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Everything posted by Emrie

  1. It's not any particular book or anything but pretty much all of the stuff about reprogramming the subconscious and about self-awareness and just awareness in general has radically transformed me. Like I do things I never would have done and approach situations very differently now.
  2. Thanks everyone for the advice, it's actually really bang-on. While I didn't really care that she rejected me, I definitely didn't have the frame of "I'm awesome and you should show me that you are also awesome". I think Leo talked about this in his first How to Get Laid video, the frame that, even though I'm the one approaching (actually for this one she approached me after we made eye contact but w/e), I need to talk to her in a way where she's supposed to show me she's worth my time, not the other way around.
  3. Yeah no that's not a normal thing to live at a deficit like this. You should move back in with your mom until you paid off your debt or gotten a higher income.
  4. I think it's smart. Strength in numbers, sharing resources, better coordination among EU countries, all good things! It's also about becoming more independent from the US, good thing if you ask me. Can't rely on the US to fight all Europe's wars, gotta show their own strength. Of course there's also absolutely nothing that prevents the EU army to ally itself with the US either. That EU army could have some kind of NATO-type alliance with the US. If China or Russia were to suddenly attack the EU, you bet the US would be happy to come help the second they heard of it, just because they want to defend their ideology.
  5. I think you're probably realizing some of the limits of Stage Orange there, actually. From your post, I get the impression that you're finding material success not really all that meaningful. This is great news because you're realizing that a "Stage Orange All The Way" isn't going to make you happy and fulfilled in the long run, you're moving up the spiral. Perhaps cultivating deeper relationships with others, and growing yourself spiritually will feel more fulfilling to you. Maybe I'm completely wrong about where you're coming from.
  6. Definitely don't want to get married myself, nor lifetime monogamy. It's impossible for me to make a lifetime commitment to one person like this simply because I don't want to tie myself down like that, so I can have the freedom to make large decisions without worrying about a marriage, or kids.
  7. Just watched it tonight myself. Brilliant movie, laughed a lot. Very good satire.
  8. When I move to my new city (only a couple weeks now), I'll start going to bars alone as well. Obviously gonna try to make friends and find wings and stuff, but yeah. Thanks for your story, it's encouraging! Also, out of curiosity (and you don't have to answer if you're not comfortable), what happened with the girl that you talked to?
  9. Out of curiosity, which country would you recommend, then?
  10. Switzerland, in total, has 8.5 million people. That's the same as just New York City. Let that sink in. I think you'll be fine in your smaller city. And if it doesn't work out, you can always move to the larger city if you feel you need to.
  11. I'd recommend watching the "How to Get Laid" series Leo made recently.
  12. I've found that so far I haven't really ever been that fun at parties. People generally don't really wanna talk to me all that much, don't really wanna dance with me and just I feel like I'm never providing a lot of value to the party, rather leeching from it. This is a vicious cycle because then I tend to not have fun myself which make other people like me even less and it goes on from there. What are some things that you've found helpful in this case? Should I just focus on building state and always relaxing myself and focusing on having fun and everything will go from there? (It's worth pointing out I haven't been to a party since before Covid and I've grown myself as a person a decent bit during this time)
  13. Better looking doesn't mean more attractive. Looks don't matter all that much. If you have strong inner game, you're confident, assertive, leading, and run really good game, girls will be more attracted to you.
  14. It's not like there's a line somewhere that says "past this line, you have mastered this skill". Your post makes me feel like you want to put in the minimal effort and say "Okay! I've mastered it now! All good! I can stop!". You should be thinking in terms of lifelong learning and improving, and you should be expecting that it's going to take you an incredibly long time of really hard grueling work before other people might call you a master, by which point you'll just be thinking about all the things you still need to improve.
  15. To develop strong social and communication skills.
  16. I don't really know about top 5 but here are some of the videos I've gotten the most results from. The Get Laid series, the how to have amazing sex series, pretty much all videos on psychedelics, the life purpose introduction video (and subsequently, the course), the deconstructing science videos, and the conscious politics series.