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Everything posted by CARDOZZO

  1. @Princess Arabia But ask money to eat.. Why does she need to scam people? Just ask.
  2. @Princess Arabia I didn't say that. Why are you so angry towards myself these days? She's promising something with malicious intentions. If she was honest about it, no problem. It's clearly a scam.
  3. Original post:
  4. One thing I know: Neuroscience is a young science. We don't know exactly how our brains operate. We are reaching a point where we will need AI to reverse engineer the brain.
  5. @EdgeGod900 Here we have a good example. Be loyal to yourself because you are the extreme authority of your own experience.
  6. @nhoktinvt Thailand is because of cheaper cost of living, beach, women and business. About xenophobic cultures, they exist everywhere... even here in Brazil with Haitians, Chinese, African, Venezuelan people.
  7. lol dude I can't complain, Brazil is great for dating.
  8. @Someone here Why America? Why not Europe, South America, Thailand, Singapore, South Korea, Japan?
  9. @Someone here I know nothing about dating on India. Why don't you move out of India? I tend to be biased with what I saw regarding India. People do the same with Brazil (where I live). But it seems that you are on a low vibe state/needy/desperate to make sex. (I know, we are sometimes)
  10. Keep your eyes open. If she's able to sell her body to make money, that tells yourself what you need to know. Grow your game and find some spiritual feminine woman on a yoga studio
  11. How could one discover which skills you are headed to be genetically alien? (Top 1% Master)
  12. Amazing interview! He thinks that Aliens live among us (100%)
  13. Creative Process Philosophers: Rick Rubin & Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Just read them!
  14. @MarkKol NY, SHENZHEN, KYOTO, SEOUL. I would love to live 6 months on a crazy city and 6 months on Mykonos or some Italian village with 2000 people.
  15. Here you can see why China is years ahead of the world on technology, innovation, manufacturing. They are teaching 8 year old kids to build software/hardware. They are teaching scientific/technological skills to kids at a fast level. Amazing.
  16. China's TikTok is like this: 90% science/tech. Outside China: Hate/Porn.
  17. Hot Seat at Home & Blueprint Decoded. It's all you need.
  18. You can start with Arduino. Using this platform you can easily learn software development, electronics and circuit design. You can learn to turn your ideas into products/services. Here a great way to start:
  19. @Breakingthewall "Mudinho" lol Brazilians never disappoint. "Mudinho" means "Little Mute". A little guy that can't speak.
  20. @MarkKol What Figure/Tesla is doing is solid because they want to put robots to work on jobs that could be automated. Boston Dynamics is great but they focus to much on parkour shit. Spot is the only cool robot that can bring value to the table when talking about BD.
  21. Just 3 years developing a robot and look at that. Imagine what we will have around 2030.
  22. @Phil King He keeps talking about the principles? Talk, Talk, Talk. High Fidelity Communication, Congruence and so on?
  23. Are you anti-tech/capitalism? @Girzo