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Everything posted by Panteranegra

  1. @Chooky Ok I'll consider it. not sure what would be an ideal dose. Psilocybin sounds amazing for me. I'll. Modafinil sounds like a kind of microdosification too.
  2. @Davino Yes, they are great. But, don't expect them to be like Adderall.
  3. We can bet $200,000 that you will use psychedelics within 5 years.@TheGod
  4. @Davino @Davino Yes, it can get quite pricey if you want to use it every day, and it's not very easy to find. Although I like them
  5. 👇🏾AI on Microdosing Psilocybin 👇🏾 Microdosing psilocybin, which involves taking very small, sub-perceptual doses of psilocybin mushrooms, has been explored by many as a way to enhance various aspects of everyday life. While scientific research in this area is still emerging, there are several anecdotal reports and preliminary studies suggesting potential benefits. Here's a look at how microdosing psilocybin might positively influence integral life: ### 1. Enhanced Cognitive Function Many individuals report that microdosing psilocybin leads to increased mental clarity, improved problem-solving skills, and enhanced ability to focus. This can translate to better performance at work or school, as well as an improved capacity for creative thinking and innovation. ### 2. Emotional Balance Psilocybin has shown potential in regulating mood and alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety in clinical settings. Microdosers often experience subtle improvements in their emotional stability, leading to a more positive outlook and greater emotional resilience. ### 3. Increased Energy and Motivation Some people find that microdosing psilocybin provides a boost in energy levels and motivation, helping them tackle their daily tasks with more vigor and enthusiasm. This can be particularly beneficial for those dealing with fatigue or lethargy. ### 4. Improved Interpersonal Relationships By enhancing emotional empathy and reducing social anxiety, microdosing can lead to improved interpersonal interactions and relationships. Users often report feeling more connected to others and having an increased sense of compassion and patience. ### 5. Reduction of Stress and Anxiety Regular microdosing may help in managing stress and anxiety by promoting a calmer and more composed state of mind. This could be especially helpful for individuals in high-pressure environments or those who suffer from chronic stress. ### 6. Spiritual and Personal Development Many users report profound experiences of spiritual growth and personal insight while microdosing psilocybin. This can lead to a greater sense of purpose, improved self-awareness, and a deeper appreciation of life. ### 7. Enhanced Appreciation for Art and Nature A heightened sensory perception is a common effect of psilocybin, and even at microdoses, it can lead to a greater appreciation of beauty in art and nature, enriching the user's quality of life. ### 8. Decreased Need for Other Substances Some evidence suggests that microdosing psilocybin can help reduce the cravings for and dependence on other substances such as nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine. ### 9. Long-Term Mental Health Benefits Though more research is needed, there is potential for long-term benefits to mental health, including lasting decreases in symptoms of depression and anxiety, from regular microdosing. ### 10. Neuroplasticity Early research indicates that psilocybin may promote neuroplasticity — the brain's ability to form new neural connections. This could potentially lead to long-term improvements in brain function and mental health. ### Caution and Considerations While there are many reported benefits, microdosing psilocybin is still a largely experimental practice and should be approached with caution. It's important to consider the legal status of psilocybin in your location, potential health risks, and the lack of standardized dosing protocols. Consulting with a healthcare provider before starting any regimen involving psychoactive substances is recommended. As research continues, the understanding of how microdosing psilocybin affects various aspects of life will become clearer, potentially validating and guiding its use for enhancing mental health and overall well-being.
  6. What would be the ideal microdose for productivity and mental sharpness? Options include DMT vape, DMT, magic mushrooms, 5-MeO-DMT, THC, or others. Thanks!
