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Posts posted by Baum

  1. 10 minutes ago, undeather said:

    The diagnostic reference levels are calculated averages and not precise limits of normality. Your body is in a dynamic interplay with your environment, each parameter in your blood changes from one minute to another. Also, the methods of measurement & analysis are far from perfect. 

    There is a saying in medicine which goes like:"You are either sick or not screened enough" 
    Said differently, if we would run every diagnostic test imaginable, you would get a "positive" result in some of them, without being sick. 

    So no, I highly doubt you have a chronic infection - which usually would be reflected in more than your basophiles (which are ALMOST normal). 
    If you still are uncertain abou it, repeat the test in 6 months. 

    oh right, in another i had elevated IgG and i do have complications. I don't have HIV though.

    But anyway, i was just asking in general for possible meanings, not going paranoid.

    but, oh well. thanks anyway.

  2. 7 hours ago, somegirl said:

    Yeah, kinda sad lol. She could have just disappeared and never showed that intimate side of her ever. But then she gave in and made such videos, aka chose the path with least resistance, that are now on the internet forever... 

    Doing these things you are likely to encouter a bunch of men that will try to break your spirit and mind to suit their lust.

    I can imagine, as a girl, it's easy to fall prey to them.

  3. 10 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

    also when you think that something bad will happen to you after you do "witch craft" then maybe something will happen because of your belief that it will happen.

    you are welcome to try, but there is no selfish solution out of these things. you can procrastinate the consequences, by trying to put others into your place, but eventually it is going to catch up even more.

  4. Witch craft works the following way:

    you connect your consciousness to 4D, where the 4th dimension the direction of time build like the 3 dimensions in our reality. from there you find the time line of a person and you can see on it all its possible futures.

    you choose one of these futures of that person for this person and that reforms their subsciousness to make them more likely to have that outcome.


    it will cost you, for example as a result you might get sudden heaps of depression or bad luck streaks. there is a price for manipulating reality that way.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

    @Carl-Richard one might as well say there are no other bodies. Everything is one body. Yea cool. But for practical reasons we can categorize different bodies as individuals. Same way ego and their content can be categorized into seperated mental bags or smth. At least it makes sense to me

    the same god body can just appear differently if it has no restrictions and see itself through all of them differently.

    since they are all the same, they are all there.