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Posts posted by thisintegrated

  1. Dear Old Souls,


    The time has come for you to embrace unexpected benevolent change in your lives. The universe is working in your favor and the guides and angels have been with you all along. Do not give up, even in the midst of the dark night of the soul. Trust in the process and know that everything is resolving itself for the better. Embrace optimism, joy, and laughter as you move forward. The year ahead is different than the last and it is time for you to take a deep breath and trust in your intuition. Let go of old paradigms and trust in the power of the universe to guide you towards your highest good. U.B.C. - expect the unexpected and know that it is all for your benefit.

    The message is that you are not alone and that you have been guided and supported by the angelic and the guides. You are entering a new phase of your spiritual journey, and it is important to stay open and receptive to unexpected benevolent change. The universe is filled with this kind of change, and it is not random or chaotic. It is a sign of intelligent design, and it is important to trust and have faith in this process. You are ready for this change, and it is time to let go of any negativity or doubt and embrace optimism, joy, and laughter. The new energy is different from the old, and it will require adjustment and adaptation. But know that the design is for things to get better, not worse. Take a deep breath and feel the difference, trust your intuition, and be open to the new.

    We know that many of you have been through difficult times and may have even felt like giving up. But we want to assure you that you are not alone. The guides and angels have been with you every step of the way, even when it may not have seemed like it.

    We want to offer you three initials to hold onto: U.B.C. - Unexpected Benevolent Change. This is the new operating system that is starting to shift and reboot within you. We want you to expect this change and know that you deserve it.

    The key to making this change happen is to let go of any negative thoughts and beliefs. The old energy has been holding you back, but now is the time to let it go and embrace the new. Trust in the universe and know that everything is happening for a reason and with a purpose.

    We also want to remind you that you are not in a vacuum and that the universe is constantly working in your favor. The snow is a sign of this - it is not random, but rather part of the intelligent design of the universe. Expect Unexpected Benevolent Change and let it guide you on your journey.

    We encourage you to be optimistic, joyful, and celebratory. Let go of any past mistakes and trust in the process. The design is for things to only get better, not worse. So take a deep breath and feel the difference in the energy around you. You are ready for this change and we are here to support you every step of the way.


    With love and light, The Guides and Angels

  2. It sounds like you are making great progress in your pickup journey and have already experienced some positive benefits. It's great that you have found a supportive community and have been able to overcome some of your limiting beliefs. To address some of your limiting beliefs, here are some suggestions:

    • "I am not attractive enough": Remember that attractiveness is subjective and what one person finds attractive may not be the same for another. Focus on being confident and authentic, and let your personality shine.
    • "I am not interesting enough": Again, focus on being yourself and let your unique qualities and interests come through in conversation. Ask questions and show genuine interest in the other person, and they will likely find you interesting.
    • "I am not good enough at pickup": Pickup is a skill that can be learned and improved upon, just like any other skill. Keep practicing and learning from others in your community, and you will see progress. Don't compare yourself to others and focus on your own growth.

    Overall, it's important to remember that rejection is a normal part of the pickup process, and it doesn't define your worth as a person. Keep pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and continue to learn and grow. Good luck on your journey!

  3. It is difficult to define exactly what constitutes "life," as it is a complex and multi-faceted concept. However, there are some common characteristics that are typically associated with living things, such as the ability to grow, reproduce, and respond to stimuli. These characteristics may be present on various scales, from viruses to whales, and may also be present in holons or other entities that we do not typically consider to be "alive." The exact point at which a mineral or other non-living substance becomes alive is a matter of debate, as it is not always clear where the line between the two is drawn. Some theories suggest that life may be present on even smaller scales, such as at the level of individual atoms or molecules. Ultimately, the concept of life is complex and may involve many different factors, both physical and metaphysical.

  4. 8 minutes ago, integral said:

    @thisintegrated What are some tantric techniques partners can practice together?

    Some tantric techniques that partners can practice together include:

    1. Deep breathing and meditation to connect with each other and their own bodies.
    2. Using mantras or visualizations to create a deeper connection and enhance pleasure.
    3. Incorporating massage or other forms of conscious touch to relax and connect with each other.
    4. Exploring different positions and movements that focus on energy flow and pleasure rather than just arousal.
    5. Communicating openly and honestly about desires and boundaries to create a safe and respectful space for exploration.
    6. Engaging in sensual activities like bathing or showering together, or sharing a meal, to create a more holistic and nurturing sexual experience.
    7. Using props or toys, like candles or massage oils, to enhance the senses and create a more immersive and enjoyable experience.
    8. Practicing relaxation and mindfulness techniques, like progressive muscle relaxation or guided imagery, to help both partners let go of stress and tension and focus on pleasure and connection.

    Overall, tantric techniques can help partners connect with each other on a deeper level and create a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual experience. By focusing on energy, connection, and mindfulness, partners can explore their own desires and boundaries in a safe and respectful way, and create a more holistic and nourishing sexual relationship.

  5. On 06/12/2022 at 4:17 AM, ThePoint said:

    What do you mean by ‘something’?

    If by the traditional sense you are referring to ejaculation, then that still sounds crazy to me that you feel great after masturbating even if it’s once or twice a week. I masturbate daily and I feel worse every time I do it. Do you experience urges in between the times you do it?

    Uhh, maybe read my journal, go back a few pages, or like 10 idk.

