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Everything posted by JuliusCaesar

  1. I have never engaged in sexual conduct with any third party over the course of my 23 years as you measure time of human life.
  2. You may hold me in your unserious admiration all you please, just as the pirates who held my historical namesake did when he was under their capture, he told them he'd return with an army and crucify them all.
  3. Thank you, but this is impossible for me to do, I do not understand what the term "suffering" means, as suffering is not a real thing.
  4. @Tyler Robinson To the best of my knowledge, no one has responded to my challenge which I aimed Leo, in reference to my position that under Terrestrial Law you potentially have the right to be as slutty as you please with unconditional impunity, and that therefore, Leo's claim against is blatantly frivolous. Do you appreciate my words, Tyler?
  5. Not answering on Leo's behalf, but on the basis of that which I am. MATER GAIA is a SENTIENT, LIVING, BEING. You're a human entity, you're also all three of these things, so you should understand at least to some degree what this means.
  6. Objection: Is not the wind pleased with her flagrant emotional expression? Who are you to undermine the rights of the air? Yes, mortals are just too ignorant and impudent in their selfishness to realize it. You are among the wise of mankind, @Danioover9000 Yes, furthermore gravity is my bitch, Leo.
  7. It's so fun that why even would you want an alternative lol?
  8. Of course, but as the infinite, I desire to progress within the hierarchy of my own imagination solely because it pleases me. This is perhaps a good way of defining what I'm doing. You could also define my work as practice in the Supernaturalities of all things legal. Under such a definition, I would be studying to become some kind of Supernatural Attorney, with the intent to become a Supernatural Adjudicator or Judge in other words. One day soon I will be a "His Honor" or "His Honour", just maybe not in the court of law since I have no designs to attend a mortal school lol. Though I suppose it's possible for me to change my mind.
  9. So what you're saying effectively, is that Leo and the forum have made substantial breakthroughs, as dreaming is very good.
  10. I can't be counted among these 4chan posters you reference. In that, I do legitimate supernatural feats, and am aware of other human entities under the same umbrella of practice. Furthermore, in the future, I will endeavor not to accost Leo or anyone else seeking evidence of any powers or abilities they claim to have. And to represent the truthful aspects of your worldview @RMQualtrough to the best of my ability, and do my best to protect you from any material you may find to be offensive. It's true that many come here seeking advice in supernatural matters, this is not an entirely foolish action. But it should be done with the understanding that Leo's values don't include such practical utilitarianism in everyday life. Or to be more specific, Leo values truth above all else, or at least in the past he has. Now I'm starting to think he values this alien mouse above all else. Perhaps some or even many supernatural claims constitute inaccurate and untruthful information. But on what basis do you reason that all of these accounts, and that would include some I myself have posted on this forum, are inaccurate?
  11. I know I've asked you this before, but again where did you find this woman? I find it hard to believe you came upon such a prodigious treasure purely by mistake lol.
  12. I would be jealous if I were that sort of person, this is a most astounding claim, not because there isn't precedent in my own personal experiences and comprehension of reality for what you're describing to be possible, I know fully well that it's possible. It's just that I never even thought about trying to do something so radical in the Omnipresent domain before lol. You never cease to amaze me, Leo. Your experience essentially creates precedent for a man to become literally the whole fucking universe that is the universe under materalist science's definition. That's all approaching insanity, even from my perspective. And my perspective is extraordinary in the highest extent, at least with respect to any normal human perspective.
  13. The trip didn't produce any actual deception whatsoever, or at least in that specific example, there's no evidence of such deception. Because the state of consciousness the tripper was in where they were confident in approaching girls is radically different from the state they were in at the time that they "chickened out" as you put it.
  14. Leo isn't claiming to be a space alien, he's claiming he became a GOD Alien. There's a very substantial difference between these. Furthermore, he isn't claiming that he is that alien now per se, he's merely telling us of an experience he's had in the past, that in all probability he'll go through again in the future. Leo is also not claiming to not be a human being, don't let him telling you things like "people just assume they're human" fool you. He fully understands that as God he's hallucinating his human being self, and that God's hallucinations are absolute truth. Therefore it's true that he's human in accordance with his own words. So unless you're saying that Leo is mentally ill for calling himself human, and we could probably just as easily classify you as mentally ill under the same, you're not making claims that are relevant to any of Leo's claims or statements.
  15. Death is a silly human concept, you're claiming it would seem that this frivolous concept points to something real, and I'll grant that with the stipulation that what we're talking about is something very different than what humans imagine death to be. Clearly, you don't understand what Leo means by death, please consult the forum's guidelines.
  16. This is my domain of which you speak, Leo. However I'm still very much the neophyte and young so to speak in my career and practice of the supernatural. But I've had great successes already, some of which I've articulated elsewhere on this forum. And it's blatantly obvious to any and all humans how these kinds of apparently miraculous feats point to the metaphysical truths you teach. Not me, Leo. I recognize you as a human entity, incarnate in the imagination of the absolute who as a human is essentially an intellectual on steroids. A proper psychonaut so to speak, probably one of the most advanced of all psychonauts currently living. The game would be rather boring it if were simple don't you agree?
