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Everything posted by Sincerity

  1. The mind is always seeking, but in the wrong places It doesn't know that it's actually seeking oneness. It's seeking its true nature, it wants to be whole. As long as you're not whole, you are seeking.
  2. Man, it's SO intelligent how ego works. The sneakiness. It works in the shadows. The ego is so subtle, it's very hard to pinpoint its influence on your sensemaking. Denial. Oversimplification of reality. Conceptualization of everything. This is literally the perfect way to maintain sanity. The antidote to infinity Viewing things always in relation to itself. Infinite capacity for denial and blindness. Ingenious defense mechanisms. It's perfect
  3. One of the most epic scenes in movie history: Not exactly a hot take but you know. I like it a LOT. Tension is through the roof and the music is simply outstanding.
  4. LOL, actually not much difference between these two
  5. OP's degree of awakening was not the object of my post. I was responding only to your misguided statements. Btw @Zeroguy, happy for you buddy!
  6. I really like Cave Story. I have a soft spot for it, one of my fav games ever. The soundtrack is SO BEAUTIFUL and so fitting. Might be the best part of the game! The story is great. The combat is fun, some battles are really hard! The overall atmosphere... I was so immersed in the game when I played it for the first time. This week I replayed it because I just like it so much. I really recommend you check it out. It's available for free. The game was created by a solo developer Daisuke “Pixel” Amaya and released in 2004. This guy is the father of solo indie developers. Inspiring stuff. One weird thing about the game is that getting the best ending is VERY counter-intuitive, if not downright impossible without checking the wiki. I've been thinking about this. Why is this so? Was this bad design on Pixel's end or was this totally intentional? Below is a great analysis of the game's story and a good explanation for this decision. The explanation is that a human would almost surely never get this good ending. If this game was your world and you were a character in it, you wouldn't be able to make things work out. Because you're not omniscient and you don't know what exactly you'd have to do to get the best outcome. Lately I've had the insight that following virtues not always results in the best outcomes. You can act purely from good intention and in spite of that, still bring harm on yourself or others. You can be a saint all your life and still you may face "unfair" tragedies. I think this might be the reason why some people turn away from God. They believe that if they act good, God will reward them with what they want. Which is foolish (and a misunderstanding of God). The future is unforeseeable. God's plan is unknowable. I think that the best thing one can do is 1) follow principles and strive to do the right thing but then 2) detach oneself from the outcome. No future outcome is guaranteed - there are just too many variables. Your intelligence and foresight are extremely limited. Therefore, you can only do your best... and that's all what matters. But since you do not belong to the world of the game, you can quit and check the wiki for detailed instructions. In this way, you are above this game's universe, right. You CAN foresee the future, you CAN be aware of the creator's plan for the game. And thus you can get the best ending. But yeah. It's not like this in real life It's profound to think about. Why bother having your own limited will and craving for certain outcomes when God always gets Its way anyway lol. Just surrender. Act the best way you can but don't expect anything in return. Let go of needing things to be a certain way. I wish I had the strength to surrender to God. But for now I'm still going against the current and I'm suffering because of it. I'm so weak, haha. So weak and so stupid in comparison to Reality. Well. I'm sure I'll be free someday Everything is going to be okay (no matter the outcomes)
  7. Bro, this is laughable. You have no idea what you're talking about, and still you're preaching to others. Yes you can. And guess what. Wrong. If you had some humility you'd throw the word awakening out of your dictionary (until you actually have some) because clearly you don't know what you're saying. The problem is that some people believe this guy. He needs to be called out because he's misleading others.
  8. Probably because black is actually absence of color, not color itself. So it's not COMPLETELY arbitrary. It also reminds of the vast empty space in the cosmos. You can't imagine what is unimaginable so you imagine black or white or whatever. If you become infinitely conscious you will realize that your beliefs and intellectual insights about death are not IT. Belief that death is a belief is at best a belief.
  9. Dare to Live with an Open Heart Closing oneself often seems like the easy way out. You experience something painful – You shut yourself down, distract yourself, do anything it takes to not look in the direction of discomfort. This is many times our automatic reaction, a knee-jerk response to pain. But this is neither fulfilling, nor truthful existence. Unfulfilling, because the pain is still there and until the unconscious reaction is changed, it is going to keep coming and stinging again and again. Sure, you can close yourself every time, but is this really the way you want to live? It’s not truthful. You’re not accepting reality as it is. You’re not seeing things clearly, as they are. What good of a life is that? It’s not worth it to be a coward. Paradoxically, the more challenging life of a hero is easier than the life of a coward. A hero takes on the difficulty of life and deals with it boldly, accepting it fully. If one doesn’t accept the challenge of life, one is assured to suffer, be weak and live in falsehood. Because the truth is that life is challenging. Whether one accepts this or not is a choice for them to make, but this fundamental principle is not up for debate. Awareness and acceptance of this fact definitely makes life easier. It is ALWAYS better to accept than not accept. Of course this doesn’t mean a person should put up with unnecessary suffering. As the saying goes: Change the things you can change, accept the things you can’t and have wisdom to know the difference. The difficulty of life is something certain. Therefore, the wise thing to do is to say yes to it. Living with an open heart is a confident YES to reality itself. Only great men are eager to meet this challenge. For them it isn’t just acceptance – it is EMBRACE of difficulty and suffering. A deep LOVE for real growth as spiritual beings. Devotion to going beyond their edge. Everyone is a hero of their lives. But not all realize that. The correct response to the sometimes overwhelming effort life requires from you to be the best version of yourself is “BRING IT ON!” or “GAME ON, YOU cu**!”. Have courage to do this, be brave enough to accept anything! Be willing to live through ANYTHING! And you will be God among men. God is ABSOLUTE acceptance. God is willing to experience everything, because God wants to know Itself. Do YOU want to truly know Yourself? Do you want to know the full scope of life – how horrifyingly hard it can be, but also how radiantly beautiful? Say YES consciously and don’t ever look back, because behind you’re leaving the life of mindless suffering and foolishness. Say YES with flaming courage and go on, striving to accept the reality of life as much as humanly possible. Say YES knowing intuitively that this is what you were born for. Say YES to Love – that, which You are and always have been.
  10. Quotes by Norm Macdonald I find interesting/funny. The first and second one are especially powerful! Lately I've discovered that I really like writing. It's one of the ways I can satisfy my creative urge. I'm sharing one of my works in the next post! This one's kinda short, I wrote it 2 months ago.
  11. Integrity - it's a bitch, indeed.
  12. You can realize for yourself that Reality IS Imagination. Yes, it's a mindfuck.
  13. Exactly These firm beliefs and speculations of yours are what's holding you back.
  14. @puporing I hope you are doing okay. I don't really know you, but I'll tell you I think your consciousness and strength to deal with difficulty is admirable. I can't say I relate or understand fully because I'm certainly not as awake + I've almost completely fallen back into the dream. But I wanna say I think you're doing great And good luck.
  15. Nice! Hahahaha, I know that. The single worst meditation session on these 10-day retreats, at least for me lol
  16. Wow, this was a great talk. I can definitely see a grain of truth in this Sneako guy's worldview. You SHOULD go for the things you want as a man. But nevertheless, he seems very misguided. Destiny did a brilliant job here, his arguments were on point.
  17. Great post! More people need to hear this.