Clabber Girl

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Everything posted by Clabber Girl

  1. If you surround yourself with other people having fun without alcohol it makes it much more plausible.
  2. All the shy people I know have harbored lots of shame since childhood. The shame may come from trauma or genetics I don't know but that seems to be an underlying theme.
  3. I understand how Leo may not have trauma from his experience .... However the pedo guy could be still molesting other boys to this day and causing trauma for other people. I wonder how he feels about that?
  4. I follow him - I think some of his videos are interesting. I am not into the Keto diet much though so some of his videos dont really appeal to me.
  5. I have been vegetarian for about 7 years... the past 3 I have eaten fish and eggs also to add to my protein intake. I don't really care for nor do i think eating red meat, pork or chicken is really necessary in modern times. There are plenty of cheaper more efficient alternatives now that you can choose. Personally I never really enjoyed pork chops or milk, so vegetarianism or Pescetarianism really goes well with my tastes and lifestyle.
  6. maybe not with the punches to the head for the long term mental health... but you can do a Brazilian jiu-jitsu practice maybe for confidence and a fitness boxing class for exercise.
  7. sometimes sexual fantasies that may include BDSM components could be a part of a woman's innate desire to be dominated, it comes from more of a primal instinct part of the mind.
  8. This is truth... Women know when a man doesn't really love himself.
  9. Falling for the wrong man has its purpose - so that you can learn from your mistakes on that wrong guy and fall for the right man next time! Its perfect in the sense that it is the journey you need to go on before you can identify a great man.
  10. Tim Dillon is a comedian and doesn't always mean what he says literally .. However he has mentioned on the other podcasts he has done that he is following his dreams and he knows that ultimately it will be unfulfilling for him. That following his dreams has been a hard road for him and that most people wouldn't be willing to take the path he did or couldn't survive if they attempted.
  11. I am not a health or fitness guru but I can tell you as a woman I have had the same insecurities with my stomach... A lot of females do. But I think that it is possible to get a flat tummy with diet and exercise. Personally I am not a fan of anyone getting any kind of plastic surgery unless it is for corrective reasons (deviated septum/major trauma to the body due to an accident). If you cant love your body as it is, lipo isn't going to change the way you feel about it. I suspect after the lipo it will be something else you are not happy with. Also - something I have noticed is that all people tend to store fat in specific areas, not every one stores it in the tummy region. For some its the butt/thighs... For me I have seen most of my weight is in my upper body - boobs, belly, arms... Legs and butt are more lean( I have less cellulite too than others I have noticed). It has helped me to come to grips that this is the reality of life and you will have physical appearance strengths and weaknesses. PLAY THE CARDS YOU ARE DEALT, dont fight your body. If you have beautiful eyes, play to that with eye-shadows/liner that complements them. If you have amazing boobs then highlight them... If your legs are toned show those off... the quality of your body is NOT how perfect it is. It's how you are able to play those good aspects to the max. Hell, we are all going to be old and wrinkly one day... Will you then try to get rid of all the wrinkles?
  12. I had two friends that were both assaulted by the same man while drunk a few years ago... They both attended his wedding and were friends with the bride. Never once did they tell her. He was very likable, charming and otherwise an nice, friendly, positive guy to be around. It freaks me out that I could in the past or future be with a man who has sexually assaulted someone before. How can I tell the signs of a man who could be a predator in the past? Also – how do I stop this fear?
  13. Does anyone else have very violent dreams often and if so... Do you think there is a deeper meaning to them? I have had dreams of being exposed to radiation from nuclear bomb blast, being stabbed/murdered, being sexually assaulted, drowning, falling to my death from tall heights. I typically am not doing the crime, and I have not experienced any extreme violence like this in real life. I don't watch violent movies (recently, in the past I have) or play violent video games. This seems to be something deep in my mind playing out violence as symbolic but I am interested to see if anyone else has had this happen?
  14. I would like to get to know a true gentleman but this isn't tinder
  15. @RendHeaven Thanks for the response to my actual question! I appreciate it! I think you bring up a good point about men who show great pride in their past experiences sexually to other women. Makes a lot of sense. But the safety thing is a good thing to keep in mind, as I have dated a man who would comment really weird obscene things to me such as "your getting molested tonight..." WTF. Crossed the line there, and I have told him and he apologized and was never that creepy/weird ever again but needless to say that relationship didnt last. I will give him credit he backed off, apologized and there is something to be said for that type of "social calibration". I think a lot of guys dont have the sense of whats crossing the line and whats considered ok for the girl. Men forget theres a physical power disparity so you cant just do and say what ever you want and we will be ok with it. So for me, the safety boundary really matters.