  7. @Davino thank you. I am aware of that video. I prefer psychedelics as the main component I don't find most of nootropics noticeable. Ill probably microdose mushrooms --- AI on Microdosing Psilocybin 👇🏾 Microdosing psilocybin, which involves taking very small, sub-perceptual doses of psilocybin mushrooms, has been explored by many as a way to enhance various aspects of everyday life. While scientific research in this area is still emerging, there are several anecdotal reports and preliminary studies suggesting potential benefits. Here's a look at how microdosing psilocybin might positively influence integral life: ### 1. Enhanced Cognitive Function Many individuals report that microdosing psilocybin leads to increased mental clarity, improved problem-solving skills, and enhanced ability to focus. This can translate to better performance at work or school, as well as an improved capacity for creative thinking and innovation. ### 2. Emotional Balance Psilocybin has shown potential in regulating mood and alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety in clinical settings. Microdosers often experience subtle improvements in their emotional stability, leading to a more positive outlook and greater emotional resilience. ### 3. Increased Energy and Motivation Some people find that microdosing psilocybin provides a boost in energy levels and motivation, helping them tackle their daily tasks with more vigor and enthusiasm. This can be particularly beneficial for those dealing with fatigue or lethargy. ### 4. Improved Interpersonal Relationships By enhancing emotional empathy and reducing social anxiety, microdosing can lead to improved interpersonal interactions and relationships. Users often report feeling more connected to others and having an increased sense of compassion and patience. ### 5. Reduction of Stress and Anxiety Regular microdosing may help in managing stress and anxiety by promoting a calmer and more composed state of mind. This could be especially helpful for individuals in high-pressure environments or those who suffer from chronic stress. ### 6. Spiritual and Personal Development Many users report profound experiences of spiritual growth and personal insight while microdosing psilocybin. This can lead to a greater sense of purpose, improved self-awareness, and a deeper appreciation of life. ### 7. Enhanced Appreciation for Art and Nature A heightened sensory perception is a common effect of psilocybin, and even at microdoses, it can lead to a greater appreciation of beauty in art and nature, enriching the user's quality of life. ### 8. Decreased Need for Other Substances Some evidence suggests that microdosing psilocybin can help reduce the cravings for and dependence on other substances such as nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine. ### 9. Long-Term Mental Health Benefits Though more research is needed, there is potential for long-term benefits to mental health, including lasting decreases in symptoms of depression and anxiety, from regular microdosing. ### 10. Neuroplasticity Early research indicates that psilocybin may promote neuroplasticity — the brain's ability to form new neural connections. This could potentially lead to long-term improvements in brain function and mental health. ### Caution and Considerations While there are many reported benefits, microdosing psilocybin is still a largely experimental practice and should be approached with caution. It's important to consider the legal status of psilocybin in your location, potential health risks, and the lack of standardized dosing protocols. Consulting with a healthcare provider before starting any regimen involving psychoactive substances is recommended. As research continues, the understanding of how microdosing psilocybin affects various aspects of life will become clearer, potentially validating and guiding its use for enhancing mental health and overall well-being.
  8. @Leo Gura and friends. What would be the an intelligent approach integrating psychedelics in Daily life? Doses of 5Meo Dmt or microdosing mushrooms? Both? I'm seeking lucidity and productivity in integral life. Thank you
  9. I'm currently listening to Leo's video on fear, where he suggests imagining the worst outcome to become fearless. I'm in a situation where I could not pay my rent last month, and he uses this example too. I've read conversations with God and books on the law of attraction, aiming to manifest a greater life. Most law of attraction books emphasize thoughts and imagination creating reality but often overlook shadow work. While exploring books on shadow work, I've realized I've been trying to evade fear throughout my life. What one resists persists, leading me to embrace shadow work as my law of attraction efforts haven't produced results; it seems I've been manifesting the opposite. How to integrate both practices effectively? What are your thoughts on this integration?
  10. Hey guys, Convince me with the idea that I am more than a body through quantum mechanics or any other science. I know, I know... Leo has a video on quantum mechanics debunks materialism, but I'm still not sure how I can explain to someone that we are more than a body through science.
  11. I wonder who would like to share their notes about this video?
  12. What are Natural Hierarchies?
  13. How does competition relates to holistic thinking?
  14. @Leo Gura When are you removing Tony Robins from Orange? He even took 5MEO
  15. Hello! I am a Holistic Fitness and Health coach. What books do you recommend me for creating a "tribe"? I have red Conversation with God book 4. It's inspiring, but I would like to get deeper into creating a community or conscious movement. I can see Leo's recommendation in his library: "Tribe" by Seth Godin ( I haven't red it yet) Could you share with me some ideas, examples, books, videos, content and so on? Thanks!
  16. I'm trying yo decostruct my competitive mindset. It seems, in this world, everyone is competing, with everyone else because of our social conditioning and all that. Do you think is ultimately useful? What are.the pros and of competition? Can you grow without competitors?
  17. It's just BS distinction, but helps. It's all about eating real food whole foods foods dense in prana, nutrient dense foods foods that comes from mother earth "gaia" fruits, vegetables, legumes, and all that. Animals are healthy if they had healthy diets and lifestyle. But whatever works to you to understand the concept of eating as "natural" "real" as possible.
  18. Thanks but... Why you did not recommend Conversations With God this time?
  19. @Leo Gura Come on Leo! What's the difference between using God Realization and Non Duality. Aren't they the same thing? Oneness, Nirvana and all that? Why do yo think is important to make the distinction? Why are you not clear about it?
  20. @Edvardas thanks I am looking more books like conversations with God. I've never resonated with ACIM. But maybe i'll change my mind. Thanks
  21. what book has gotten you closer to God/oneness?
  22. How abundance works? how to be financially free?