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Everything posted by Gianna

  1. I don't know what this experience is I just know that I've had it– a few times. So a few times, I have seen the edges of the person I am looking at disintegrate; almost like they are vibrating inward as if they are contracting. It seems as if they are contracting in with the rest of the background around them (the foreground and the background merge). Other times, I see the edges of a person I am looking at accentuate. They become more clear, more defined. To where it looks almost as if they are floating in space. This experience only comes when I am not trying at all. Has anyone else had this experience?
  2. Haha, that is cute huh. I have this same experience. But for me, it is not that it is going to dissolve but that I am going to be telepathically transported to another dimension that I know nothing about. Haha. Definitely fear of the unknown.
  3. Okay, I need to remember/apply this to everything. Haha. All of the time. This is so profoundly true.
  4. oh my gosh, I loveee this! okay, this is currently over my head but understanding the Masculine/Feminine purposes as you describe is something I have been deeply wanting clarity on. And here it is! I am going to sit in a quiet+still space with this quote ^ and contemplate what you are saying. Then, hopefully, I will understand.
  5. Anjoli, I know you think I am just playing a word game with you, but don't you see? You are the only one playing with words because you are thinking in them. If you were thinking outside of them you wouldn't recognize a word game you would recognize the Truth. The truth is that there is a way to think outside of words and that's called contemplation. It's like a dance between constructs in your heart until you arrive at what you already know. You tell yourself the answers you need almost as if you forgot. When someone forgets for too long people call this "not knowing" but it's not "not knowing" it's self-deception there's a difference. Self-deception is like a lollipop and what you already know is like its tootsie at the center. The point is, just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there. The truth is always there. So, meditate! Meditate and you will start to feel what is not apparent. You'll stop thinking in terms of words and will start feeling in ideas. Love you!
  6. Your strength is knowing what's obvious. Well, it may be obvious to you but people don't see the obvious. There are so many reasons why people unconsciously distort the Truth, but you don't. You alwaysss know. I love you for this– and many reasons of course. But you don't even know how far this is going to get you in Life. Being clear on what is already clear. Hold on to that. Never let it go. There's a quote I heard from my professor that says, "What is not so clear to the many, is oh so obvious to the few." You are the few. Do you ever feel alone being one of a few? Like no one understands because they're too stupid to. So now you have to be alone in what you see, in what you feel, in what you understand. I want you to watch this video. It points to the reason why people only understand what they want to understand. You might not see the connection because it's a weird one. But realize why you understand everything. Why do you understand everything? It's because you're not selfish and desperate. It's because you know that the Truth is the only thing that is going to get you anywhere. You have no idea how true this is. You have no idea how much this is going to pay you back later in life. I'm so excited for you. Life is a riddle and you are going to figure it out. Because the answer is the most obvious one, it's you. You are everything, you just have to feel it.
  7. Exactly, only a focal point. So it's then a matter of– are you vibrating inward or outward? I've explored what it means to me, and what I am currently coming up with is that the people who are vibrating inward are suffering. They are disintegrating/contracting because they are not connected to the life force within them. Lifeforce (God) is expansive, not contractive. I am only assuming this based on what I know personally about the people with whom it has happened to me. What these people have in common is that they are suffering– one is depressed and the other is an alcoholic. I don't like assuming these kinds of things so I will take it with a grain of salt. But as you say, it is the only way I can learn about it, the only way I can draw conclusions from my experience.
  8. YES! Oh my gosh, you totally get me. I think that when your vibration increases you become a match [due to the law of attraction] to sensory data that was previously inaccessible to you– because you weren't a match to it. You weren't vibrating at the frequency that would elicit such information. But now you are You can tune into any kind of frequency if you become that frequency yourself.
  9. Also also, I've never had a psychedelic experience (unfortunately) so I can't compare.
  10. Oh yeah, this also happens when I meditate/focus on the outline of my hands. It's the type of experience that accentuates and defines itself [never the other one]. This is all started with @Leo Gura yelling at me in one of his episodes, "LOOK AT YOUR HANDS." I looked at my hands and saw them for the first time– floating in space. Such a heart-fluttering mystical experience. Great advice!
  11. I have noticed this as well. Only twice– and one was teal swan haha– but there is something deep I can see in their eyes that I can't explain. If I were to explain it, I would call it nothingness. But this one guy I have seen it in is not consciously 'awake' or 'enlightened'– just has taken a shit ton of psychedelics. I tried to help him realize his essential nature because he is struggling, suffering even. Yet, I see nothingness deep within his eyes??? Btw, I love that you refer to it as the causal body. Oh, and this quote below is just perfect. Absolutely beautiful.
