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Everything posted by Davius

  1. I'm only scratching the surface of solipsism with my LSD trips, but I want to go deeper. It's still more of a concept rather than my direct experience. After watching Leo's video on the topic for the first time this month I started applying solipsism to the aftermath of social situations. Usually, I'd leave an embarrasing situation and beat myself up, feel down etc. Even if the interaction with someone wasn't negative in any way, I'd make up nonsense to put myself down. Now, I can just walk away and shrug it off most of the time, it's incredibly powerful. Has anyone experienced benefits regarding solipsism?
  2. I was stuck at 79kg for a long time. What helped me break through this plateau was oatmeal. Not a friend, but you could also try potatoes.
  3. Many years ago someone (who I believe to be an experienced tripper) told me that LSD opens your mind, Psilocybin your heart. I also read this online multiple times. What he said about LSD I was able to verify for myself. On every trip I had, I couldn't stop thinking, everything seemed incredibly profound. The only other psychedelic I want to try at some point are mushrooms. Does it open your heart? (I know this is vague, but I'm sure you know what I mean.) If yes, how dangerous would that be for me? For example, I'm pretty much incapable of being empathetic. I'm not able to connect with others on an emotional level, I have to fake it. My father is also like that, very cold and distant. Should I stay away from it altogether or am I going to be okay if I approach it carefully? I'm aware how difficult it is to give an answer to a stranger on the internet. LSD already humbled me to the point where I'm not going to do something unreasonable.
  4. @Vincent S This is more than I was hoping to get out of my post, thanks! Were there psychedelics he handled better than others? I wonder if being aware of trip durations for different substances and going for a shorter option benefited him mentally.
  5. @Batman I appreciate you pointing that out. It's just where I am right now. I didn't mean that this is me forever.
  6. Sharing this somehow feels silly. But this is what I experienced, so I guess it's valid(?). Focusing on physical pain, for example, sometimes either makes it blend into the background or I become the observer as if my awareness makes thoughts disappear and with it the meaning behind that pain. It's then no longer pain, but just a neutral sensation. When I focus on sounds, I notice there's a difference, but I cannot get behind it, no matter how long I stay with it and it almost drives me crazy. It's difficult to explain. With colours, I feel that they are the same on a deeper level. It almost feels like an intuition.
  7. The idea is to assess your need for zinc by tasting it. No/subtle taste = you need zinc, unpleasant taste = sufficient zinc level The reason I am interested in this, is because the blood tests I've done don't seem to be reliable. This would be a quick alternative that works from what I've read online. What's interesting to me is that no one knows about this. I've been in different pharmacies and everyone was really surprised and wanted to know more. I will order it online.
  8. (I know, Leo. There are no shoulds.) I'm a virgin in my twenties, have social anxiety, autism and had a traumatic childhood. Intimacy has always been my biggest problem, I even avoid hugging my family. Without society, I would never even consider having sex or being in a romantic relationship. But now the possibility is out there and I feel like I have to have sex at least once or feel the self-created shame of being a virgin. A woman in her thirties asked me to have sex with her. I'm not attracted to her, but she makes me feel comfortable and loved. A lot of women terrify me. I'd act out of a fear of missing out. It might take me 5 or 10 years to get to a point where I am the one who approaches women. Will I regret losing my virginity to her? Could doing it now lead to more growth over time? Does it really matter who I have my first time with?