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Everything posted by JuliusCaesar

  1. Reality has whatever meaning you choose to assign it. It can be heaven or hell, beautiful or ugly, wet or dry, hot or cold, big or small, far or close, male or female, human or crocodile. Whatever you like really.
  2. What psychedelic was this? Awareness in deep sleep is somewhat common in proficient lucid dreamers btw.
  3. If it turns purple, you're safe because it's genuine LSD. If not, it may be an NBOMe. If you want to certain that it's not a false positive, then use the Hofmann reagent instead. Because the Ehrlich test is known to be not 100% effective all the time kinda like a condom, whereas the Hofmann reagent is basically perfect, or at least there aren't instances of inaccuracy of which I'm aware.
  4. That one's obvious, the relevant law enforcement officials are clearly not using the internet to crack down on people in this way. Though if you try selling acid on Facebook or somewhere similar, you're going to jail because their mods will report you. This is not so much applicable to people just talking about their experiences. In part because America is a free country where you're innocent until proven guilty. How would the YouTube or Facebook moderators know that you've done a substance in your homeland where it is illegal? For all they know, you did in a foreign country where the same is not a criminal offense like Spain. For this reason alone, it's supremely unlikely that you're putting yourself in danger by speaking about your psychedelic experiences online, so long as you don't say anything that specifically incriminates you, in that instance, it may be different.
  5. There do exist more powerful substances, however, LSD is very versatile. Whatever you want out of the experience, keep your mind focused on it during the trip. While subjecting your LSD to GCMS would be wise, it is not the only way to protect yourself. You can buy chemical test kits online capable of detecting NBOMEs, such as the Ehrlich. They only cost like 15 bucks, and they could save your life should you be so unfortunate as to acquire these heart attack-inducing fake LSD products.
  6. I recommend you consult Erowid, specifically their trip reports section is very useful relative to the information you seek.
  7. @playdoh Skipping straight to the Indigo center without working first at least upon the Red ray located between the genitalia and anal outlet in my experience is unsustainable. And quite frankly, you probably shouldn't even try unless you're well established in the three lower centers first. I know I sound an awful lot like Sadhguru here, of whom I was originally skeptical. But I've been experimenting with this what they call chakra activation the past 2 years and what he's said about the Muladhara is true.
  8. @Danioover9000 lol, all those complex definitions. Real is whatever existence is, which is whatever is experienced. What reality is so very simple a 4-year-old child can understand it, yet somehow very brilliant adults overcomplicate the notion.
  9. All of this is true, the only issue is that we're often communicating these things with people that have not realized the oneness of all existence on their own. So they cannot comprehend what we're saying when we say things like I'm the only thing that exists, or you're alone right now because there's only one of us here etc. It just sounds like delusional nonsense to most people, so much so that it doesn't even register in their mind. Contrast this with saying that physical reality is a dream, and sure they may reject it, some will label it also as nonsense or psychotic. But at least they have half a chance of wrapping their mind around what's being said. It's clear, therefore, that there are basically two groups of people listening to Leo. You have what Leo would like to call normies who cannot understand the things Leo/us say. And are forced either to reject it as delusional(which I'm sure most if not all of them do) or accept it blindly as a dogma, which is something I think many suspect is happening though I've not yet seen an actual incident of that. Then you have the second group, which is people such as ourselves who basically already get it on our own. And the value Leo has to us is that we are or were once somewhere in the middle between groups 1 and 2 and he was helpful in bridging the gap. I was one such instance of this, as I knew before discovering Leo that I'm God from my own experiences, but I hadn't really integrated that fact very well into my human-level understanding of things. And even more valuable is Leo's vast body of experiences we now have to reference and even replicate if we desire it so.
  10. @Manny Something you should know now is the value of incremental dosing. Whatever substance you're planning on using, it's highly probable that you're nowhere near ready for the highest dose of it a human can withstand. So you'd be well advised to start small in dose, and use your thoughts while under the influence to impose the desired changes. Once you feel confident that you have mastered the state the small dose puts you in, increase it a little and do the same as you did before vis a vis imposing the desirable changes.
  11. I'll be happy to supply the whips.
  12. Indeed, it's much like gravitational power, isn't it? Just as a more massive body tends to move the less massive body, so the greater man tends to move the lesser. In my understanding, power takes many different forms. Perhaps the most important thing to understand when exploring different states of consciousness is that from every state of consciousness, reality attempts to manifest thoughts and feelings. But from some states, it responds more faithfully to these than it does from certain other states. The ordinary human state of consciousness is incredibly impotent, as most humans can't even control their own feelings or bodily sensations. However, there are rare instances of humans persisting in magickal work through herculean feats of repetition succeeding. So while we can say that humans have little to no power(when I say power here, I'm referring to magickal power), they cannot be underestimated for two reasons. Firstly, that some of them have discovered ways to alter their state of being and thus can access more powerful states(I'm referring mostly to mind-altering substances of course), and secondly because some of them have found out that because they get more powerful results from repeated action, they succeed in imposing their will on existence through sheer perseverance. Though I'd caution you not to study too deeply recreational drug users' trip reports. I've done it myself, only to find that mostly they're as children playing with power tools and nuclear bombs. And as such, you don't really get an accurate representation of how the same would impact you if you were to use it with the appropriate intentions and practice.
  13. Why in all of my stars and green dick that mortals call Earth is this thread so popular? Have you all nothing better to do than obsess over barbarism?
