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Everything posted by WHOAMI

  1. Bump. just wanted do update. i started working out and being physically fit really helps. probably now my testosterone levels are higher and i am not really scared, but also source of being scared is not active now. one thing stayed inside me. i become emotionally cold and warm at the same time. i became better person and worse. sometimes i want to do really bad things, but i am doctor so i help people. i help people to get better. it really makes me better, but i want to do really bad things to someone who do not respect me or did bad things to me. said bad things. these kind of thoughts stays in my mind. it's always there. my dark side is getting stronger. but still i am feeling quite good. much better than before.
  2. I don't really know what to do. yes i am powerful guy, but i still can not look my fears in eyes. I know what fear is normal and it helps me and sometimes i think maybe i should not fight my fears maybe i have to do something different but i know one thing i really need to overcome them. i am meditating and i think it will help me but what you guys think? i really need your help
  3. Naah... you have still long way to enlightenment
  4. Interesting story. Think about your dreams(not too hard) they are cool and they are saying too much
  5. @Philip It's impossible. yeah it's just a one line but it's just an impossible.
  6. We all gonna die.
  7. @An actualizer Look at your posture stand up straight
  8. @Hillary Kapan Examples about what? Just learn any interesting and useful language. German,french,Spanish and russian. it's really good habit when you are learning a new language. it's very good for your brain memory and it's cool when you can speak in many languages. you can read original(not translated) books and off course travelling is great because you can communicate.
  9. I think it does not matter if someone is "helping" you. you are alone and only you can walk on your healing way
  10. Workout Get D vitamin with sun Get enough sleep I like adrenaline too cut sugar
  11. It has many benefits you can see here http://www.medicaldaily.com/benefits-cold-showers-7-reasons-why-taking-cool-showers-good-your-health-289524
  12. @Rosie Well you should find out. at least it's very funny.
  13. @Ayla Ok i'll try. Thanks for advice.
  14. @The Son naaah it was just an example. NO FUCKING WAY. I am tired of just breathing and using oxygen. I will have results i am not worried. if i won't i'll try another way.
  15. @Ayla Look when i have to act. when i need all my muscles,my concentration and everything how can i use this method? it's good when you are in quiet and nice place but when you are in war and you have to shoot how can i use this?
  16. I'm not sure but i think little work won't harm you. don't stop learning
  17. @Ayla yes, i know that technique and it works pretty well. I ask myself these questions: how my fear feels? where is it located? sometimes i am not resisting and i am just relaxing my muscles. But it's good when you are not doing anything and you are just in passive mode.
  18. @The Son Now can you help me? to be honest i know no one can help me but myself. i know that's all about me but now in my mind is a chaos.
  19. @The Son I AM FUCKING MOVING BUT I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE AM I GOING! I see everyday people who are bullying some guys/girls they are not touching but i want to don't touch them too. I am alone and i can't win a fight but i am sure there is a way. i am sure i can do something. that's one of my fears there are lot
  20. @MartineF Yeah i use that technique and it works for most fears but this... this is really hard for me.