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Everything posted by something_else

  1. What is the context in which you know these men?
  2. This is judgement: ----- There are plenty of women out there who you would get along great with, your experiences are likely just tainted by the women who you have met.
  3. I think a lot of PUA teachers are like this. You have you be at least moderately fucked up to set your life goal as having sex with as many women as humanely possible. That's why I resonate more with teachers like Leo who are more well rounded people and not just laser focused in on having as much sex as possible. And really, I've found that the best way to up my game was just going out every weekend and talking to as many girls as possible. And also just building up a decent life e.g. make at least decent money, travel, have decent social skills. I didn't really watch any content from teachers other than some of Leo's stuff. Maybe it's the bluepilled sheep in me, but I find almost all PUA content exceptionally hard to watch. Based on what you said, it seems he deliberately picks fights rather than merely rustling some feathers. I don't know what to say other than that lay report is really cringy.
  4. I haven’t even looked at his pickup style content. I saw some videos of him criticising other people and the way he did it (and the fact he even bothered to do it at all) immediately made me think he was an utter tosspot. The fact there is so much drama surrounding him tells you all you need to know about him. You shouldn’t give attention to people who always find a way to get themselves entangled in shitty drama like that.
  5. This dude is 100% raw and unfiltered cringe in the clips I’ve seen of him. Especially in the comment section of his videos, he behaves like a man child.
  6. Do you not see the irony of this thread? You're childishly and immaturely whining about women being childish and immature. If you act childish and immature all you will ever attract are childish and immature women. It doesn't mean that all woman are childish and immature.
  7. The common denominator among all of the woman you have dated is you. Perhaps you just attract emotionally immature woman.
  8. They say this because most socially anxious guys actually filter themselves too much and so for them, reducing their filter will result in growth. Yes they might say some dumb shit but it’s still facing a fear for them which is progress overall. It sounds like you may be at the other end of the spectrum where you already don’t have any filter at all, and so applying this advice won’t help. In fact it might hurt or create frustration. A socially anxious guy may learn to talk without a filter and then eventually return to his more natural filtered state but with extra wisdom that creates a more balanced and charismatic person. In the same way you could learn to filter yourself a bit more and see the results of that, and once you’ve learnt what you need to you can start moving back towards your more natural unfiltered state.
  9. What you say and how you say it both matter. You can think of it like the ‘how’ you say it determining ‘what’ you can say and get away with it. For example being passionate about women’s menstruation is an unusual thing for a dude to be passionate about so you’d need a lot of humour, charm and wit (‘the how’) to act as a counterbalance to that topic (‘the what’) to get away with it
  10. That was my second time in a club ever, I was shitting myself with nerves most of the time. Likely behaving quite erratically as a result too. These things make you seem much more creepy than you really are even when doing the most basic things. And I've also never been kicked out a club since. And I've been back to that same club like probably 30 times since then and got laid more times than I can remember. I had a threesome with two girls from that club. Don't focus on the negative things that could happen, focus on the the potential benefits. I don't walk on eggshells anymore. The first few times yea, and then you learn to relax a little bit. If you want to go to places where you have more leeway you should find rock/goth focused clubs. The girls (and people in general) in these places are usually way more chill.
  11. Have you tried Ground news? It’s a pretty good app for congregating news sources. IIRC they have a page for each event/topic and give you a breakdown of all of the different news sources that have covered it, and their political bias. It also gives good summaries too
  12. I guess it depends on your fitness goals. I really like being able to exercise for a long time and not get tired. I also like the feeling of freedom you can get from being able to run or hike long distances. For me, I feel like being able to run 10k is pretty healthy and it's what I'm currently training for. I don't see much point in being able to run further than that though tbh.
  13. Yea, they're great. Also my 501s feel the most high quality out of all the Levi's jeans I've owned. I'm considering picking up a selvedge pair in Indigo at some point. A lot of modern levi's does not feel like they use particularly high quality denim but it seems like they've kept the quality on their original 501 cut.
  14. Are those grey levis 501s, they look exactly like the jeans I wear most days lol
  15. The vast majority of trendsetters will create trends that follow the current big picture movements of fashion. That's my core point. You can think of fashion in 3 tiers: movement, trends and fads. Movements in fashion are like the big picture, representing cultural and social shifts. Trends are the in-the-moment styles that come and go. Fads are short-lived, intense bursts of popularity—here today, gone tomorrow. You can be a trendsetter or create fads but what you wear will still need to follow the big-picture movement of fashion for them to not look outdated or out of place.
