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Posts posted by PedroCedro

  1. @Leo Gura Thanks Leo, yeah I'm very aware of it, serious work is the key, bit by bit

    @Kksd74628 Like I said I have the impression that until I started questioning my intelectual path I have had no progression, so I started to search a more direct path, a more efficient and faster path to awakening, like I want to attain total awakening in this life, in my body's life. 

    For me total awakening means to be conscious of my true nature, but since I'm not enlightened I don't know what is awakening

    That's my goal in this life


  2. Hey, here Pedro, I'm new in this forum so grateful to be part of this. I have been following this forum and Leo's youtube channel for some months and It has been very enriching, I didn't expect to find such advanced material in my entire life, thank to all, in particular to Leo.

    I have been doing serious spiritual work and studying various facets and teachings of spirituality for the last 15 years, my goal from the begining has been to attain total awakening.

    Until one year ago or so, I had been following a totally intelectual oriented path to total awakening but for not seeing results I started to question my path and to ask people here and there about their path. I wasn't satisfied with the answers I got so I thought that I needed to start all from the scratch. Thinking and thinking I reached the conclusion that my totally intelectual oriented path wasn't efficient and that I needed a more love oriented path like 90% love oriented and 10% intelectual oriented. So this wanted to say that I needed new spiritual teachings, theories and practices. In a meditation retreat in Jaen, Spain a few months ago an American guy told me about Leo's teachings, forum, youtube material... And how Leo was following a very integral path to awakening with love oriented path, so that's how i got here.

    Since I started studying Leo's teachings and doing specific spiritual work I feel that I'm progressing very very fast, I feel like I'm very awake all the time, very loving with people, very grateful with all the aspects of life, now I can see the power of love comparing rationality, and now It looks like I have been wasting years until I got to Leo's teachings. So I feel good things are coming.

    So that's a bit about me.

    So what do you think guys about different paths, how are you orienting your spiritual path? What is the most efficient path? All insights are welcome.

    That's it