  14. @Raptorsin7 Number 1 and 2 are the same point of view.
  15. Only one way to find out. You're here striking essentially at the purpose of sentient beings existing. To push the envelope, to explore unknown possibilities, and move beyond present limitations.
  16. What if next time you're lucid dreaming, you tell the dream exactly what you've told me, what would happen?
  17. I've been able to do this in the waking world before, but I'll stipulate that it tends to be much easier in sleeping dreams. They're both a creation of ours/God, it's just that the sleeping dreams are closer to the self than the waking dream, so the self has to expand its horizons in order to see the waking world as a personal hallucination.
  18. What would happen if all the day long you thought mentally to yourself "I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming." or "I'm dreaming and I know it. I'm dreaming and I know it."? What kind of impact might that have on your sleeping dreams, in light of how sleeping dreams often reiterate experiences from the waking dream? And, given that novel experiences from sleeping dreams on occasion carry over into the waking world, how would that, if you practiced it for a long period impact your waking world experience?
  19. To say nothing about the fact that early in the video he claims that all religions are the same pagan religion, in spite of many obvious differences that exist between them. I was originally going to respond on a scientific basis to claims he makes in the video. But he makes so many errors, many of which seem very difficult to make as silly as they are. And so I'll just state rather simply that yes, essentially all of the scientific claims in the video are untrue or at least mostly untrue. And the "official narrative" as it were is dramatically more accurate than 434's positions here. I wouldn't say that 434 has fallen into as Leo would say "a trap of spiritual work", but that he's rather, relying on ordinary human cognition, and reasoning with it very poorly led himself substantially astray, as many flat earthers have done, or really all flat earthers since the Earth is, in fact, a Spheroidal object approximating perfect sphericity. Though I suppose you could argue that doing real spiritual work in some humans will give head to certain untenable conspiracy theories. As the individual becomes aware of the illusory nature of their existence, that narrative colors how they see everything, leading them into paranoid delusions. The solution from my standpoint is very simple, and that would be either to practice extreme openmindedness to the point of accepting mainstream views as being potentially correct even if you're convinced that they're total bullshit. Or even better, you could develop your intuition to such a high degree that you automatically see through the false narratives. I know I said I wouldn't comment on his scientific claims, but I find it interesting that towards the end of the video he mentions concave earth theory as a serious possibility. Which demonstrates that he's at least not certain as to what the shape of the Earth is. I feel that what I'm about to say here goes without saying. But the things of his I've cited in the past, that I know to have validity in my own experience I stand by. It isn't logical to dismiss a source entirely simply because they made a mistake, no matter how stupid that mistake may be.
  20. At that spacetime, I had a rather ordinary worldview, minus the fact that I knew some instances of psychic phenomena were real and that humans were capable of demonstrating the same. The being in question actually caused me to realize that I'm God. Which inevitably led me to realize that "they" aren't actually other than me, so "paradoxically" I caused myself to awaken. So to answer your question directly, I went from probably being very similar to where you are now to realizing that all of existence is a personal hallucination of mine, all because of the being in question.
  21. The knowledge that everything is one thing and not many brings incredible clarity, and most likely you'll only be able to realize such a thing from non-dual experience, though there are other perhaps less likely ways of doing it. What makes you say this? From what I gather, most humans experience hyper-dimensional aliens and deities on DMT. So it would seem to me that we're more so studying God in the form of lesser gods and goddesses. As opposed to having God consciousness in the highest capacity of duality that God consciousness can afford. Though I suppose you could argue there's some kind of hypothetical upper limit to this, beyond which non-duality becomes effectively mandatory to go any further. However, it would be my contention that such a limit is likely to be arbitrary and therefore can be dropped.
  22. And yet, I've experienced a highly evolved being that managed to manipulate my waking reality from my sleeping dreams. And many other lucid dreamers have encountered other dream characters who were also capable of manipulating the dream environment to the same extent as the "main dreamer" from the waking world, and on some occasions, the dream characters altered the waking world in some way. It just goes to show that there's great potential for diversity and a variety of possibilities in dreams.
  23. A dreamed space time continuum is an illusion consisting of nothing. And just as your sleeping dream's spacetime is an illusion born out of nothingness, so also is your waking world spacetime continuum an illusion. So the simple answer to your question is, if other dream characters of yours are dreaming up other dream characters within their own dream(of which you would be one of them) then their dream isn't happening anywhere because it's exactly the same as your dreams which aren't tacking place anywhere or within any mechanical system.
  24. I'm pretty sure you lost him when he said "Lol what the fuck, this forum sucks balls."
  25. Well yes, but really my point was founded ultimately on the understanding that real life is much like a video game. In a video game, the world forms around the player character for the sake of the player character, and all of the game's reality is grounded in the experience of the gamer. Real life is a dream that fundamentally operates on very similar principles. In that, you're creating the entire universe out of nothing always, starting with your human self, then funneling out into everything that's immediately close to your human self like family and friends, and then out to things further removed from you including maybe your country and countrymen you've never met, and this process is ongoing until eventually, we reach things you've never before experienced as a human self and things you can't even imagine or conceptualize as a human. And at that point, things become so abstract and undefined that it's not really possible to put them into words anymore. It's perhaps tricky because there's not actually any difference between you imaging that the other has their own experience by you constructing them in real-time, and them actually having their own experience. Indeed, it contains accounts of human experience that if you were to ask me, everyone should be interested in discovering.