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Everything posted by Kksd74628

  1. @Leo Gura Dear Leo I will stop writing in colored font like you gave me a warning on that, but give a little appreciation that I am here to help people and defend you from the unnecessary bs you get. As I have tried to contact you I would like to become a moderator that could give some positivity and order to this community. @Nahm Also Nahm please try just to understand that my point was not to make fun of anyone, but just to point out weirdness of that whole topic, because yeah I am empathic towards people that face sadness and other negative things, but that still won't justify going into someones forum and moan that this guy who uses his whole life to help others is demon, because he didn't personally teach him. Time is just limited resource and that's it. Story would have been completely different if OP wouldn't have attacked Leo at the beginning. Leo gets tons of messages and topics about that he is not doing enough and that is extremely exhausting to someone who already is busy. To everyone who reads this Appreciate that Leo's content is free and he makes multihour videos almost every week that are full of extremely high quality teachings and filled with love <3
  2. @The Lucid Dreamer People seem to be pretty offensive now a days Also that is great opportunity to learn from oneself, because when something is triggering there is work to do. vink vink
  3. @Ulax Thanks for asking that important question Things I would do include find thing that makes you truly happy, learn to express yourself through that thing, say what you think and don't let others stop you believing for yourself, because I know you can my lovely friend, find friends that love you as you are and tell them more about what you have experienced, because how could these beautiful souls help you wihtout you first being open to them. Hope that I was helpful, my love <3
  4. @Carl-Richard That's like saying I don't like your t-shirt, because its color is hard for my eyes and that makes me not want to know you better. Also one guy on the forum said that he loves my style of writing in color so I don't know. Also I try to use colors that stand out well from the white background. It's just my style and if you don't like that then I am sorry, but should I change that, because of that, I don't know. Reason behind colors is to make people see myself as friendly as I am : ) Also I hugely recommend everyone to build strong personality that shines in the dark evenings and melts hearts of beautiful souls <3
  5. @Nahm If Leo's reply that he is not someone's babysitter or my point that Leo is not wall repairman is seen as joking to someone then someone undertands wrongly and hugely. Thing is that OP first was very agressive towards Leo and when we reply him that his behaviour is ridiculous, because his journey is about him then suddenly everyone gets mad. I don't want anything bad to anyone and neither Leo, but our words can be taken infinitely many ways wrongly and how could we ensure that this won't happen. And I made that line only, because Leo's videos are full of funny "BUT LeeeeeOOOOOUUUU" parts and I thought that this was extremely on point taking into account the situation. Dear Nahm hope you understand <3
  6. @Nahm It's not like Leo won't listen for humans. He answers every day as much as he has time and how much effort he wants to use to this forum. Also sorry for repeating myself, but guiding someone to professional help is actually very good and strong advice just to say. Leo has lot of things to do including producing many hour long videos almost weekly, answering to peoples questions about spirituality, tripping, contemplating stuff, finding sources to his content, having blogs and after all that all is free for us and still some of us complain. Try to do all that on your own and also solve people's mental problems simultaneously. There is a reason why you won't do everything on your own and that is to ensure quality of your content. Give him a break, thanks <3
  7. @Nahm I think you understood my point wrongly. I just meant that many people on this forum think that Leo is responsible of others mistakes. And when Leo tells people to seek professional help that is just, because that is not something which is Leo's expertise. I would say that giving bad help is infinitely more worse that actually guiding one to seek help from people that have studied for that. Even on this forum today I saw one that told extremely harmful advices. Some quotes from that post Nahm I would friendly ask you to give some warning to that guy, because that is extremely scary stuff he told. Topic was called how to develop work ethic on self actualization page.
