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Everything posted by Gianna

  1. I had a huge breakthrough a few months back and realized our essential nature. I deeply felt and realized we are a contraction of the universe. That we are infinite, that we are love, that we are one. This understanding is far beyond intellectual understanding. However, now I am becoming familiar with New Age ideas (chakras, astral projection, demons, etc.). What do I make of all of this? The awakening experience I had while realizing our true nature shattered me completely to where now my mind is open to all possibilities. But these new age ideas are confusing and seem to contradict nonduality. I'm coming from a background in philosophy, epistemology, and psychology. What is the connection between Truth and these New Age ideas?
  2. Do you know what jealousy is? Jealousy is knowing that you could be doing so much more than what you are doing. It's a shitty feeling but it's good because it points the way. So what way are you trying to go? Follow whatever resonates and don't be afraid. This means, don't judge. Don't be critical. Don't see whatever it is you are looking at as separate from you unless you are trying to learn from it. The mind believes it's separate but the heart knows it's not. Follow your heart. Follow your bliss! How much can you love? If you don't know, what are you jealous of?
  3. ugh this is so beautiful. and so true! I definitely agree. I will read what's in white tomorrow <3 if it feels right! genius btw! (to put it in white and make it optional) very creative.
  4. You're such a tease!!! Haha, I love it. I trust you. Of course, I will have to validate it later for myself As an integral conscious creator would.
  5. Okay so here's an example from my own life: I'm single but dating and went on a few dates with this guy recently who is an exact replica of another guy (and another) I've dated in the past. What these two/three guys have in common is they all are super rigid in their daily routine. They wake up, they work, they gym, they eat, they shower, then they sleep. Haha. There is no room for magic in their lives. I am the exact opposite of this. I am completely unplanned, spontaneous, and cannot stick to a daily routine for the life of me. I think I wrote a thread on this because I know it'll start to become a problem when trying to actualize my potential. Anyway, I realized that I was attracting this type of person (the type that I resent because I hateee rigidity and have a lot of resistance towards routines) and so I meditated/contemplated on it and came up with this ^^ (my first post). If I want to actualize my potential, I need to be willing to stick to something like these guys do. The last guy has an entire business he created because of it. I might be self-realized but I will not be self-actualized until I can build something and that means I need to integrate these qualities.
  6. Okay, so I am going to leave my notes on the video here so I know where to find them: these notes just help me to crystalize my own understanding "separation is just a thought to give meaning to certain things" "individualization is another word for the expansion of consciousness expressing itself, building new relationship within itself with its infinite options/possible realities." individualization is crystalizing yourself as an expression. you are becoming more and more and more of a responsible co-creator of the universe by continuing to crystalize yourself possibilities are infinite and so individualizations are infinite you are becoming an individuated god of god individualization is becoming a clear and integral reflection– co creator– of god endowed with all of God's qualities. "consciousness wants to express the inexpressible one. infinity. which is beyond comprehension. beyond experiencing. The closest it can get to becoming this flowering of infinity is to express itself in as many possible ways as it can imagine. you are becoming a co-god that will at some point create its own offspring, its own gods, its own individualization, its own creations. the more you follow that breadcrumb trail of what resonates with you, excites you, what your higher self is guiding you towards, the more you will aid in the crystalization and therefore individualization of your thought-form, of your expression law of attraction helps you to be more effective in individuating yourself (i.e. what you are nonphysically, in physicality.) you are the intention you wanted to experience in form you cannot have an experience that you did not generate
  7. I feel eternally grateful and full of love and bliss. So thankful for you sharing and for this forum!! Ohhh youuuu!!! hahaha. Well, it came at the perfect time because I just read a chapter in a book last night that was another expression of this and if I didn't read that I might not have understood this. So everything is happening in divine order– as always.
  8. @SriSriJustinBieber I can't even get through this video without pausing it every minute just marveling at how incredible it is and how incredible it is that you brought it to me. This is EXACTLY what I needed clarity on. Like exactly. Everything makes sense now. And I am only 5 minutes in...
  9. @SriSriJustinBieber There it is. Wow. That's exactly what was confusing me– being individualized before birth. Like he says, this seemingly contradicts oneness/nonduality. Seemingly. Lol. Thank you so much.
  10. I have an intuitive grasp over the Truth because we ARE the truth! We all have this intuitive grasp! We just have to go into it instead of going into the mind; but obviously (per this thread), I fall into the mind's fear at times. It gets the best of us! But I like what you said, it gets easier with practice– to not kneejerk react due to our instincts, but to be mindful/aware. It's harder with new experiences/territory I've noticed. Like dimensions with Demons!!! lol. Last night, one pushed my water bottle off of my dresser as I was sleeping. I woke up, it scared the shit out of me. No fan, or air, or any other people in the room (I live alone) nothing else there. Just a steel, heavy, and full water bottle moving itself at night. No big deal. haha
  11. Ugh you always have the best advice!!! If only I could remember this in the moment of fear. But you simplifying it as such is extremely useful I agree. I’m going to focus more on my body from here forward.
