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Everything posted by cetus

  1. "Nobel wines are not to be tasted by drunkards"
  2. It's meaning must be hidden like a tic on a dog from the average person. Yea, that's about all you need to listen to. It only gets worse! Even well versed Bible followers can't agree the true meaning.
  3. Something about this statement makes me stop and think. But I'm not sure exactly what though.
  4. @HGGabrielF @ChimpBrain Here's the perfect example to illustrate what you said.
  5. @nemonissa I listened to Bentinho a couple of times just to hear what he had to say. His message doesn't really do it for me. I will say that his video on Tao Te Ching was worth listening to. I thought his comments on it were excellent.
  6. Yea, right! I was thinking the same thing.
  7. @Huz Brett Jones explains Karma in simple terms here.
  8. Everything exists only as a reflection from the dualistic view of self as an experiencer. To me that's what gives us a godlike aspect. God experiencing itself as a reflection through our imperfect eyes. In my view a balance must be struck between self and no self. Existence and non-existence. That's where the magic happens. To stand at the very brink between existence and non-existence is the best seats in the house.
  9. @Mat Pav Speaking of ego and it's " regulating system": I realized yesterday that it's ego that creates the illusion that time is flowing from past- present- to future.
  10. @Zach Check out the meditation practice near the end for cleansing the mind.
  11. @FrogfuciusDon't squander valuable time while you have it for in the end it all happened in one blink of the eye.
  12. @Callum A Who is not aware of you trying to get enlightened? No matter where you go, there you are. Are we trying to hide from ourselves? Good luck. 's
  13. @SamEuphoria93 Hi Sam. Try giving yourself the compassion that you deserve. I'm seeing someone who is just too hard on themselves. No need for that at all. Be kind to yourself by just letting go. Release. Loosen your grip on yourself by resting as awareness.
  14. Somebody should enlighten this guy about 5-meo. And soon!
  15. @Leo Gura Who are the followers of the "Temple of the True Inner light"?
  16. I got that too at first https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/DPT Interesting compound.
  17. @BeginnerActualizer Buddhist have egoless compassion for everyone. A compassion that desires nothing in return.
  18. I wouldn't say escape, but more as just accepting what it is as illusion. In the real world of everyday existence, we all have a "street self" that must interact with others and their well imbedded illusion of self. Job, family, friends, people we meet, all a role play that we watch happen from a place of silence beyond the illusion.
  19. @BeginnerActualizer Self is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. (Einstein said that about time). The point being, if self is a persistent illusion, why not make it a really great one.
  20. @Seyed Yea, it's like that. The "scary" part is the awakening from the dream of self. The self that experiences a paradox every time existence refuses to fit the constructs of it's logical self.