media tends to be neutral and not negative towards Russia.
  7. Of course lol. I just don't get random erections, but everything works fine.
  8. There is nothing wrong in general. I just felt depressed and tired every time I ejaculated. I also have autoimmune disease/weak liver and it helps me with my symptoms.
  9. Semen retention will do nothing bad to your body, you have been brainwashed by media.
  10. Sadly this is true. There are some exceptions though where both the woman and man are ambitious and start working together on something big. But, most of the time, people in long term relationships become an empty shell of their former self. They have no hobbies and interests, they become overweight, alcoholics etc.
  11. Because I wanted to see what happens. After 2,5 years of not masturbating at all, nothing special really happens. Those superpowers are just imagination. My discipline is over the top though. I also stopped smoking, drinking, eating sugar, etc.
  12. If you are a teacher/instructor and she was your student, you shouldn't have started anything romantic with her. Not because of morality, but because it can be very dangerous for your career for obvious reasons. Are you 100% sure she will not report you for sexual harassment in the future? I wouldn't risk it.
  13. This is all just an illusion. Try for 1+ year straight and all of these will disappear. Or you will just get used to it.
  14. Yes, it's not bragging, but imagine if 90% of Leo's posts was something like "It's not difficult to find girls to fuck, everyone can do it", or "I fuck so many girls that I am starting to lose my libido". Not everyone's number one priority is to fuck girls and become rich.
  15. The only problem is that I don't really like the taste of the turmeric powder, even in a milk. So, I have started taking the capsules instead. It's some local brand, I live in EU.
  16. So far this has been a very effective combo for me to battle all kinds of inflammation. I have tried many different products, but they were usually very expensive or ineffective. Eg. manuka honey. Does anyone here share the same experience?
  17. It can be true that you make a lot of money with (almost) zero work. However, if I were you I would stop bragging about it on the internet and humble yourself. Karma is a bitch and if it's really so easy to make so much money in your sector, you can bet that there are hundreds of competitors trying to outrank you right now. You can wake up tomorrow and lose 90% of earnings because of some Google update etc.
  18. Do you have any autoimmune disease? Inflammation can cause chronic fatigue because the body uses a lot of energy trying to heal itself. It can also be caused by: Excessive drinking, masturbation, and screen time, vitamin deficiency, etc.
  19. I have just realized how much e-waste originating from 2000-2010 I still own. I have already disposed multiple computers, mobile phones and other devices from that era (walkman, disc man, DVD player, ect.) but there are still hundreds of CDs/DVDs and plastic cases left, even though I have already disposed one large box full of CDs/DVDs/cassettes tapes etc. It was ridiculous compared to the 2010-2020s era as everything had to be made as a physical copy to be useful and practical. And you needed many different devices to be able to play the media. Nowadays you literally just have to own one or two devices with an SSD/SD card and you are good to go. Electronics are now much more ecological than before. It's a huge progress.
  20. Well some people just don't want to be rich even if they have the luck element on their side. They prefer a 9 to 5 job because of security and other benefits. Also, they can be afraid of becoming rich subconsciously.
  21. It is about luck. You are looking at things from your selfish perspective. You live in a rich western country. You started your business in the biggest economic boom in the history of mankind. There are no wars and no communist regimes in your country, you have learned some valuable financial lessons in very young age, etc. 99% of people didn't have such luck. My parents didn't have such luck and most of my friends also din't have such luck. Did you have such luck? Yes. Did I have such luck? Yes. But vast majority of people didn't. So earning money actually is and always will be difficult for most people.
  22. Let's be completely honest. Becoming rich is mostly about luck. You were just lucky that the younger version of yourself at that particular time found out how to make money without a 9 to 5 job. You probably had a financial backup, didn't have little kids, or health issues etc. You took a risk because you could and it paid out. Now you make a lot of money with minimal work because of the snowball effect. If you started your business today, everything could be different. Keep that in mind and be happy for what you have.
  23. This song always gives me good vibes. Its also very easy to learn the lyrics, so you can sing it yourself.
  24. Well, I own both gold and dividend stocks, but so far gold outperformed most dividend stocks in the last couple of years.