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Everything posted by Hulk

  1. Predicting the future.
  2. Let's call them humans for today.
  3. I don't agree with this idea that wealthy people are portrayed like cancer, what if they are the immune. There is no scientific study that shows that they are harming or benefiting the system. These idea should be carefully must be examined.
  4. humans doesn't matter for the universe.
  5. @Gabith you are manipulating emotions and seeking for attention. First of for if teal swan says is it true? even if the universe is going to end today with alarm set you got to do what you need to do and enjoy life. what you mention as problem is dust from infinite the problem what it is there. we live in a trust with God.
  6. What the connection between logic and spirituality? How important Rationality in spirituality?
  7. @softlyblossoming Rationality is that all exist. Being Rational, reasonable, and logical is perfect human quality. Spirituality without being Rational is failure.
  8. Tia Lopez is great at reading books, you can understand from his tone. He is a wellread man. I love how he articulates what read and he is great at talking about it, but interms of spirituality and personal development he is low. So let's not judge his weak side to make a conclusion that he is useless, let's not defame him or use something against him based on some of his inadequacy.
  9. @Tim R one must exist. Good or evil, God or devil?
  10. Is evil = good? God = devil? How Duality = non - duality?
  11. Some say evil and good are one! Is this true?
  12. Yes. Nothing change only the physical body clothes changes. You are going to live with sprit body.
  13. What you meant is this. But when take word by word it creates misunderstandings and cognitive dissonance. Holysprit <-----------------------------------------------> Goodsprit = evilsprit Because holysprit is the governor of Reality or infinite he sees everything with goodness, holy eye. The holy spirit only sees Reality with holy eye, that makes it infinity holy or good because it is God, it doesn't mean evil doesn't exist, evil seen by god as good, because god is infinitely good. Therfore God only become God when he is infinitely good or when he maintains holy spirit In himself. But don't took this idea for commiting evil. If you commit evil because you gave reason for that evil doesn't exist, that is evil. Good <-----------------------------------------------> Good = evil
  14. This my non-dual model of Reality God <--------------------------------------> God = devil Infinity <--------------------------------------> Infinity = finite
  15. @Endangered-EGO i absolutely agree with Chris langan and he is right. Richard Dawkins would go hell. These is not because of Richard Dawkins is atheist, or his religious position but Dawkins abused science, truth, for personal benefit and selfish reason, Dawkins would go hell as defiled christian go to hell. Evil actually exists. We can't deny that. To say it's love it requires who is doing it. If devil did, it it's not love but hate and evil, but if god did it it is good because it is itself and owns it. We must not look everything from the point of view of absolute god or infinity. Infinity with capital I isn't not possible for anyone. We should talk with infinity with lower i. If someone burn you with gas that is evil, if someone steal your money and shutdown your business wrongly that is evil. To realize one is God needs forgiveness, to let go all of your sin that block you to see god or you are god. Your pride with fake academic knowledge, fake money, fake sprituality, fake idea, vice etc. That is sin needed to forgiven. He needs forgiveness because he didn't know himself. He didn't realize who is. Gid forgiveness is needed because he isn't able to see god, he needs to let go of his ignorance and ask god the direction of enlightenment. Models are just maps, they only guide you. It is the person that is responsible for being spritual or not. God punish you because god isn't one loving agent who sit at throne and micro manage infinity. God punish you because God is distrubeted infinite system like internet. God punish you because it is infinite system and mind, among that infinite system you are the one. God isn't separate from reality, the laws that govern Reality is god itself, if you break the law which is God, it punish you. If you go to sky to touch the sun, it punish you. If you become angry, jealous, theft nature punish you, you would become psychologically ill, that is punishment, that is god being in nature, the universe or infinity runs in perfect law's, these all so true when you become spritual defective they throw you to hell which is equivalent with Guantanamo, do you expect the soul of thef, murderer, personality flawed person would go to perfect realm like heaven?a traffic police officer will get you punishment card if violate the laws, that is punishment. And that police officer is God too, these model goes higher dimension of Reality too, if you violate spiritual laws god will cast you out from the infinite system or the infinite system will punish you.
  16. What is non-duality real is? Is evil and good are one? What is infinite and what is finite? Is finite evil? Is survival evil? These are all wrong ideas to me. My definition of non-duality is according to spirituality, good and evil exist but always seek, act, align yourself with good completely and infinitely.
  17. Are we in simulations environments like computer file or CD game? Is the universe runs on CD player?
  18. I develop a non-dual model and dual model of Reality both working without conflict. What do you think.
  19. Excellent question. There is higher spiritual dimensional body that doesn't sleep nor dream. Perfect example would be a consious sleep. You have the state of sleep but conscious. No. Think it as simulation. When you play a game character it stay a live as long as you play it. When you enter another realm of non time dimensions this all things fades away. This our physical body is equivalent and synonyms with vr headsets. No. When you sleep you don't always ascend to the higher physical body, you might descend into lower body. So it depends on the human or creaturer. From the apocalypse of peter gnositic text. Stating jesus christ have multiple bodies. "When he had said those things, I saw him seemingly being seized by them. And I said "What do I see, O Lord? That it is you yourself whom they take, and that you are grasping me? Or who is this one, glad and laughing on the tree? And is it another one whose feet and hands they are striking?" The Savior said to me, "He whom you saw on the tree, glad and laughing, this is the living Jesus. But this one into whose hands and feet they drive the nails is his fleshly part, which is the substitute being put to shame, the one who came into being in his likeness. But look at him and me."
  20. You have multiple different spritual body as the physical one. Depending on how much body you have, you enter on that that one. One body being different with features with other one.
  21. Therfore I think it is better we use different technical words for expressing something big instead of using God. I call B-el for the divinity experience. It is not same or one with God.
  22. What the point saying I am God or you are God when infinity is God?
  23. I didn't lost in symbol. The symbols are also sprit too. So you can't lost In infinity because infinity is god itself too. So the symbols are sprit or god too. What I am suggesting using symbols, language, logic properly.