  16. My style is quite boring day to day, just a nice fleece, oversized jumper, patagonia t-shirt, some Levi's 501 jeans, Nike trailrunners and a nice watch. I'm not super into trendy expensive streetwear clothing but I wear clothes that follow the overall movement of modern fashion which is relaxed fit and comfy. I'm not saying you have to dress super modern, just that you should follow broad movements in fashion. For example the corduroy trousers your grandad wears every day would look stupidly dated on you as a mid 20 year old in 2023, but in his time they were likely super trendy. This is just a more extreme example of how skinny jeans end up looking dated.
  17. I don't see how it's ego, it's just how fashion works. You probably don't need to follow modern fashion to succeed in life but it sure does help in almost all social pursuits if you know how to dress at least somewhat trendy.
  18. You'll notice he said that it happened a few times at the start when he was less calibrated but it stopped happening. I was the same, I got kicked out of the first club I ever went to solo for creeping some girls out, I even posted about it. This was the last time it ever happened except when my friend got caught sniffing ket in the bathroom lol. I'm actually glad I got this negative feedback in hindsight because it helped me calibrate myself to the envrionment much quicker. You don't need to characteristically castrate yourself to not creep people out. You just need to be somewhat socially aware of other people's thoughts and feelings. Nightclubs are filled to the brim with weird ass people, that's part of the reason I love them so much. You just have to work out how to channel that weirdness in a fun way instead of a creepy way.
  19. This is my personal (and admittedly not particularly well researched) opinion on nootropics, but here we go anyway. Do you really want to be regularly taking a bunch of random chemicals? The chances are at least a few of these will have other contaminants in them that aren't particularly well researched and may do you harm in the long term. If you want to boost your mental performance occasionally then take some modafinil and it will blow all of these out of the water, otherwise I'd stick to the well researched vitamins rather than nootropics. I think many nootropics are working on the placebo level.
  20. How do you know that this is the case?
  21. While I do really regret not having the 'college experience' or as we'd call it in the UK the 'university experience', I found it somewhat easy to make up for afterwards. It helps a lot if you have a good job making decent money. All you need is a few friends to go clubbing and partying with and you can get 90% of the experience that way. However college does make it very easy to meet new people so you should try to do what you can to build a social life in uni. I find this kinda hard to believe. If you put tens of thousands of young people together like in a college, there will be plenty of parties. Start joining some clubs and organisations, and move into college dorms (if they exist where you are, idk how it works but we have them here) and you'll see plenty of parties. You'd be surprised how many girls won't do this. Average body count at 25 in most western countries is like 7 or something around that.
  22. They would really be considered skinny fit now, which tends to look very dated. And you don't need to care about the small-picture fads and trends, but you should care about the overall big-picture 'movement' (happens in cycles of like 10 years) of fashion if you don't want to look like you're stuck in the previous decade. Following every trend and fad blindly makes you a sheep, but understanding the big-picture of why people are dressing the way they are in current times (and learning something from this) does not make you a sheep. In this case, skinny jeans are really from the last movement when people still, for the most part, wanted to be neat, well-groomed, 'tryhard' and put together. Now fashion is moving towards: chill, relaxed fit, flow, easy-going, utility, ethics, vintage, convenience, work-from-home, low-maintenance vibes. Skinny jeans are antithetical to most of this and so they end up looking really really dated. And worse than that, they look tryhard. Because they indicate that you are trying to be fashionable and trendy but kinda failing. If you want to look modern then your fashion choices should fit that vibe. But you still have so much flexibility within that overall movement to express your own style that it's not sheep-like to just follow it.
  23. I think this is pretty much the best way to judge it. Basically how do you feel about her during post nut clarity lol.
  24. There's a common sentiment that fashion styles tend to go in and out in cycles of 20 years.
  25. This is it. Nightgame is very 'now' focused. If you don't do anything on the night, the chance of anything coming from it later is quite low. If you want to increase the odds of something happening later you can talk about what you want to do in the future on the night e.g. "lets go for a drink next week" but game it up a little bit, make it playful and fun. Make it clear to her what you are looking for and lead her in that direction.