  17. Your deficiency in understanding here arises from a failure to recognize that Mathew literally = everything that's not Matthew. This sounds like a logical impossibility, but it turns out to be true. This is of course possible only at the infinite levels of consciousness, which is more objective than limited states because Omniscience becomes possible there. You could never be objective in any sense if you didn't have all the relevant facts, and all possible facts are relevant so Omniscience is indeed necessary, otherwise, you don't really know whether or not you're deluded as such.
  18. All I mean to say is, respect the mouse's potential, man! This is some kind of serious groundbreaking novel experience you're describing here. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if after making 100 people become this being for an infinity of eternities, that there would still be things about the alien that even these 100 can't conceive of.
  19. Why guess as human Leo? Can you not ask these questions as that mouseGod? After all, that being is certain to be vastly superior in wisdom and understanding than any human could ever hope to be. Of course, I was using a different definition of Omnipresence though. Omnipresence refers to the infinitude of God's experience. But there can be many different meanings to the concept of experiencing absolutely everything. For instance, does this Alien have direct access to the entirety of all mankind's personal experiences? If so, then that's amazing, isn't it? If not so, then why? Why is this being limited in that area and how? Another thing, how loving is this being? Can you imagine something it wouldn't love? Also, how does it's infinite love compare to say, the infinite love you've expressed in past states of God consciousness? Of course, the human mind by default is very limited and struggles substantially with these things usually. Of course not! Only I am so crazy as to hold myself to those kinds of seemingly impossible standards and maintain such incredible ambition. At the same time however, I'd like to point out that this whole concept of Man vs God is kinda nonsensical since man is just God hallucinating that it's man. As a side note, I've as a human taken somewhat of a hiatus from psychedelics in recent time, but am likely to come out of it as there's substances that are just far too useful in aiding me in my work not to do them. Nonetheless, my human only experience is invaluable as manipulating reality from various levels of capability permits me to learn in a way I couldn't if I stuck only to God consciousness all the time. As I wouldn't have the reference of success/failure in doing so from lower levels of mind to compare against the same in higher states.
  20. @Leo Gura Because the mouse and your human body were morphed into one entity. Is it not possible for you to become this I don't even know what to call it, Omniscient, Omnipotent, hyperdimensional Godself on a permanent basis? Furthermore, in what dream/reality/place which is beyond all dreams/realities does this being exist? You have said that the natural laws it's under differ from those of the reality which houses Leo. Therefore, it seems reasonable that there's some kind of perceptual barrier that exists in your perception between these two realities. But because these are both our imagination, the separateness of them is made up by us, therefore isn't it possible for you to send things from one reality into another by means of the Alien's sovereignty as God? And lastly, to what extent is this Alien being Omnipresent and in what sense? True, well said. Furthermore, this means you have the ability to alter the laws of physics using your mind. With human consciousness, this may be difficult or even impossible, but as we all know, human consciousness can be in many different ways..... many many many many different ways. You can even become something that's not even human anymore lol. Then it's as objective as we desire it to be. As such, we can modify the degree of subjectivity/objectivity of it.
  21. I agree with you here, this is in part why I objected as I did because you stated something that's contrary to my understanding of you. Namely that God was essentially beyond your comprehension on the grounds that our nature is too radical and alien to be comprehended by you. Of course, you did not overtly state this but implied it, I was responding to your implication of guilt in your incapacity to understand us, not any overt deliberate statement. So I'm trying to help you better articulate yourself by pointing out that you should never make a statement that lacks nuance such as "No one on the forum can do x", especially since such phraseology includes you. If you've read even just a small minority of the things I've posted, it's probably obvious to you that we're substantially in agreement about basically everything relative to metaphysics, and the true nature of existence. There are only mostly tiny discrepancies that arise between our worldviews, which in my understanding has occurred for two reasons. One, at the level of our human selves, my own moral philosophy is significantly more utilitarian than yours. And two, because I have substantially more experience attempting to do magickal things from a relatively ordinary human state of consciousness with varying degrees of success. And as such, I've had different insights to you at times, though I've also through means similar to the means you employ also discovered many of the same truths that you have. You are me so of course. Much of the criticisms I have levied toward you in the past, have revolved around areas where in my estimation you've imposed unnecessary limits on yourself. Which of course substantially alienates me from the majority of your other critics who have the opposite inclination. Who tell you that you're deluded because you're a human limited to the things a human can do, thinking that they're God. The heart of all my criticism is basically the inverse of this, that because you truly are God, you don't have to accept any of the limits you have accepted. Our current society wants to pigeon hole you into accepting the status quo ante and all its limitations, I however have endeavored to push you in 180 degrees the other direction. Indeed, from your experiences that correlate to experiences of my own, I've profited substantially in many verticals. Mostly in the form of gaining greater clarity and a superior understanding of things, the value of which can't be easily quantified. This makes me think you read quite a lot of the things I've written on this forum. As I often present myself in a way that is indicative of blatant biases toward usefulness.