  8. @Leo Gura @roopepa @Neph If my job is to teach people to drive a car and I tell them to be extremely caution about how they drive - because they may end up killing themselfes - is that my fault when they misuse the teachings, drive crazy and hospitalize. Point that Leo has said crystal clearly many times is that this spiritual path has its own challenges and one should never harm oneself and that is not what actualized.org is about. Crying because Leo won't help your mental problems would be same to ask Leo to fix your wall that you broke with your own punch when you got angry to his video. Leo is teacher not mental problem expert nor wall repairman Leo I tagged you only, because you may find that last part funny and actually use that next time you talk about this topic in your video
  9. @preventingdiabetes How would you stick to routine that tolds you to eat sweets, lay on the sofa and watch your favourite movies from Netflix? Easily, because you would like to do that thing anyways, so the question that you should ask instead is how could I make that what I do more enjoyable or what other things I could do that would be so enjoyable that I wouldn't need to push myself to do it, because I would love to do it anyways <3 Pro tip in life is to do everything in sake of it being simply awesome and not to do it in order to get something else from it : )
  10. @Ya know Remember when giving advice you should ask yourself "did this only help me personally or is this thing that works for everyone". I get vibes that there were some personal problems that needed the approach you did and that is perfectly fine, but consider that what you told may not help everyone to get to place where they want to go. Before giving extreme solutions to people's life, you need to know that individual personally, because there could be many variables that could change the outcome of your advice to something horrible. For example if you didn't know where imaginary Christoffer would like to go how could you help him to find path to his destination. That what is someone's trash may be another's treasure and vice versa.
  11. @happyhappy You can come to any conclusion you want when you juggle things long enough and you will start to believe that Universe is giving you hints in any form you like. Reality is that all of those are just thoughts and see what there is without them and that's what is actually in the case. Of course I don't hold people from believing whatever makes them happy, but just understand first that this is just an another thought and when you can't verify that from your direct experience then that is just a theory. Surely when you yourself experience something weird in your direct experience you should "believe" to that, but just remember to be extremely caution that you don't make that whole scenario up by just first believing to it and then combining that to experience. Lastly even sadhguru has some dogmatic background and he is little bit attached to it, but that does not mean you can't take advice from him.
  12. @SQAAD Killing yourself actually is really easy if you really wanted to do that and if not then it's hard. (also I need to include here that no one should kill oneself, because that's just analogy) That is not matter of what body wants or not. That is about what you want. Same way it is hard to eat spinach soup if you hate it, but when you love the taste of it eating it happens almost automatically with no effort. Question that remains is that do you want to be happy or know the truth. In best case scenario is that truth makes you happy.
  13. @Salvijus Question that remains is Does universe care of flowers for example, because it gives water to them when it's raining ... ... ... I would say no, but that is just consequence that happened when it started raining. Same way I wouldn't call healing of body bias of body, because also that there is separate body is also just thought of ego and everything is interconnected and just flowing. If "you" for example wanted to "die" then body's "bias" of wanting to stay alive wouldn't do anything when you aim gun to your head. (again that is not message to kill yourself, but just an analogy) Good way to see what I mean is to see world as neverending domino effect that also never started and no "separate piece" is biased to do its job, but just to act according what happened before. Also that whole question was sidetrack to the main topic we were discussing before.