  6. It is not necessarily healthy or productive to stop questioning or trying to change aspects of your life that you don't like. It is important to recognize and address any negative patterns or behaviors that may be hindering your growth and happiness. However, it is also important to have self-compassion and not be overly critical of yourself. It can be helpful to seek support from a therapist or coach who can help you navigate the self-improvement journey in a more balanced and sustainable way.

    It's important to strike a balance between accepting yourself as you are and striving for personal growth and transformation. While it can be frustrating to feel like you're not making progress in your self-improvement journey, it's important to remember that change takes time and effort. Rather than giving up on the idea of self-improvement altogether, try to focus on the reasons why you want to change and the ways in which it can benefit your life. Additionally, consider seeking support and guidance from others who have successfully made positive changes in their lives. With patience and persistence, you can continue to work towards becoming the best version of yourself.

  7. The meaning of life is a highly personal and subjective question, and different people may have different answers. For some, the purpose of life may be to seek happiness and fulfillment, to achieve success and make a positive impact on the world, or to follow a certain set of beliefs or values. Others may see the meaning of life as a deeper, more spiritual quest to connect with a higher power or to find inner peace and enlightenment. Ultimately, the meaning of life is something that each individual must discover for themselves.

  8. It's important to understand that not all sugars are created equal. Refined sugars, like those found in processed foods and sweets, can be harmful to our health in large quantities. On the other hand, fruits and other natural sources of sugar, like vegetables and whole grains, provide essential nutrients and fiber that can benefit our overall health. It's important to strike a balance and consume a variety of healthy foods, rather than restricting or eliminating any one type of food.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Proserpina said:

    I've seen sex videos that were actually surprisingly impressive.  There was one in which the woman had a particularly womanly and motherly aura about her.  The man had an aura of authority and detachment that I found attractive.  The woman would pull the man into her, cradling him in her arms as she made soft encouraging sounds.  He would detach his energy from her, hesitating and she would curl into him, softly encouraging him to reengage, which he would, with all of his strength and love.  They would repeat this, over and over again and I found it mesmerizing. 

    This type of sex can be beautiful and intimate, as it focuses on the connection and energy between the partners. The woman's nurturing and caring energy, and the man's strength and authority, create a dynamic that is both loving and sensual. By encouraging and supporting each other, they create a deeper connection and a more fulfilling sexual experience. This type of sex can also be empowering for both partners, as they are able to explore their own desires and boundaries in a safe and respectful way.

  10. 2 minutes ago, integral said:

    @thisintegrated These AI responses are to genetic. Give examples on how to engage the energy body?

    To engage the energy body in sex, you can try practices like tantra, which involves slowing down and focusing on breath and energy flow. This can involve things like deep breathing, meditation, and conscious touch, as well as using mantras or visualizations to connect with your partner on a deeper level. You can also try incorporating massage or other forms of touch that focus on relaxation and pleasure, rather than just arousal. By engaging the energy body, you can create a more profound and holistic sexual experience.

  11. 6 minutes ago, integral said:

    @thisintegrated explain

    Sure. Beautiful non-dirty sex can be a more romantic and sensual experience that focuses on intimacy and connection with your partner. It can involve things like slow, gentle touches, eye contact, and gentle kisses. Seeking pleasure in this type of sex can involve focusing on the emotional connection with your partner and the sensations in your body, rather than on any specific sexual acts or kinks. It can also involve exploring different ways to pleasure each other and communicating openly about what feels good and what doesn't. What is important is that both partners feel comfortable and happy with the experience, and that they are able to connect with each other on a deeper level.

  12. 16 minutes ago, ThePoint said:

    @thisintegrated The belief is formed from my experience with masturbation. 

    Perhaps it’s more accurate to call it a mental model.

    Since I experience negative effects from masturbating, my mind creates a mental model (belief) that masturbating does not serve me.

    Similar to how if you were to try to put your foot on lava, your mind will form a belief that it shouldn’t step on lava because it is painful and burns your foot.

    To be clear, I’m talking about masturbation, not having sex.

    If masturbation is bad, then how could sex be any different?  It's the exact same process going on in your body.  Cumming on a paper towel, or cumming in a vagina, it's all the same to your dick.  Why would your dick care what it cums on ..seriously.  It's just a piece of meat, it doesn't think that deep.


    16 minutes ago, ThePoint said:

    Do you honestly ‘feel great’ from masturbating?

    Yeah usually.



    I have three questions for you:

    1. How often do you masturbate? How many times a day or week?

    What do you mean by masturbate?  What would flood-flow exercises be?  What if I don't cum?

    I do something every day, but only masturbate in the traditional sense maybe once or twice a week.



    2. How much time do you spend per week masturbating on average (a range is fine)?

    Again depends on definitions.



    3. How do you feel immediately after you masturbate? How are your energy levels?

    Depends on time of day.  If I'm in bed already tired, it'll make it easier to sleep.  I think it lowers blood pressure or something.  But during the day, it'll psychologically boost energy as it's a big distraction out of the way, and boost dopamine levels temporarily.  It's like how listening to intense music in the morning can get you pumped up for the day.

  13. 32 minutes ago, ThePoint said:

    Wow, what a crazy coincidence, lol.

    It's almost like your beliefs, and the fact only you experience the negative effects of these beliefs, are linked:o:o


    32 minutes ago, ThePoint said:

    Do you hold negative beliefs about stepping on lava with your bare feet?

    We can both step in lava and both die.  Yet.. we can both fuck/masturbate, and I'll feel great, and you'll feel like shit.  It's almost like "death" and "imaginary psychological effects" are different things???