  12. @RickyFitts I Love YOU! Bringing me up after recently being knocked down. Haha. Enjoy the rest of your weekend
  13. I actually did feel better earlier. Because I realized the anger was telling me I wasn't aligned with myself– I wasn't trusting myself and thinking my own thoughts over the thoughts of another person– of a silly misunderstanding. I mean how ridiculous is this back and forth over the title of my thread? I mean, really? It's just ridiculous and not something I want to focus on, no wonder I got angry! The anger was telling me, "Don't focus on that! Don't foccus on someone's misunderstanding of the title of your thread. Focus on the actual work you are trying/wanting to do in this thread" The anger was a reflection of where I was putting my focus– in someone's ridiculousness and not in the actual personal work I am trying/wanting to do here. This is such great insight and I think it would be a deeper issue I would struggle with if I were the one being perceived. But the thing is, everything written in this thread is either a quote or a paraphrase from the book I am reading. It's not even my own work, my own thoughts. It's the authors. So how could I take it personally? How could I get offended? I am trying to make sense of what I am reading through note-taking. You want to critique my notes? Tell me I "don't understand?" My response is, Yes! Why do you think I am doing it? Haha. It's just silly. You may sense a bit of lingering resentment. This is only because (as I am writing this) I am still not focusing on myself, aligned with myself. I am still focusing on explaining myself to other people instead of doing the work. So the anger will still be there if I am still misaligned– still not putting my focus where I want it to be. But.. what you wrote still resonates with me in different circumstances. You have such incredible insight. I am blown away by you. thank you.
  14. if you think this is all you were doing, you are fooling yourself. name-calling is not critiquing, it is criticizing/contempt. I'll work on my anger, you work on your name-calling.
  15. If you keep attracting the same kind of a partner in relationships (like I have) I realized it is because you need to become that partner in order to actualize more of yourself, more of your potential. The universe will never stop giving you opportunities to integrate that which you are missing. It will never stop showing you back to yourself because we are living in a 360° mirroring hologram. To become one is to become your opposite. When you become your opposite without letting go of what you are, you become 'one' which is becoming 'whole'. You become whole which is self-realizing. You see yourself for the first time. You realize that you are everything and everything is you. You're fucked– in a sense– because it doesn't become a belief it becomes a knowing. Everyone will dismiss your knowing because no one believes the Truth (because they are not whole yet because they are still disgusted by their opposite). You're ostracized. Except it is not something to believe it is something to experience because it is the experience we are meant to have. You see, you only forget yourself so you can remember again. Because remembering is the most incredible experience you can have when you are infinite, which you are. It breaks my heart that we neglect ourselves; that we turn away from ourselves because we are taught to. But this is what is right now. If you follow your heart back to yourself (and not listen to the words of other people before doing it) you can find yourself which is finding Truth. The Truth is obvious, undeniable, and already. By definition, it is reality. Everyone already knows the truth because they ARE it. You just have to let yourself realize it.
  16. @RickyFitts This brought a huge smile to my face!
  17. Gosh this guy is so amazing. Thank you @SriSriJustinBieber for introducing me to him. "if it doesn't feel good, it is not true. If it doesn't feel good, your way of seeing it is not true." - from the video I guess I got so angry because @mememe is making me think I am being disrespectful in this thread when I know that I am not. So my thoughts are "I am being disrespectful" (because @mememe is putting that in my head) and the anger is trying to tell me that this is untrue. What do you think @SriSriJustinBieber? What @mememe is accusing me of is simply not true from my perspective, from what my intentions are. My intentions are not to 'clickbait' or 'mislead' or 'be an asshole' or be 'disrespectful'. And so it pisses me off when someone claims that it is.
  18. Week 9 Recovering A Sense Of Compassion - becoming conscious starts with giving things the right labels. For instance, a block creator isn't lazy, they’re blocked. Procrastinating is not laziness, it’s fear. Etc. - as artists, grounding yourself in military discipline is dangerous. - the part of us that creates best is not a discipline automaton functioning from self-will with a booster of pride to back it up. - being an artist requires enthusiasm more than discipline. Enthusiasm is not an emotional state, it is a spiritual commitment. - Enthusiasm is an ongoing energy supply tapped into the flow of life itself. - Enthusiasm is grounded play, not work. - don’t create a workspace create a play space - our creative work is creativity itself at play in the field of time; the journey is the only destination. - At the heart of play is the mystery of joy. and our joy is at the far end of grief, paradoxically. - creative u-turns stem from fear - once we admit we need help the help arrives - the ego always wants to claim self-sufficiency
  19. It's not about the constructive criticism (I welcome constructive criticism), it is about the name-calling... it's hurtful and unnecessary.
  20. @SriSriJustinBieber Right as I get angry.. haha. In this thread, @mememe has called me: misleading, clickbait, disrespectful, "doesn't really understand the book", and 'a dick', all because I am trying to take notes on something I am reading and share it with all of you? I'm so confused. Confusion gets the best of me. As does people contradicting themselves while name-calling me.
  21. @lxlichael thank you
  22. @mememe thanks for ruining my thread.
  23. you're really starting to piss me off. It's dickish to copy and paste parts of a book and not say it out of the book (which I did which is why I titled it that!!!!) Yet, you are saying the title is misleading and 'click bait'? Wtf do you want me to title it? ITS THE TITLE OF THE BOOK. get the fuck off my thread. you make absolutely no sense.
  24. Yes. Whether it is in your subconscious mind (disowned and rejected) or in your conscious mind (owned and allowed), it is still a vibration you hold and thus will be attracted to you for you to integrate or simply witness. Do you allow yourself to depend on others? To be taken care of by others? Or are you overly independent/separated from the world? Healthy interdependence may be the resolution your higher self is after! The amalgamation of both dependence and independence. But I am not 100% sure of course since I know little about the situation A lot depends on how you react to such a girl.