  14. @SQAAD There are no biases of body. There is bias that someone wants to keep body alive and therefore it needs to do whatever is needed to keep that functional. You are not conscious what pain is, because after all it's just sensation and I did strong determination sitting meditation and when I finally surrended to the pain, suffering went away and there came bliss. Suffering is resisting that what happens anyways. Now you just made that up and see that this is also a thought. Point is just to be conscious of all biases and what you want and when you know what you want then be "biased" towards that. Thing is that most of us have lot of biases that actually lead to the opposite direction that where we really want to go. Also when you "want" something and when that does not happen you suffer, because things didn't go your way. That's the main reason why you should stop being biased towards things that you can't control. Hope that this helps you to understand better : )
  15. @SQAAD Of course you don't want something that is harmful for your ego and you will justify that act with all arguments that come to your mind like it's just biology, god designed it that way or I don't see reason to overdrive it. Isin't that crystal clear that you won't participate in process that kills you in the end? Your game you play is to be alive and that's it. Everyone wants a long life, guess why. Of course racist would say that oh it's just so natural to hate other races, because it is just our defense mechanism that god created for us and I cannot see why would I overdrive that on purpose. Could you see that this bias is so strong that you even deny its existence? You don't like pain, because it's alert system of your body that indicates when something is wrong from YOUR POINT OF PERSPECTIVE FOR YOU. First of all there is no you that those things are harmful for, so stop believing in "I" that you can't even find from your direct experience (you may argue that you have sense of self, but that is just product of that belief) and come talk here again after discovering NO-SELF. In the end only thing that matters is that "you" enjoy life as much as you want, so do whatever you want and believe in anything that serves you, but when it comes to discover what there is without your assumptions then that does not depend from what you think and what you want. Love yo <3
  16. @patricknotstar The sky is blue colored, grass is green colored, the sun is yellow colored and asphalt is black colored. Thing is that what are blue, green, yellow and black. You know that those are colors and you can check those from the world around you in your direct experience, but question that remains is do how you know which is "I" without first telling me "I am the body", "I am the observer", "I am the awarness", "I am the universe", "I am pure consciousenss", "I am the God" etc. I don't want to know what "I" equals, I want to know what do you think is "I" and again how do you know what this "I" is without first labeling it to something. "I feel like I am dying" ... ... ... Who is dying? "I feel like my identity is dying" ... ... ... Who feels and whose identity dies? Thing that happened is that first there came thought of "I" and now when that thought goes away there comes chock, but that really was never there and never leaves, because how can something die without first being born. It's completely same that you now think about pink table and then let that thought fade away and nothing happens. (actually do that now and see what I try to point out) Then think of you now reading this message and then let that thought of someone existing right now reading and understanding something fade away and nothing happens. Also understand that - if you believe that when you stop thinking of self someone dies and then comes suffering - this is also thought about thought. IMPORTANT!! Before stressing about something dying first question the assumption that there was "I" to begin with.
  17. @SS10 Don't wait for perfect moment, because there will never be one without you first making one. Life is like ocean you have to constantly dive into and realize that you can't drown. Starting dating, meditating and inner work RIGHT NOW is the only way to get you to actually make anything happen. I gave you possibility NOW and I hope you catch it, because otherwise you have to wait for second train and anyways you would sooner or later either to jump in or under the train. ( Don't take this stupidly as message to harm yourself, but just as analogy ) You decide your own game rules so why would you put excess limitations to yourself for example relationships and dating should be for people who have their life together. If you really think that people have their life completely together when they build realtionships then why there is so much violence, cheating and other issues. Thing is that almost no one is "ready" for relationships, but think relationship as thing that makes you shine your personality and if that relationship ends not working at least you have one more experience, increased knowledge of yourself and you took an action. You can live a life 3 ways either you don't have anything, but you are so happy just to BE so it does not matter ( Monk or spiritual style ), you have everything you want and you are happy therefore ( Actually same thing as the first one, but lets label this as success style anyways ) or you can have nothing and need everything and that is not style so to speak, but just suffering, hell, dissaster, pain etc. Hell and heaven are just labels to this place you are currently living in and you decide how you would like to describe your home. Only way to BE truly happy is to enjoy BEING. Either you like the game you play or not and that does not change the fact that you play it anyways. Ask yourself RIGHT NOW why would you want that suffering and only when you come to the conclusion that you actually don't want then ask when you are going to take action and as long as you don't answer RIGHT NOW then ask again do you want to suffer. There is no another way. You cannot be saved you are already infected by extreme vibes, happiness, acceptance, love, joyfulness, badass attitude, confidence and noticing that I accidentally sent you. SooooooRRY, my love <3
  18. @Vynce I would say that you should contemplate your thoughts more and maybe even have time just to think on your routine. There are couple of reasons and those are enjoyment of the thing, being mindful of thinking, coming up with insights that make your life easier and more fulfilling and most importantly when you have thought all things you have on your mind after that your mind becomes silent. Also like @Loba and I like to write, you should try it too. Writing is very benefical to make you more logical, get your thoughts organized and it is awesome way to learn to express oneself to the world of unknown. Hope that this helped you : )
  19. @Julian gabriel Happiness is not some state of mind, consciousness or physical pleasure. It is accepting present moment as it is and not wanting anything else. When you have achieved that life no longer is suffering. Of course you can still solve problems or develop your character, but that is no longer source of happiness, because you have it within you wherever you go and whatever you do.
