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Everything posted by cetus

  1. If they do you would probably have to pay for it out of pocket. And it's not cheep. I have lesions on the brain from MS and it's about $5000.00 US for a MRI. I have to have my doctor write me a script for it as a medical necessity to be covered.
  2. At the end of the day you gotta dig deep and find the truth for yourself. It's like working out, somebody else can't do it for you. Maybe inspire you or shine some light on procedure. But after that it's all you. Be still and know Bro
  3. @mikeyy I knew two guys in town growing up that did wwaayy too many drugs. The final mental collapse, when it did happen was like the straw that broke the camels back. As far as I know, they were never the same again. In a really bad way. What I'm saying is your fine! But once that threshold is broken, it's too late. I don't know exactly what they were doing but it was much more than what you refer to. My guess is a lot of different drugs at one time. Pills, acid, PCP ect. The local doctors office was broken into and drugs were stolen. I suspect it was them, so who knows what they got their hands on.
  4. @Leo GuraHaha. I experienced something similar to this. I was thinking to myself at the time " This is how insane ppl must feel", a disconnect. It was a bit depressing and frustrating seeing this from the perspective of "no matter how I convey something to another person it will never fully reach them". Like each person was in their own separate bubble and at best we could only bump bubbles into each other. The most insane part of that is that it's true. This gets at the crux of why I say, ego colors our world to a greater extent (even though it's an illusion). Stripped of all ego, existence becomes stark in it's raw naked form. That was quite an eye opener, especially b-c I had only experienced from the perspective of ego until than.
  5. Haha I went through all this too. Denial is the ego's defense mechanism. Keep pushing until you crack that shell. Your so close! No, not at all. It's a process that everyone handles in their own way.
  6. Any enlightened person would suggest that you find what is true through your own direct experience and not through anyone's words or ideas. There is no other way.
  7. @Kayako This is way off the topic of monkey mind and schizophrenia but since you introduced Christ spirit here, check out this message from Mooji. The guy in the video that you presented seems to be filled with a lot of mental concepts through voices in his head. Here is something to wash that away. I hope you like it!
  8. I guess to some extent monkey mind could be considered a mild form of schizophrenia. That little ego voice in our head that often tells us how to feel or react. And yes, society doesn't help. Contradictions everywhere. Another great reason to do this work is to see through the BS of it all.
  9. This is all spiritual ego talking here. Who has taught you this? Will eternal damnation of the soul be mentioned next? Transcend that BS. There is only God. Don't fragment God into little pieces of this, that and the other, or good vs. bad. Separation is the root of all suffering. Have you ever directly experienced what you refer to as "your soul"? If you have, you noticed there is no "You" in it to sell anything.
  10. @Key Elements Can you imagine how many people through history that were labeled as being evil or having the devil in them because of this disease. That's really messed up! But what Prabhaker said is really on point here. I seen a woman in a shopping store a couple weeks ago that was probably suffering from this. She was talking back to somebody. At first I thought she was on a cell phone. But no, there was no cell phone.
  11. @Key Elements That must be pure torment for a person who experiences it 24/7. We all know what trouble one monkey mind can give us. I can't imagine it X100 monkey minds. You gotta wonder what is going on there. Are they channeling something or is it all them as a severe case of monkey mind or subconscious mind coming uncontrollably to the surface or what? We are tuned basically to the same level of consciousness. But schizophrenics seem to have the dial switching channels moment to moment. Imagine listening to a radio that is changing stations constantly.
  12. @Shin Your sort of on the right track. Lets call it your first taste of something other than you. Take that idea of self identifying with everything and realize it as everything is happening within awareness. It is not my awareness or your awareness, but a universal field of awareness. Surrender what is you until only pure awareness remains. there is no you or dog or identification or everyone or happy ect.,ect. I can tell you from personal experience that for years I realized myself as being one with the universe. While that is true on some level, there was still a me that remained to be at one with the universe. So I was on the right track, but I didn't take it deep enough to realize that there was no truth to a me that is thinking it to be at one with the universe. But nice first taste anyway. Keep digging deeper, your getting there!
