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Everything posted by AleksM

  1. @zambize Thanks for the questions.... I don't understand everything RA is talking about but I will give you my perspective based on what comes through my system now. To anchor a memory is to bring a vision from the higher mental plane into physical form for you to perceive it. Unanchored memory is located in the ether, it's not materialized. The body is the receiver, the non-physical aspect of you is the sender. When the body becomes attuned like a radio to the frequency of the vision from the higher mental plane - the vision of who you are, then the process of memory integration begins, but first one needs to get a glimpse of that.... it's like the lower self aspect is below the mountain and the higher self is on the mountain, higher self has a higher point of view, consciousness is shifting between the two, the lower represents memory - mind (thoughts, mental stories, beliefs, mental projections from the subconscious mind...) the higher represents knowing - being (deep feeling, heart...). Memories start to anchor themselves into the body automatically after a level of deep inner knowing is established. First the accumulated lower self memory is lost, that's when one becomes enlightened and starts to abide in the no self "state", (stages 7-8 in the OX herding pictures), then the original devine memory is returned (stages 9-10). Higher realms are realms beyond the subconscious projections of accumulated stories of the mind. One cannot access those if kundalini is not activated and mind fully silenced. Higher realms are accessed with astral projection, but it's also possible to access them using psychadelics. 3D physical body. Low density of consciousness. Everything is consciousness but conscioussness has different degrees of density. With higher density the systems are becoming more complex, more intelligent, with more access to intelligence, with higher capacity for integrating intelligence and projecting intelligence. Read this pdf to learn about the 5 kingdoms of consciousness and learn mroe about density. Superconsciuous = fully knowing without needing a thought, fully connected to intuition (receiving complete packages of information), low density -> faster connection to source. Conscious= needs to go through a process of assembling information (rational thinking process) to create a complete package. higher density -> slow connection to source. Superconscious is fully knowing, needs no thought but just a peacefull state and an intent of what is relevant to anchor in that space/time moment, effortless devine creation, selfless creation. Also check this, RA mentioned this material in one of his videos: Fully knowing of who you are, fully knowing what the next step is, higher discernment abilities, balanced emotionally and mentally, trusting the heart, balanced left and right brain hemisfered and synchronized brain and heart, body at ease without tension, a lot of joy without needing a reason, feeling reality deeply, ability to cross the dimensional threeshold and meet ascended masters, angels, advanced peacefull ETs with astral projection. Thinking all the time, Trusting the mind. Trusting thought stories and beliefs. Ignorant of oneself. Ignorant of the mission. Stuck in the mind and not feeling the body. Not knowing from where one comes from. Unbalanced. Not knowing when to pause, just going through the motions. Ignoring intuition. Not feeling other beings. No access to higher dimensions and no interdimensional contact awareness. Unconscious, incompetent, no ability to self-reflect and analyze mental projections and no ability release nonessential memories.... desire is something that has different degrees... the lower self needs reasons, the higher the consciousness, less mental chatter is needed and orientation shifts to deep inner knowing or feeling. For the ego it means deep inner fullfillment and amazing feelings in the body that are based on a peacefull harmonized state. I don't know. 360 degree love is that you love every aspect of yourself and others, nothing can trigger a negative state in you if you intend and allow it to be so. Fully accepting of reality and how it is, being at peace with it and loving it. Denying absolutely nothing, sending love to everything without violating your personal space and getting out of your flow. Anything that enhances the connection between spirit and body. Anything that speeds up the integration of higher consciousness into the body. To be a vortex that is balanced and harmonic, a good song that flows with rithm is produced....When there is light one can see things as they truly are and not as they appear to be. When one is being a light anchorite then the light from the devine imagination (I - magi - nation), flows and manifests directly in the body and in the visual field around you.... conductivity is enhanced because mental chatter is gone, when one is being a light anchorite (ox herding picture stage 7-8), effortless doing happens, a doing without a doer. No mental sounds and fully present in the moment. @Amun He is speaking to starseeds... these are advanced souls that know from what star system they are coming from... I was guided to find out his channel shortly after my awakening, like a miracle... it's all about resonance, those who resonate at a certain freqeuncy can find the information from RA effortlessly.
  2. Looks like the forum resizes the original picture... to see the full picture click on the link below: Click here
  3. Mostly green, but there are probably also some yellow and turquise sources, didn't check them all. Here's a turquise magazine:
  4. @How to be wise Type in google/youtube: how to learn channeling (or something like that) Then look at the search results and begin your research. If you have a facebook account, then I would recommend you to ask this question in the bashar group which I mentioned a few posts above. If you want to find the answer, you will find it.
  5. @How to be wise I don't know everything. Do your own research. Google and youtube is your best friend.
  6. @How to be wise Yes. You can also channel your future self. Not just humans but also other ETs from the future. From what I have studied Bashar is 700 years in our future, so around 2700. He does exist now, we just can't perceive these civilizations because they are on a different light spectrum, his spaceship is located somewhere near Sedona Arizona right now. BTW: I have heard that scientist discovered that there are stars that are located on a different light spectrums that appear invisible to the naked eye, there are also cameras that can sense stuff moving, but we cannot see it with the naked eye.
  7. @Buke Google -> the core teachings of bashar | (or something like that) and then I found that site that also has other summaries of the channeled materials. You can find a A LOT of quotes and discussions about Bashars material on a public facebook group that is called: Bashar- Channelled by Darryl Anka. It has 20.000 members.
  8. @Buke Not all of them, the first one and the last one is, as far as I can remember. The other ones are from people who studied Bashars material on parallel realities so basicly all of them are coming from what Bashar was talking about. You can find a A LOT of quotes and discussions about Bashars material on a public facebook group that is called: Bashar- Channelled by Darryl Anka. It has 20.000 members. @Richard Alpert That is only your opinion. How many channeled materials have you bothered to study? I bet not many. Spiral dynamics stages beyond torquoise will be triggered by this stuff, Leo talked about this in his spiral dynamics video series.
  9. A complex system is simple. A simple system is complex.
  10. "create a deeper emotion so what is learned is not superficial." ~Arcturus Ra
  11. Watch the Westworld movie series Read all the mentioned books in the beggining to understand what RA is saying
  12. @kieranperez Be carefull to not fall into the observer ego trap. You are doing great and for now you don't have to worry about this trap, its not relevant for your integration process right now but you'll have to resolve it one day...
  13. @Robby Thanks for sharing! It would be better if you posted them in this thread though.
  14. @Mikael89 I have explained a simple technique on how to make contact with benevolent ETs it in this post. I made contact with ETs more than 100 times.
  15. Sharing insights. Intellectual materialism - excessively grasping for information, needing information, trusting a thought that one will be complete when we learn that additional piece of information that just came on the horizon Spiritual materialism - a thought that one needs a certain state to be complete... looking for that state and making justifications for why we're not complete because we're not in that state Agree or do you have a better definition?