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Everything posted by Saarah

  1. @CuteCornDog It helps to see their challenge as meaning you can get further in life BECAUSE of them Be confident in your ability to rise above the ashes and you will soon find yourself wanting to send them a genuine thank you note
  2. @kieranperez You will never really know everything that may have gone into shaping another person and what influences helped them, and everyone comes into life with their own sets of challenges. Not everyone comes to the same place in the same way, we all have our different routes to take, but at the end of the day you've got to make the right choices for yourself whether it was the same route as someone else or different. You also never know if someone else's route is best for you or others, sometimes appearances change or results may not reveal what is in store for the big picture. Maybe there are some psychological blocks you have to work on that others don't and you just haven't seen them or noticed. Heres some questions to help you What are you trying to achieve specifically and concretely? What do you want to change? What are the obstacles or blocks? What are you doing that isn't working to sort this out? What could you do that would work to get the ball really rolling? What high leverage things could you do? Why are your new solutions going to work better? What issues are you avoiding or not confronting? Where can you find real solid techniques that work? Are you doing the most effective thing or are you just doing the productive thing? Are you following the rules too much, could you try relaxing a little and tapping into intuition to give some clues, some gut instincts? How much more do you need to learn about an area of your life that isn't working? Can you sort the advice that is helpful vs unhelpful for your life specifically? What are you not seeing or noticing? Where have you made assumptions that might be false or misguided?
  3. @Akshay I heard they're not occasional it's just that we forget most of them a lot of the time so it seems you have a great memory for them Sometimes different people in dreams represent a different aspect of your own personality. I think dream analysis is open to a lot of mistakes when us regular people try to do it unless it's more explicit and easy to recognise the direct issue I just focus on the feeling that I get from a dream and if it's intense it's probably due to a lot of resistance in real life
  4. @Ryan_047 Questioning and paying attention to your inner world (actions, emotions, purposes, wants, values). Questioning beleifs, paradigms. Learning about topics relevant to whatever you're doing, don't be ignorant or get complacent about improving how you're doing something. Recognising reality in as accurate way as you can, keep in mind paradoxes, the big and small pictures of what you're contemplating or doing. Consider your environment (that reminds me of the spiral dynamics model stages). Take responsibility and recognise where something is or isn't working, do something about it in as productive way you can. Own up to your mistakes, don't be afraid to be wrong. If you have avoidance behaviours or pain, try not running away from it but finding the root cause and resolving those issues Looking at any mechanical behaviour or thinking, seeing where it could be changed or improved I think a lot of the actualization topics all relate to it, anything that is about seeing things more accurately and not walking through life blindfolded
  5. @Lynnel I don't think the mind can shake it off tbh, even when enlightened people say "this is all play" it feels like a meaning to the mind, the best you can do while functioning as a self is pursue non-toxic meanings that are valuable to you. At the same time it's helpful to keep remembering that there's nothing inherent in the things you're chasing, you already referred to your experience where you recognised that once, since it was an experience it's not going to hang around so don't expect it to, being a person who appreciates the now and meditating is the best you can do if you're not trying to become enlightened yet. Just keep the balance, don't resist that fact that you want to pursue things, use them to keep you having a sense of well-being. Finding value in things just for the sake of it can be helpful too, it's not always about relying on a result to come then, it's just about living in the process.