  13. Glad you enjoyed it. Yea, 2:45 when the portrait got blended together. Phenomena appearing within awareness than returning to it's source. The liquid canvas used is perfect to convey that by adding another dimension to it. I have to admit, I was glad to see the portrait of Van Gogh being saved at the end. Or is it?
  14. @VytasIt's amazing to see that connectedness to free flow of expression. Always inspiring. Here's a good one back at you. w of expression. Always inspiring. Here's a good one back at you.
  15. Yes, this is a quite precarious position to hold. Think of it this way, you got the best of both worlds for a finite amount of time. So true. Enlightenment disguises itself as another aspect of what ego wants. Tricky isn't it? I seen God once. I even dared to peak under his robe. He was wearing a thong. What a paradox that was!
  16. http://www.dailygood.org/pdf/dg.php?sid=690 http://streetevolution.eu/337/the-art-of-intuition-id17028.pdf @Naviy Above is some info. that may interest you on the subject. I'll be the first one to admit that I'm not the smartest person in a group of two but one thing I did have since I was very young was the gift of intuition. More so when I was younger. When I had a question about something none material, I would draw a brief -blank mind and within that empty space it would come to me, what path I should follow. It seemed to come from somewhere else and not me per se. I was always a good day dreamer too. Also sometimes my mind would go totally blank if I allowed it. What most people may refer to as "staring off into space". Something tells me that is fertile ground for intuition and true creativity to manifest. One of my favorite theoretical physicist, Max Tegmark suggests the universe is like a cd with all the information already recorded onto it. Physicist David Bohm talked about the implicate-explicate order. An underling field of intelligence that flows below the surface of the mental/physical realm. Than there's Bentinho who suggests that the source of inspiration or intuition is infinity. Which rings true with my personal experience of it happening while in that blank space of mind. Could infinity be the source of intuition and true creativity? Is infinity the true map if we can bypass the thinking mind and tap directly into it? Intuition tells me yes.
  17. @Naviy I did a quick search. I typed in "The art of intuition". and sure enough it comes in book and downloadable PDF format. Just a quick personal note. Intuition happens when the mind is still. Where it comes from seems to be from somewhere beyond the thinking mind. A place of no-mind. May I suggest you don't fill yourself with too much conceptual knowledge about intuition. That could possibly do more damage than good. It seems to be one of those things that it's better to just leave it alone and allow it to happen of it's own doing. Just the fact that you have consciously put out an invitation for intuition to guide you is all that needs to be done. Can you be open to intuition without thinking about it? This seems to be the key.
  18. @Ry4n It's all about the surrender. Watch this over and over until it happens. Specifically up to about @26:00:00. It's practically foolproof to cause an awakening if you surrender to what Leo is saying.
  19. I just wanted to share this. It makes me think of exactly what I'm doing with this moment. Will I have any regrets in my future about what I was doing now?
  20. Yes, a first hand account. Nicely worded too. When I had my first little taste of an awakening I realized it's like stars in a daytime sky. Just because you can't see them through the blue sky with clouds, doesn't mean their not always there.
  21. @Don_Avocado Nice! That needs to be said a lot more often around here. So many people talking about "getting to a higher state", getting to that "level", "searching", "attaining" ect. Like it's something at another time or place that it will happen. Many don't see that it's right here now cloaked only by a self imposed illusion that it exists somewhere else. Would you agree that it's possible to experience what we really are under all the BS without the use of 5MeO ? I've never done it before but I know what you experienced from your report. It sounds to me like what it does best is to remove those self imposed filters. Thanks for sharing that.
  22. The accent needs to be taken off the dreamscape aspect and put more onto -what is different today about perception as a whole. Was there a glimpse of the truth to take away? Something unshakable that remains? @Mikey Sometimes I see things in my dreams that come true. Question: do all your dreams come true? No, but I know which ones will. Dune