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About Twentyfirst

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  1. Not depressed just annoyed You don't have to convince me. Convince the next ISIS or Bin Laden. All I am saying is whenever American citizens were punished for who they vote for and give tax to it always results in them complaining about the attacks such as 9/11. And the next time there is an attack Americans will cry all the way to the bank. They are so feeble that they simply can't handle it. Even though it's what they do to everyone else. Similar mentality as the Israelis they are super aggressive but play the victim
  2. When it comes to this conflict from 1948 to today the Germans, USA, UK, and Jews are all one entity. There is no separation. They all work together and put their money together to destroy everything. Its what they have always done And be careful it's too easy to excuse them. What if I gave someone money to beat you up and then just said well you two deal with it? It's not a realistic position to take
  3. You HAVE to talk to them like that.
  4. How about this? I am gonna literally beat the shit out of you until one inch of your life. But I am gonna do it "adjacently" Now do you see how dumb you are? Or do you need more examples?
  5. Deep down men just hate feminism even if they don't know it yet
  6. Nothing has changed on this forum after so much discussion. It's still the same problem WESTERNERS HAVE SO MUCH COMFORT AND THEY ARE ISOLATED FROM WAR SO THEY ARE EASILY TEMPTED TO START WARS Once the war comes to you. Like in 9/11 or Oct 7th it destroys your egos so much that you talk about it for 20 years and beg for sympathy. If your AC stops running for an hour you cry haha. Palestinians have been stuck in the past for 100 years still living in stone huts they are more resilient and accepting of life than ya'll can imagine even with all your acid and mediation. Ya'll can't handle smoke
  7. I know you are defending whats right in this post but don't forget it's YOUR government that is helping this land grab. You voted for this. Why do Germans, British, and Americans think they are exempt? Blows my mind Next time be accurate please. Say "just last week WE stole more land". Don't hide from the truth no matter how ugly or inconvenient it is Maybe you don't belong there anymore Leo. Why don't you take a visit to the Middle East and read more about Islam and consider a lifestyle change. Do you really want to be part of all this? Does this represent you and your values? (I don't normally try to convert but it seems like you Americans are the ones needing help not the kids getting blown up in Gaza) You can visit me in Middle East in the summertime I will be there! My family will take care of you. Think about it
  8. Then why are Palestinians born there exiled for life? Not only are you a thief but again a coward. Bro you have someone else fight your battles for you. Next time someone offends your girlfriend don't worry I will be there to protect you both. I am your daddy. You would not feel so comfortable on stolen land without the USA
  9. It goes deeper than policies. It's not like a normal country where the citizen doesn't like what his president is doing. This Israeli guy is literally squatting on stolen land even though he "disagrees" with the policies. Think of it like this. Every Jew that lives on that land represents a missing Palestinian that should be there instead and this guy is one of them. He is perfectly find taking the pregnant woman's bus seat
  10. You miss the point with black pill. Even if it's true it can work in your favor. If you are ugly and you walk up to a hot girl you don't think that she knows that you know you are ugly? She will admire the confidence at least
  11. Wait till you find out about Israel
  12. What do you mean by attack? Did Hamas attack on Oct 7th out of nowhere? Or was it a response and not an attack at all I think your lost because the most persistent question was do you condemn Hamas
  13. So the entire world wearing clothes for thousands and thousands of years and trillions spent on clothing and I am the weird one
  14. I call them idiots to be honest. Why would you run around naked? What are you trying to prove to everyone that you are somehow an exception?