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Posts posted by ryandesreu

  1. 5 hours ago, Romanov said:

    I’ve got family members who support Trump and every time I ask them what it’s going to take for them to be convinced he’s a criminal, their response is that it’s purely a political play due to the democrats being scared of losing against Trump. So let me ask all the lefties here, how confident are you that Trump won’t win?

    I wonder what they would say if you asked them to consider the possibility that they could be wrong. And what the consequences are in voting for him if they are wrong. Just be careful. Consider showing them this video.


  2. On 6/7/2023 at 0:39 PM, Yimpa said:

    Not to mention the measly 2 hour battery life. It’s fine for now since it can be used all-day plugged in, but more apps will come out that will encourage you to be untethered and walk around the real world environment (lol).

    For example, I’m imagining apps that help people while cooking or doing DIY home repairs.

    Furthermore, 2 hour battery life won’t fly when these headsets become a standard in school and office environments.

    Finally, Apple showed people using the headset while on a plane as well as just casually hanging out with family members. No way can you watch a full movie on a plane without being plugged in, and no way do I want to have to constantly plug myself into a wall outlet while I’m hanging out with real humans. 

    You can plug it into an extra battery and wear the battery on your back like an oxygen tank.

  3. 2 hours ago, TheAlchemist said:

    Jeez can't escape the hyper-polarized twitter shitshow even on actualized forums now. Is there anything good that can come out of these outraged twitter "discussions"?

    I here what you're saying. People will learn to communicate in a more peaceful, constructive, understanding manner. Until then they will continue to polarize themselves and create more of what they hate until they get it.

  4. Okay, here are the graphs that I mentioned finding earlier. It looks like income started to increase again at about 2012 to 2013 and poverty started decreasing around 2014.

    I'm not trying to butt heads with anybody here and I could be wrong but it kind of looks like Mr. Trump was at least partially riding the coattails of the previous administration.

    7 Key Trends in Poverty charts_pdf_2.22.23-3.jpg

    7 Key Trends in Poverty charts_pdf_2.22.23-6.jpg

  5. Nice graphs. I posted some not long ago you should check them out. It looks like middle class income is increasing and inflation is decreasing! I plan on finding some on poverty level which is very important too.

    Taxes should be as low as possible while financing the government’s activity generally speaking. It is my understanding that the 2017 tax cuts were a short-term fix and added to the debt long term. They created a bubble of short-term unsustainable growth and were disproportionate giving higher breaks to corporations and millionaires.

    But that's okay, nothing is personal,  we're adjusting things and building on the positives.

  6. 5 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

    Trump will absolutely destroy him in debate, if there is one. It will be painful to sit through those secondhand embarrassments.

    Biden has lost all cognitive capacities, let alone sustain it for another long 4 years. It was a miracle that he made it this far in one piece. This is elderly abuse and needs to stop.

    Hmm, I don't know about that. Trump refuses debate for obvious reasons. Biden is cognitively inconsistent and lacks stamina. However, I believe Biden can still keep it together for a debate as he did in 2020.

    13 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:



  7. The sport of baseball requires the most talent to play professionally according to most athletes. It requires a high level of focus, long-term discipline, mental and physical toughness, and talent. Just being able to bat at a MLB level is extremely difficult. 

    Shohei Ohtani not only bats but also pitches which is extremely difficult, and he does both at a world-class level!

    Ohtani has been breaking Babe Ruth's (the best baseball player of all-time) two-way player records at an amazing pace!

    Shohei Ohtani is the most talented professional athlete of this generation and possibly all-time!


  8. The following behavior (self-disciplined, strong work ethic, clean, de-cluttered) along with these political views (rule of law, free market w/safety net, individual and collective responsibility, pro private property, strict abortion and gun laws but prohibiting neither) might place someone (me) as a conservative/moderate mix.

    However, with these political views (separation of religion and state, not clinging to unhealthy traditions of over-consumption and consumerism, pro social security, anti Trump) to go with a humble, very open mind, I feel like I belong on the left.

    So, I'm someone who behaves mostly conservative but thinks mostly moderate progressive. I'm a moderate/progressive-conservative. 

  9. Elizabeth Zharoff is a world-class singer, voice coach, and arranger of video game soundtracks. She has the ability to articulate music at a very advanced level! My ability to listen to, describe, and enjoy music has improved from watching her videos!

    The following video is analysis of the amazing song "Lateralus" by the band Tool. They have many songs relating to spirituality including "The Grudge" about struggling with the human ego. 

    Maynard's lyrics in general encourage self-identity, understanding and reflection and Danny Carey is known for his incredible drum mastery and odd time signatures. Also, the guitarist and bassist excell at arpeggios, rhythm, and sound.

    I am also linking the song with lyrics and incredible visuals so it can be experienced uninterrupted. There are many other Tool videos available in this fashion to check out!


    "I embrace my desire to Feel the rhythm, to feel connected Enough to step aside and weep like a widow To feel inspired To fathom the power To witness the beauty To bathe in the fountain To swing on the spiral Of our divinity And still be a human"

    These lyrics sound spiraling and so soothing in the song.