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Everything posted by museumoftrees

  1. Rejection isn't part of the ''process'' per say. But in the process of getting better with girls, it is inevitable. You'll also realize at some point that is has nothing to do with you.
  2. this is pure non-sense
  3. Then don't be creepy. Be kind, warm and respectful. If your reputation takes a blow move cities or country if you are truly serious about pickup and dating interests you. Stop making excuses.
  4. What kind of advice are you looking for here ?
  5. Best advice is to be respectful. Prioritize your growth but stay respectful especially during cold approach. Be direct but well-mannered and avoid conflict and you'll be fine.
  6. The most important principle is desire. If you desire to get laid or get in a relationship you'll make it happen, the rest doesn't matter.
  7. If my phone is in my hand the moment i get a text from a girl i'll usually respond right away to see if she mirrors it, many will. Otherwise just mirror her texting pattern or stop giving a fuck about it altogether
  8. Yeah maybe that would make more sense! Only you know
  9. It probably has to do with your attachment style. I think you are a fearful avoidant. Take an attachment quiz and work on your psyche.
  10. You can be motivated intrinsically ; reading and studying because you love it and you are passionate about it. Or you can motivate yourself externally by forcing yourself to get smart. You will probably get a mixed dose of external/internal motivation of you choose the path of erudition. You won’t regret getting smart.
  11. « How can I know what a word means ? » By reading it’s definition. Use a dictionary and search every word that is unknown to you.
  12. Use the money from that job to fuel your more ethical life purpose. The consumption of alcohol isn’t going on a decline anytime soon. Or you can also decline the job if it bugs you that much. Ultimately the choice is yours.
  13. Just wait until you get a girlfriend.
  14. Why would a girl have phone sex if they're creeped out ?
  15. Familiarity breeds contempt. It takes real maturity and love to fully love and respect those which are the closest to us. Usually the disrespect we allow towards close people is the hate we feel towards parts of ourselves.
  16. Does what develop you ? Being famous ? Or playing video games ? Video games streaming (e.g. twitchers) was an example. Jesus. You read this as ''play video games to get laid''. That isn't what I meant. Women don't really care about where your fame comes from but they are highly attracted to it. You could be a rapper, an athlete wtv. It's social proof to them. Instagram works really really well for celebrities or micro-celebrities. If you are well-known within a niche or market and there are women in that space well it's going to attract them to you. Other than that, I don't see social media helping out too much with cold approach. If you are a normal dude, average in terms of looks, fame, lifestyle it won't do much and it will certainly not hook more women. The point i'm trying to get across is, your instagram doesn't matter, just put up a few nice pictures of you and other things and that's it. No need to make a study of it.
  17. I'm thinking about trying meds for concentration, like adderall or something else. I just got back in school and I zone out too frequently during class. My eyes keep looking at the teacher and following them around but I get lost in my thoughts. I would like to have a laser like focus. Otherwise it's hard to truly exploit my cognitive faculties and succeed in the course. I've also had lifelong depression and suicidal ideation but i've always been opposed to being on medication before. I wanted to keep fighting and to stay natural. However, in my current context it seems like pills for concentration would be me a quick momentarily boost during my studies. I wanna hear about your advice or your experience with prescription (good and bad). Will I shoot myself in the foot if I start taking medication for concentration?
  18. IG for males is really about being high status or a celebrity. You'll basically have an easier getting a hot girlfriend by being famous for playing video games than if you were doing rigorous cold approach.
  19. Ask her if she likes coffee and give her a time, date and location for a meetup. Go on the date. Talk to her. Flirt with her and then ask her to come back with you to your place.
  20. Imagine how easy it was to attract peasants to christianity during the dark age if you are willing to believe that black clothes attract negativity based on a youtube video.
  21. This is an interesting observation and it's actually true; the ones that hook the hardest, flake the hardest. In general, when a girl is enthusiastic and tells me i'm handsome i'll expect her to ghost. Most PUA's will wrongfully posit that if a girl gave you her phone number and doesn't respond later it's because your approach was bad and that you haven't stimulated her emotions enough. Actually, it's because of something called Negative Behavior-State Untherering. Source :
  22. Having female friends can be a great way to do social circle. The other value they can bring you is friendship lol.