  6. @Jack_Clark It's better if you focus primarily on the vision part (to produce a society where people don't have to work and struggle to survive) The rest of it is what you have to be very flexible about, how you go about it should be left open, keep exploring and coming up with lots of ideas, get experience with your degree and understanding the social situation, the opportunities... eventually you'll craft a perfect way to go about it for you, but if you cling to that one way of doing it, you'll dismiss the entire vision as inauthentic or unachievable which may not be true
  7. @Alexo45 Sometimes you have to force yourself to do at least a little focused activity like reading one paragraph without distractions, allow yourself to drift off after that, and over time you might find it gets easier to read more before deciding to do something else. I think the main thing is to show a concerted effort to focus on focusing otherwise you have no idea if you're improving or not and it remains a vague wish with no results. It can be difficult to focus on focusing when focus is the problem in the first place but just try noting some of your results built into the activities you already do
  8. @Ilya I was helping my sister with this issue, she likes fiction writing and reading fiction books but she thought it was just a little side hobby and she doesn't put in much attention or focus on it even though she quite enjoys it from time to time So I asked her if she could do this as a hobby consistently every day or every other day for 10 or 20 years to come and she said yes! It made her consider that as a great possibility and now she's throwing herself into it lol Just like your hobbies it seems quite average at first, but I think a question like that can help you discover if something has the potential to be more than average for you, maybe you can't see the full picture yet but this helps with finding a place to start
  9. @kieranperez I think the comment by @wavydude could be a great help Following your intuition is a lot to do with following what makes you joyful, taking action from that place can then make you much more confident about the action, whereas if you take an action from a place of only thinking and reasoning you can run into patterns of thought that keep you stuck. Even visualising and strategising may not be as compelling or well done when you haven't got your intuition involved. If you want to shift your limiting beleifs through affirmations, involving your intuition will be about ensuring the affirmations take effect on a feeling level and from day to day that might even be different, you might also run into different kinds of evidence throughout the day which become more impactful in helping you shift your self-image This helps you to be more flexible and in-the-moment about your changes, whatever techniques you choose, and sometimes intuition leads to inspirations that come from no particular technique you were doing but just an idea or emotion
  10. @Shin For me it was definitely a life purpose need Life purpose and games parallel in that they offer: A tangible and easy way to be creative without too much skill required so you're more likely to achieve flow states, and fulfil a vision with more ease too The ability to build on a skill and see yourself become better more quickly Meeting goals and feeling successful with achievements that you can build on which gives a reward-like feeling The meaning, it means a lot to see yourself as doing well in a game, or building something you can be proud of. You see a part of your identity fulfilled in showing off your talent for it. Move all that over into your more productive real world passions until the games stop being as meaningful as what you're achieving in the real world Then also ensure you're taking time to relax and keeping energised when you're tired or stressed. The game will provide an easy way to get those listed needs fulfilled with less effort when you're stressed and you'll turn to that instead of the real world passion
  11. @kieranperez If you're calling it a disgusting habit you're probably more resisting it than being aware about it Maybe try finding specific limiting beleifs that are leading to this behaviour and changing them around
  12. @Moreira There's some things you can control and that would be one of them, then it's useful to just cut it out Sometimes there might be sources of bad influence that you can't control, for example a person you have to be around In those cases it may be helpful for you to look into the acceptance thing. You could replace acceptance with awareness or non-attachment. Let's say you listen to a song, it triggers something negative, that's because it brings up thoughts or a story you're attached to. What happens if you listen to the same song, but you're not attached to the thoughts it brings up? Then you're free from its drama because you were the one making the drama up and now you're not. That would be a longer term thing to work on but you can help yourself more everyday to not be affected as much by stuff you can't directly control. If anything triggers you, even when you cut it out, just ask yourself why, it can help you to learn more about yourself
  13. @onilsson I feel like it would help you especially by following your intuition, if you're too practical about things you disconnect yourself from your authentic nature, and it's by following our authentic nature, being happy and getting into the flow of things we can function from a better place and get better results There's the obvious traps of falling into addictions etc but that's not intuition and higher guidance Being in that place of flow will sometimes look like being practical and strategic, or intensity and sometimes will look like a more laid back vibe, it's like zooming into details and zooming out to the big picture of what you're doing
