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Everything posted by HereToLearn

  1. Life itself is the manifestation of desire. "Becoming" arises out of desire, and itself causes suffering. All that manifests is therefore imperfect. Only the Dharma is perfect. Only through Dharma can one end suffering. One must strive therefore to transcend the duality of existence/non-existence. TL;DR - you should not want to be alive, nor should you want to be dead. you should not want anything. It's not wrong to suffer, nor is it right to suffer. It just is. Buddhism seems to be a mind-twisting religion first class.
  2. There is wisdom in this. Thank you for posting
  3. Can one consciously get rid of a painful chronic 24/7 illness? And if yes, how could one get such state of Consciousness that could achieve such task? Or could someone please give me information of a healer that has such Consciousness state that could heal me? As a Conscious Being I also want to declare to the universe, so it makes sure that such suffering will not be experienced by another conscious being. Thank you in advance, whether you reply or do not, have a nice day/night. Namaste.
  4. I think people are selfish because form their individual POV they are the only thing conscious entity that exist. So it is actually expected that they act so.
  5. From Leo`s argument, Leo is the only Being that exist, so it is actually not wise from his POV that he is spending his time and effort explaining to others about this, I mean they dont exist consciously, so it is like proving to a dream character that they are not real. I think, if somebody really believed in solipsism, they wouldn't even discuss about it with others, because with the others are not there.
  6. Leo you are literally wasting your time and effort trying yo explain to a non existent dream character that they are in a dream. Its all about you, forget others man.
  7. If I be honest, I have to agree with you, to go 100% in. Consciousness is infinite, thus it is a possible possibility that a character within the dream, becomes lucid dreamer. I mean, we can imagine such scenario right? So at least we are conscious of the fact that it can be imagined, so it is possible.
  8. Thank you sincerely Globalcollective! Appreciate it lots and lots of times. Never heard of Mr Dispenza and Lyme Disease, will surely check it out.
  9. Yes, but I am thinking more about, through Consciousness to heal oneself. I see this pattern in spirituality where people take the "passive" mode, but why not the "active" one? Consciousness is an active and powerful process.
  10. There is no official diagnosis yet, Doctors are powerless in my case and cannot answer for the reason of the illness. Because of this, knowing the power of Consciousness, and the fact that reality itself is Consciousness, I am putting my hopes on the power of consciousness, there is nothing left to do really. In my case the health issue is a bucket of symptoms. Chronic pain and fatigue, + a "burning" sensation all over the body. And (I am not kidding), also my bones are shrinking/deteriorating. And almost constant lack of well-being, the body feels worn out as if it was recently beaten up by some thugs.
  11. Hmm interesting perspective. Could you please explain in a easier language, what do you mean Bro? thank You.
  12. Greetings to Leo and to other forum dwellers Leo, you said earlier that when somebody dies they dwell in infinite love forever, and that it is like heaven, because whatever they wish it materializes there. You also remarked that for example people who tragically died recently such George Floyd are in infinite love, aka. heaven right now. My question is, does this mean that the ones who are on earth right now are in a masochistic situation? I mean, there is literally individual heaven waiting for someone after death, in which ones all dreams and wishes can be experienced, then whats even the point of keeping surviving in a human form?
  13. Interesting answers Leo, thank you for them! Something to contemplate about deeper for now for me.
  14. I can assure you I can say the same thing from my POV, so does your mind exist?
  15. Hello beautiful beings, Many times, it is told that Psychedelics should be done in a positive mood and setting. But what if, it is not possible? Does that mean than one cannot ever do psychedelics?
  16. Hmm... not really an argument when everything is imagination
  17. Good day, genuine truth seekers, who thirst for knowledge, like a man stranded on desert thirsts for water. Epistemology, ie. one`s theory of knowledge and is always worth to be in check of, its ones best tool to differentiate truth from delusions. Some people have the conviction that Direct Experience = Truth, some say it is the Mind, others say its all the same, i.e. Mind = Direct experience. However, I see that almost all people have bias, even if they try very hard to be objective, disregarding the obivious fact that, solely due to the fact that they are reasoning from a human POV, full objectivity is not possible, at least until one un-learns to think like a human, with what human finds attractive etc. For example, someone does DMT and has a beautiful experience, then, same person does Salvia and has scary experience. Then, afterwards, the person shares the message that afterlife is more like a DMT bliss, but, what if afterlife is like Salvia? BUT? What if none of this models are necessary because whatever one I call "reality" is just my own imagination, i other words, I am not bound by "reality". Because : Think about it, one experiences both a DMT Bliss and Salvia Scariness, which shows the person that Consciousness can be many things. But due to bias, the person believes that after death he will go to DMT bliss, sounds bias isnt it? Then how does one confirm to oneself, what afterlife is more like? And who gets to decide for the person? If the person decides - why cant the same person dictate over their current earth-reality? What/Who stops them from this?
  18. Sorry to hear DMT was a bad experience for you. I do wonder what is the truth behind afterlife.
  19. Of course, at the end of the day, we are bias, because we are experiencing reality from a limited POV. Therefore, it seems that if One is after Truth, than One has to try to minimize the bias, in other words, at least stop thinking like human
  20. If I am The one who Is the one determining reality, why can I determine it right now? That I can teleport for example? Not all direct experiences are true, isn`t it so? I mean, people with sczhizophrenia do have direct experiences of all kinds, but we call them delusions, so how does one differentiate truth from delusion? At the same time it is super simple, by conducting an Experiment to check if one`s sense of becoming all powerful and sentient is true and not merely a delusional experiences: Take a person who had such state before and give them necessary psyhedelic, have another person in another room watching certain content on a TV. When the person starts to have the experience of feeling all powerful and sentient, ask the person to tell you what content is the person in the next room is watching on his TV. Just this one simple experiment, can decide if these states are delusions or the truth
  21. Thank You So Much for genuine and insightful answers. I do, wonder, how strong is the correlation between the good/bad mood and good/bad trip. I do think most likely people with a good mood and a good setting have bad trips too. It also might be a bias in itself to prefer good trips over bad.
  22. If you are not mature and of a sensitive and impressionable mind, please ignore this post, thank you Guys, I am in no means trolling, this is just a question that bothered me since I became conscious of it. In my meditation, I realized fully that the small me (human-identity/ego) is doomed to die, one day eventually. Then it hit me why do I bother and fight for the happiness/hope, if I know this ego/identity will cease to exist? I mean the human-ego-me who is fighting and hoping for his/her happiness will die and (Higher-Me)/I will return and become Godhead again, so why not skip this human life and return to Godhead right now? I basically realized that this human-life is like a game, but why cant I just disconnect from the game if I done feel like playing anymore? And if I would like to "disconnect from the game", how does one do this?
  23. Yes, seems you are right. Thanks for the suggestion.