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Posts posted by mr_engineer

  1. Just now, Buck Edwards said:

    So the only reason a woman should have value is because she is a potential mother? So what happens if she cannot become a mother? Does she stop having your perceived  value lol? 

    I'm talking about how religion can solve the problem and evolve the society up to Stage Blue. 

    I'm not saying that's the only reason. But, this is how you can start to educate men into valuing women. These men have a certain degree of male arrogance, like 'women can't drive properly, women can't do this, women can't do that'. They're incredibly sexist! They truly see women as inferior creatures. 

  2. The psychology I'm talking about is SD Stage Red psyche. Which is all about power and domination, by hook or by crook. 

    People need to become more religious and more God-fearing, honestly, they need to evolve up to Blue! If they learn that 'rapists go to hell', and if they learn to value women in general because they're potential mothers, and 'the mother is the giver of life', the culture will improve. Then, we'll think about evolving into an individualistic culture. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, bambi said:

    Besides consent what are the differences?

    Fundamentally, boundaries aren't taken very seriously in this country. So, if a man is physically bigger and stronger, he's going to control the interaction with a woman. This gives men a certain 'power', logistically. And, some of them will abuse it. 

    This culture has yet to evolve into individualism. People don't assert their individuality so easily because it is normal to judge those who do and who don't conform to certain norms. Some of them are sexist norms. 

  4. This is a fundamentally sexist society, women are seen as inferior to men. And the 'superior party', of course, will assert their dominance on the 'inferior party'! (Not condoning it, just explaining the psychology based on what I've heard.) Not because that individual has a fetish, because he's a 'man' and a 'man' is superior to a 'woman'. 

    Religion has done a lot, actually, to combat this, by making motherhood the highest-status position to be in, because 'the mother is the giver of life'. There are pros and cons to this solution. This makes it so women have to be 'good mothers' and 'good homemakers' to get any sense of social esteem. 

  5. You can have a certain fetish. Whether you engage in it consensually or non-consensually, is your choice (there are consequences either way). Rape has nothing to do with your fetishes. It has to do with mental attitudes towards sex and towards women. 

    It's due to the conquest-mindset and objectification of women. This idea of 'consent' is a foreign idea to these individuals. They're literally just uneducated about the fact that non-consensual sex is called 'rape' and it's illegal. 

    That being said, the media does have a way of sensationalizing the most gory cases. That is the media's job, after all - sensationalizing and glamourizing negativity. 'There were stab-marks on her private parts' Today people are angry about this, tomorrow people will find something else to be angry about. It evokes emotional reactions and people don't think rationally about the issue. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, aurum said:

    Oh it's definitely about feelings. And in this case, it's your feelings.

    Do you actually want to understand feminists?

    If you do, you will read at least one book by a feminist author in good faith. Which means seeking to learn and not just critique.

    If you won't do that, this conversation is pointless. You have no interest in engaging in good faith dialogue with feminists, and they will rightly treat you as such. 

    I understand them fine. I understand that their empathy is partial and that their hatred for men blinds them. That's why they say shit like 'if you say 'not all men', you're part of the problem'. That's nonsense. 

    They really like to tell men to 'look in the mirror' and 'learn'. That's just hypocritical. When's the last time they looked in the mirror?! 

    Do they think they're the only ones who can psycho-analyze?! We can also do that. Do not mess with innocent men. 

  7. 1 minute ago, aurum said:

    And then you wonder why feminists don't feel listened to. Or maybe even get triggered sometimes.

    How do you feel when they dismiss your concerns about false accusations?

    You are doing the same thing to them.

    As a matter of fact, they already are dismissing those concerns. Not that I care, I know that this is a performance of wokeness, not real wokeness. 

    This is not about anyone's feelings, this is about the truth. Not all men! 

  8. 1 minute ago, aurum said:

    Yes, but I'm not talking to a feminist. I'm talking to you, and how you can understand their perspective better.

    My problem is that they enable false-accusations using this rhetoric. And, ultimately, they're shooting themselves in the foot by doing this, because it makes it harder to believe real victims. All because they're waging a war against men. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, aurum said:

    Mostly because they don't feel listened to.

    When someone brings up a good faith criticism, the right response is to seriously take it in. Don't argue. 

    If your immediate response is to start arguing with them, you're not really listening.

    Instead of arguing about how you're right, consider how they might be right.

    Have you considered the fact that when they attack us for saying 'not all men', this enables false accusations?! 

  10. When some rape-case happens, feminists start to really psycho-analyze men, saying all men are this, that and the other. That 'this is the problem with men'.

    When this happens, a lot of men, reasonably, say 'not all men'. Because there are good men out there, and we don't want to be hated for our gender. 

    Why does this make feminists so butthurt? Why are they so insistent on hating on all men? 

  11. Just now, Buck Edwards said:

    How would you know if two people who aren't needy are unhappy?what if they're happy. Notice how you already jumped on assumptions that they must be unhappy because it doesn't line with your beliefs of what an ideal relationship is. 

    The loneliness-statistics say it all. 

  12. This is a glorification of separation inside the relationship. Obviously, you're going to fight more when you end up talking, obviously, you're going to have break-ups, obviously, you're going to then think 'me need me-time to heal, so me be single right now'. 

    Obviously, millennials and Gen-Z are the loneliest generation. Obviously, they are the instant-gratification generation. This pathological thought-process, this mind-virus of 'don't be needy' is at the root of it! 

  13. Just now, Buck Edwards said:

    Not illegal. But do you want a healthy relationship or a codependent one? If youre too needy and your partner is not satisfying you, then you'll begin to grow insecure causing strain on the relationship. Do you want that? 


    What's 'healthy'? Both people don't spend any time together, both people are doing their own thing? Is that 'healthy'? 

  14. 41 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:

    You can show interest. But neediness is an entirely different ballgame. It generally puts people off as it indicates some form of inner toxicity or dependency that needs to be resolved. Neediness indicates to people a lack of maturity. Also if you love a person truly for who they are, your neediness can make you want someone only because you need them in the moment. It takes your real power away from you, the power to love someone with emotional maturity. Neediness for example constantly texting your partner can be very annoying and become a hindrance in a relationship. It's like not giving your girl breathing space. It can come across as desperation rather than genuine desire. Are you in a relationship just because you need a girl? Or are you in a relationship because you want to mutually grow with that person? The priority is yours. Neediness can also mean that you can dump the person once your needs are met and this is why it's the biggest turn off for most women. You can communicate love and interest but in a moderate matured balanced way,not toxic codependent. The relationship should be a free flow and beautiful, not a burden. 

    What if two needy people want to be together? Is that illegal, in your books? 

  15. 3 hours ago, Buck Edwards said:

    I'm a woman and I get turned off by neediness. It's no propaganda.. It's okay to feel needed in the beginning. But serious neediness becomes toxic quickly and is a Codependency. 

    Would you sue someone who's being needy? Would you call the police on them for 'being needy'?