  14. @Sharpadox Ask yourself "In what ways do/have artists contributed to people's lives?" "In what way have artists contributed to my life?" "Can I discover artists who have a positive impact on my/others' lives and contribute to it?" "What does contribution/impact look like?" "What ways have I been impacted by others' without even realising it was an impact/contribution" "What kind of contribution do I enjoy giving?" "Is it possible to combine that with art?" "Is my enjoyment not contributing to anything... could it not lead to more expansive ways of being that end up with me being a better contributor?" "Why would I be inspired to be an artist if it was meaningless?" "Why are so many compelled to express themselves in that way?" "Do we only need, what I feel are lasting impact professions, or do humans have a variety of ways of interacting, and meeting their needs?" "What would the world look like without artists, compared to now would something be missing?" "Who taught me x,y,z was a waste of time, why?" and you can add your own questions too and keep going just to open up your mind so you don't keep pushing down on the right brain side of yourself you don't even have to answer the questions, just asking them and coming up with them helps and becomes the answer in and of itself
  15. @LaucherJunge Maybe at some point it will be useful in assisting you to keep going in that direction of expansion Even enlightened people have to keep moving and in that process may find more things to become enlightened about
  16. @kieranperez 1. Focus You are really good at focusing... on all the wrong things! What you perceive and focus on is what you'll get. If you keep focusing on how you are a failure, on all the things that are wrong with your job and life, then you'll be a victim for life, you won't find your strength. So if you're determined to change, you need to be willing to focus on self love and empowerment no matter what your outer circumstances are... it doesn't mean lie to yourself with affirmations that you don't believe.. but we'll get to that. Meditation is useful for helping people to focus better and concentration practice 2. Change your beleifs If you're overcome with low self esteem, try changing your beleifs about yourself... this is done by gathering loads of evidence that resonates with you, that helps you prove to yourself that you're worthy, skilled, important etc. You can use your other beleifs to support it like the abstract ones, if you believe you are derived from Source Consciousness then of course you know you're wonderful and connected. You can use examples from your life and also use other people as inspiration. So many people have made it out of the toughest circumstances and into the best, read about them. You can do it too. Create a tool out of these everyday to tap into, use your creativity, write them down to read, create visualisations out of them 3. One step at a time towards the better feeling thing This goes back to the focus thing, if you focus on problems, you perpetuate them so focus on anything in this moment that brings you more joy and ease. At this stage, you don't need to concern yourself with problems like finances... ignore it and do what makes you feel good, like playing a sport you find enjoyable Its only once you let go, learn to feel better, focus and feel empowered again, are in an intuitive and inspirational place... that is the time to start looking at your problem areas... you won't find solutions to your issues if you're approaching them from a place of feeling inadequate and helpless.. only when you're feeling the flow of the life, joy and connectedness.
  17. @Anirban657 If certain triggers keep leading you to victim mentality, try looking into doing some shadow work. There's probably some vulnerable feelings you need to resolve.
  18. @LRyan Just try to let go of any expectations for conversations, settle into them and try to have a good sense of humour, laughter makes everything worthwhile 'cause it's pointless things that make us laugh anyway Where you can, surround yourself with like-minded people, gotta keep at least some faith and sanity lol
  19. @Magic Whatever negative emotion you're feeling then it will be about attending the underlying cause, so very individual actions in terms of what brings us joy from that state Lately for me focusing on the future was bringing me down, so I decided to just focus on what I can do for the next five minutes That then helped me to move towards creating, practicing gratefulness and self-loving acts in the now
  20. That's awesome! It's great to see someone killing it with their life purpose
  21. Lol I don't know why there's question marks in my post, I meant I loved the quote I see what you mean, worry is like the conditioned thoughts that keep us stuck in our usual way of seeing things, and meditation helps to let go of those and only focus on right now, beyond the thoughts
  22. That's still trying to change them, let them have a bad attitude towards it, people only take stuff in when they're open to it and that's a personal journey
  23. Yeah I think that's what the dynamic part is about, going back and forth and integrating the poles e.g. Understanding science then going to mysticism then going back a bit into science to see how mysticism fits with that and then to mysticism to see where the science fits into that
  24. @Epiphany_Inspired I learnt something similar, that emotions are our implicit memory store. While we don't remember certain events (explicit memory) that may have led to certain traumas in us for example, the emotions do tell us and we can resolve those issues by working with those emotions we experience in the present. This is useful because it means we don't have to sit there trying to remember what may have happened in childhood, the emotions already have the gist of the problem we need to resolve
  25. Yes, it's happened to me where I've had negative thoughts that were driven by ego, which then got turned into/led to an 'aha' insight I don't think the negative thoughts can get driven by intuition though I suppose just the direction shifts, where the thoughts lead to insight as opposed to more ego and low consciousness. That bridge may be made perhaps by more theta brain waves for creative insight or having awareness shine up on the thoughts etc.