  20. @Vynce You should also try to expand your meditation state to your whole day to get extreme results. In meditation you are kind of training your maximium conciousness level and anything that is between 2 meditation sets is training to maintain that. How does that banana look and how does it feel on my hand. How does it taste and how much can I enjoy one bite of that awesomeness. How little effort can I make to walk between 2 places. When you do that long enough you start to get glimpses of things happening automatically including your bodily movements. After that you get glimpses of no-self, because if it's not you doing those things what's your place in that function then. Also if are getting angry or emotional on your daily basis you should do some breathing exercises to maintain your cool. Love yo : )
  21. @Jon_Bundesen First of all you need to find out - that if you drop out of school now and you would like in future to go back to school learning things and educate yourself - can you do that or is that option denied. Also because it is last year why just don't pass it and that leaves you more possibilities. You should aim to maximize your possibilities, because your mind may and most likely will change a lot from the mindset you have right now. Secondly you should make promise to life long learning from books, youtube videos, contemplation and free materials in internet, because that will help you to build awesome life that is worth living. Also remember that school is about developping yourself like in game you build your character so it can effortlessly perform from challenges that may and will come. Being at school usually is best to build strong friendships and maybe even love with the boy/girlfriend. As @Yarco said you will never in your life have as much free time to work your personal development and you should use that youth to continue to maybe college if that is even possibility to you anymore. Basicly you have nothing to lose if you use even 5 more years to educate yourself to wise adult, because you could use that time idling and thinking about the thing you really are passionate in life and maybe educating is neccesity in it and wouldn't you be sad if you missed your dream career only, because you tried to "save" your time. In reality you save lot of time from thinking your life purpose when your mind is already active from studying, but when you stop learning your mind will get lazy. If you ask my honest opinion about should you quit your school and not educate yourself to college or university I say that if you can't explain to me easily what is the thing you really are passionate about right now you should not quit and I would recommend you to continue your studying as you have chance.
  22. @Jon_Bundesen There is no reason to hurry in life and you could use that time that you are studying to start loving information for the sake that it can be useful for your life and not, because you "need" to learn it. You can do whatever you think that is right thing to do and you should trust your inner guindance after all, but don't use that as excuse to not think things carefully and thoroughly. From curiosity what is the thing that you are "building" your life into?
  23. @BipolarGrowth Beside the point, but you want some kind of script for your videos and as script I mean some basic key words that help you to cover all topics in logical order. Now what happens is that you use insanely amout of excess time that would be needed and also you lose yourself many times talking things that aren't important for the purpose of main topic. Please just don't take this like your video would have been bad or something, but rather as thing to concider working with. Also I would talk about these concepts with your friends if you have those that are interested about spirituality so you can effortlessly express that what you understand. Still after all I think that this video is extremely useful for beginners that need some more time to contemplate things. Thanks for uploading it <3
  24. @thenondualtankie You would just communicate with yourself. When "we" are the same GOD there is no more me and you and it's only one thing which of course is YOU. To realize GOD is to understand everything is you and it is completely same feeling when you are in lucid dream and realize that everyone here including your character is fake and only one who is real is the DREAMER which also is YOU.
  25. @Frosty97 Love is to let people do whatever they want and maybe help them on their journey. Devilry is to think that you know better what someone else wants.