  16. Woman #1 - drunk, he took her into the bathroom away from people in the middle of the night and forced himself on her from behind behind... I knew something was wrong b/c we shared that bathroom and I heard a commotion but no sounds of sexual pleasure just things being knocked over on the bathroom counter. I asked her about it in the morning kinda annoyed with the loud sounds but she was vague and seemed disturbed... Usually shes is a very talkative woman that is an open book and shares everything. She said its something shes talked with her therapist about and described him as a predator. Woman #2 - sober, with a long term boyfriend he knew about, touched her sexually while asleep and she woke up to it. I have had a similar experience waking up to a guy friends hand up my shirt while on a camping trip. I was so freaked out this guy would be touching me in a dead sleep I froze in fear while he commented on how hot my body was. He then proceeded to put his hand down my jeans that's when I pushed him off and he got out of my tent. These things happen more than some people think so yeah I do consider it when getting out into the dating world again.
  17. I think it's due to societal norms... When you tell a friend or family member how you really love / admire then it can get weird. Men in the states are not really allowed to express their admiration for each other in this way.
  18. I agree - I think healthy skin is from the inside out. Women will put all sorts of lotions and potions on their faces in order to diminish fine lines/wrinkles but that only helps maybe 10% of the issue. 90% of skin health depends on hydration, adequate nutrition, sleep, exercise, and lowering stressors.
  19. For me personally.. here are a few benefits (I do eat fish and eggs) I don't care for the taste of bacon, pork chops, milk, ext. I am able to avoid processed meats - fried chicken, hotdogs, smoked meats Avoid red meat consumption Cheaper
  20. Sv3rige - this channel is incel central... he has videos with titles "never leave your comfort zone", "cars are for sissy little girls" and "women can't get better at sex"
  21. If you're balding, I wouldn't worry about it. Just shave it. Most girls don't care if you're bald. There are a ton of sexy bald guys out there and you can be one of them!
  22. The LPC Helped me gain some realizations on my true interests and values. But I think its something you need to revisit yearly... Values and LP statement, my values came easily - I was honest and did have some toxic values which was helpful. What I struggled with most was my zone of genius. I always liked comedy and standup my entire life, and I consider myself to be funny when I want to be(voted class clown in HS ). But I think I am too afraid to go after that ultimately. Long story short I think some portions came easier than others for me personally.
  23. Hey Everyone - So I am still single at 32 years old, I have had several relationships all lasting about 2 years or under. I cannot seem to find the right man... A few lessons I have learned along the way: Always use my intuition/gut feelings about a man If his friends dont like me or I dont like them its a red flag Quit wasting your time on men who you know are wrong for you but they are a source of familiarity and comfort Make sure they share similar values These are some takeaways from my past failed relationships. Could anyone else give me advice on how to find a good man? where are the best places to meet men? I like working out, golf and yoga. I have been thinking about joining a BJJ class to meet more people and gain self defense skills.
  24. In the past I certainly have been that party girl but in the past few years I have settled down to just working and socializing here and there I don't care for bars anymore. I like coffee shops and the library more to be honest, but I would still consider myself an extrovert. here are some reasons I have rejected men: Reasons men have rejected me in relationships Lied to me about his age - Stated there is no connection and mentioned that I did some immature things Didn't graduate high school Not ambitious Drinks too much/smokes too much weed too religious too republican/right leaning (many in my area are this way) Am I too picky? Are these shallow reasons for rejecting a man? Here are some reasons I have fallen for the wrong man that I KNOW are shallow consciously He was unavailable (I knew it deep down but ignored the signs) He had a sexy accent ... New Zealand accents ... yikes those are sexy He was a Doctor / Lawyer He smooth talked me in bed He had lots of friends / social status I know writing these down looks bad but it's my honest introspection and it sucks... But necessary. Ouch. I have seen myself look at other womens husbands/bfs and think "wow I wouldn't wanna be with him" b/c of XYZ shallow reason... so I agree with you but in reality, how do I quit being a dumb-ass/fool about this? My problem may be with recognizing greatness yes but how do you get better at that?....