  12. @mememe listen mememe, I have no bad intentions. This is how I stay organized and the title The Artist Way is the title of the book that I’m taking notes on so I know. I read many books. You are projecting your evil assumptions on to me. Consider working with the part of YOU that wants to mislead people. That didn’t even cross my mind once because I don’t think like that. @RickyFitts I love you ? and I always hope you read my threads ? you are my soul brother.
  13. Something that helped me with this is realizing that you are robbing them of their growth by sheltering the way they feel. Bad experiences/feelings is where growth happens. As painful as it is, the brave thing to do is to let it happen. If you take on this responsibility, you are taking it away from them. They need to be responsible for how they feel, not you. It will only benefit them in the long run.
  14. I was at a conference and someone was talking about Demons or 'bad spirits' trying to get into your body or mind. What is this all about if all is one and all is Love?
  15. What was the tone like? Sometimes a lot of misunderstanding and miscommunication occurs simply because of the way someone says something and not the actual thing that was said. Did you have a tone that would trigger someone to be defensive? If not, defensiveness might indicate she is hiding something and afraid of getting caught; that she knows she is doing something that she shouldn't be doing. etc.
  16. I am conscious that reality is infinite imagination and I understand now that there is no contradiction. I think what I was misunderstanding is how these dimensions coincide with oneness right NOW– but it's in the definition of the word one. Everything occurs within infinity. And just because I am not experiencing it doesn't mean it cannot be imagined. I don't know what I was thinking honestly as I re-read my thread. I think I was thinking/living out of fear in that moment because of the horror stories I was hearing at this conference (possession, demons, etc.). Crazy how you lose all knowing when you think out of fear. It's like you go into a complete dissociated state.
  17. I don't understand the 'having respect' part of what you are saying. These are notes I took on Cameron's writing for me to register and understand thoroughly. If other people want to read the notes that I take that is cool and fine but it is not why I did it. The exercises I do privately on paper and do not post on the forum. Because you're right, the deep dive into myself should be a 'sanctuary', it's not on the forum. But what about anything that I am doing is not respectful?
  18. @mememe I think you are projecting your issues onto me. I take notes so I can better understand– not so "other people can see". I don't care if people read my threads in the journal section or not, it's all for me at the end of the day. What mistake did you make– specifically– that you said you didn't want me to make? Care to share your experience?
  19. Week Eight - Recovering a Sense of Strength - creative people are dramatic - thinking about the odds robs you in realizing that Art is a process and puts you at the mercy of imagined power ‘out there’ - when you wallow in the big questions you fail to see the small answers - being addicted to anxiety is preferring long-standing pain over temporary dread
  20. Week Seven - Recovering a Sense of Connection - “Art is not about thinking something up, it is about getting something down” - when we get something down we are not doing, we are listening. - perfectionism has nothing to do with fixing things— it’s a refusal to let yourselves move ahead - instead of creating freely and allowing errors to reveal themselves later as insights, we often get stuck in the details. - When we fear mistakes, we correct our originality into a uniformity that lacks passion and spontaneity. - “do not fear mistakes, there are none.” - if every draft is a final, you are a perfectionist. - mid-way through a project, the perfectionist reads it over, outlines, revises, to see where it is going. Aborts the completion. Never satisfied. This is the pursuit for the worst in ourselves. The part that tells us nothing we do will be good enough. That we should try again. - the perfectionist pulls the roots before it is able to grow. - ask yourself: what would this look like if it didn’t have to be perfect? What would I do if I didn’t have to do it perfectly? - the craft of an artist is to move out of the head and into a body of action - in order to do something well you just be willing to do it badly. Once we accept this, our options widen and we are able to take risks - jealousy points the way. It tells you the territory that you cuvet. if you are jealous of something it is because you want it for yourself. - jealousy is always a mask for fear - jealousy doesn’t allow for abundance. It tells us that there is only room for one
  21. Week Six - Recovering a Sense of Abundance - what we really want to do is what we are meant to do - when we do what we are meant to do money comes to us, doors open for us, growth and expansion presents itself - when we put a stopper on our joy by turning down the small gifts of life, we turn down the big ones as well. - what gives you joy? - luxury is a shift in consciousness more than flow. As we invite what feels luxurious to us, we trigger an increased flow. - Creativity is a living paradox: serious work comes out of serious play -“creativity does not always have to involve capital A art”
  22. Week Five - Recovering a Sense of Possibility - Scarcity thinking limits our flow by anthropomorphizing god into a parent figure. - God is an energy source that LIKES to extend itself. - When we put more dependency on source we paradoxically allow for greater intimacy. - This is because source moves through people and places. -Without the neurosis of depending on the temporary, we can rest in the infinite eternal presence. - When we are afraid to be selfish we lose ourselves. And we become destructive towards our true nature. ***
  23. @mememe Oh, I was just taking notes while reading it. These are all quotes from her! My morning pages and other exercises are on paper and not posted on the forum. What makes you believe I am not understanding what it is about? I appreciate your help Also, great advice for not posting it for others to read. I think she talks about that in the book.