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  1. @Breakingthewall Well then he can be God-Realized but not a Paramahamsa. Which means one who is at home in all aspects of reality.
  2. @Jannes I almost shit myself of how good that was
  3. Sri Anandamayi Ma (There is no me therefore I am what you want me to be) Neem Karoli baba (Infinite infinity love) Adidam (Unconditional realization uncausable by any means, just what is always already the case) Nithyananda ParamaShivoham (The orgasm of all Indian Spirituality, paths, saints, sages, yogis and siddhas) Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Sainthood) Shivapuri baba (beyond God singularity) ug krishnamurti (Perfect wisdom) Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (Master of oneness and duality) nityananda ganeshpuri (that state which is beyond all states of consciousness)
  4. Study Carl Gustav Jung. He explains this in brutal clarity and extent. I recommend "man and his symbols"
  5. Now, I am asking myself if it's possible to take distance from attention itself. To observe and be aware of attention you must place your attention into it. This may be a strange loop. The trap that I am falling into is using the tool to understand the tool itself. As attention is so fundamental it could be a feature and not a bug. However, to include and transcend attention is my vision. It seems that somehow, it is a door for non duality as to be between attention and non attention may produce non locality. Something exists, or better said something is experienced as much as we place our attention into it, even the "I" if we are sleeping does not seem to exist. The dissolution of attention while being conscious may produce a no-center realization. In the consciousness field, we are focusing with our attention into some gold condensed form. If the whole play of attention or self-referencing of this field ceased, the experience of the whole field would be total and complete.
  6. @Salvijus Thank you that was genuinly helpful.
  7. In my introspection and self-incquary work, I have continuously noticed the crucial role of attention. I really want to understand what attention is and how it works on a profound level. If I focus on negativity all my life may become negative, if I focus on truth suddenly my life can become transformed. Whatever I focus on, I give it, so to speak energy. If I focus on "Iness" or on beingness then profound realizations can happen. I've tried to focus attention on attention itself, but I haven't cracked the code yet. I have the intuition that it can be unfolded like a sock, but it hasn't happened yet. Usually, I don't like other people to give me answers because I believe it is my responsibility to find out the truth. However, I have found attention a very slippery beast. Therefore, my question is: What is attention and how it works?
  8. It may seem an stupid question but it can recontextualize the concept of enlightenment. Somehow, we are also like little ants.
  9. Depends on the psychedelics. Mushrooms are very down to earth and can help you live a full filling life. Stay away of high dosages otherwise reality melts down. But even high medium doses are good to really heal and keep going on with life. The point is the objective of the trip and what you spend your time usually. If you trip to grow and heal you will get enormous benefits, if you trip for trascendence you will have amazing benefits in that. But if you are used to be constantly contemplating reality, psychedelics will start pulling that and probably you will go beyond human affairs so to speak. Really you have the power, they are amazing tools. For personal development, do regular psychedelics in medium dose at maximum. Stay awat from dmt, 5meo...
  10. It surprises me how judgements go with all or nothing. Use some nice discerment, it's a high quality tool. Take that which serves you from Teal Swan and ignore what does not work for you. It's that simple. It is undeniable she has very high quality teachings that are key in understanding others and oneself. Yet I don't know what she does and it is not important for me. Also I am not going to throw stones or judge her because that for sure does not serve me at all. Also take into account that manipulation is always the case in this type of shows, they can sell you whatever they want to portray. My overall point is stop standing in this moralistic pedestal criticising other people, even if they do wrong discard it, don't lose your life in such pursuits. Use razer blade discernment of every teacher. No one is perferct according to sociciety standarts or your very own moralistic ideas of how any individual should or shouldn't behave and projecting that unto the world as the truth of human behaviour. Take that which serves you, leave aside that which does not, keep walking your path in silence and do your work.
  11. I'm ignorant about this topic but what I know you really need is an unshakeable power will towards health. It's extremely hard to do so because I personally always get in the sick mind mood and then fall in those emotions. It's crucial that all the energy you have is focused towards that which you wanna create in your life, in this case health. It sounds obvious but be extre aware of your everyday thoughts and live by this principle till you get over it. Also, ecological food is a must. Whatever you get, shall it be that what you buy and not full of chems in it; which means buy always ecologic food.
  12. It is not about the technique or ritual, that is not prayer. I personally enjoy the mature way of hindu prayer. Which is rooted in the cognition SOHAMASMI. Which means, even when I pray to you we are one and the same or you are that which you worship. From that space, prayers are answered and you never feel cheated by God, rather your prayer will be purified to a oneness practice. To talk with God is to pray. To transition your thoughts with yourself to a constant God talking mind is a legit path to realization and a potent purification method. So to sum up, SOHAMASI and to talk with God is to pray. It's all about the quality of the oneness and the quality of the talk which determine how good the prayer is.
  13. Probably it would backfire in ways we still don't grasp yet. I love the idea but I doubt that the implementation of sourcing in would have a beneficial impact. Having said that, some kind of very restricted third party access (not directly from this page), to another place where sourcing can be debated/posted/checked would be optimal if you want to add this value to your project. Personally, I think it's crucial to offer this high quality possibility, however a lot of careful consideration has to go into it.
  14. Leo's video what is authority is so underrated it's absurd. I bet you if you watch it will recontextualize you whole perspective about Leo, your parents, governements, God and your very own self. I had a solipism awekening for days just because of this video
  15. For me it's not as important what you do in the trip but what you have done before. Have a concious week, take care of yourself. Eat healthy do some sport or yoga, meditate, go to some temple and pray, walk in nature. In the trip, if you want have some music at the beggining to guide you and then just let it go and let it be.