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About Marvelllious

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  1. How to be anything u want
    Life is set up that your ability to make progress with anything is determined by....
    Self-Bias. Studying something you do not like? It will take force for you to stomach reading and trying to learn it. This will only be a short-term strategy. It will feel like torture, and you will only be doing it just to obtain something like a grade on a test or a job. But if you love something you will do it all the time and love it deeply. Self-Deception is the cause of self-bias, as you justify why you don't like something when in secret the truth is you actually love EVERYTHING.
    This is so hilarious, this is the secret to figuring anything out. How much time are you going to spend on something? Your ability to do it is based on how much you love it. Also relationships between people works the exact same way, your ability to accept them fully just the way they are will determine how smooth the relationship will go. Pay attention to how your judgments keep you away from various skills, knowledge, and experiences. Because this is what literally runs your life.
    P.S. It's funny after I wrote this I opened up Youtube and Sadhguru said the same thing but in a different way. Here ya go.

  2. Alphas Betas and Sigmas
    Alpha male?
    But I'll stay on topic for this. 
    What is supposedly an alpha.
    1. An alpha would be someone who in a given environment is the top dawg. So in terms of dating an Alpha would be a guy who has traits that are considered dominant. He is tall, he is physically strong, He is intelligent, he is clever/witty, he is confident, he is resilient. You get the picture. Now what most on the forums don't an alpha can ONLY be an alpha if he is rare. The same way something can only be considered beautiful if it is rare otherwise...its normal. Now I could argue the other side...but we will keep it on this level of analysis let's not go any deeper than we have too.
    2. So....without the beta and the sigma the alpha cannot exist. In fact the perks the Alpha enjoys is due to the beta. Alphas do not have to spend money on women, nor spend time talking to them, they can date tons of women and just have sex and leave. Why? Because betas spend money on women and talk to them and make sure their emotional needs are met. Without the betas, the Alphas couldn't do what he does. So they are interconnected. If they are interconnected...why is there such a fuss. If everyone become alphas...there wouldn't be alphas...they would DIE. Alphas would then become betas. They would have to do everything betas do. Betas are the foundation of the dating game, they literally hold up Alphas. This is the same thing how society works with the rich and the poor. Its the exact same thing. Its why I laugh....because its so silly. 
    3. Sigmas are a little different. They have qualities of both. Sigmas have the sensitivity of the Beta, but the confidence of the Alpha. They are the inbetween category. Some of them date, most of them don't. Some marry, some don't. Sigmas are usually betas who became Alphas and saw how silly the whole thing is, or they are Alphas who hung around a beta, who infected him with his sensitivity and he thus became a Sigma. LOL I said infected like its a bad thing....
    4. Majority of relationships are going to be between co-dependent people who haven't worked through their issues and want to get together so they can blame each other about their problems. Since they don't want to address their own internal discord they want a distraction from these issues by entering relationships. Majority of people enter relationships with the mindset, what can I get from this versus what can I offer. They then try to play the game of giving as little as possible, while demanding as much as possible. Its a silly game that creates drama, and entertainment like a teen drama that comes out during the fall every year. 
    5. Eventually, hopefully the person realizes their relationships follow a trend, they keep attracting the same type of person, they keep engaging in the same type of behaviors that make the relationship unsustainable. So as a result they realize they need to work through some issues, take themselves off the market. Work through said issues. Only look for partners who offer what they offer. They find that person, settle down into a long-term relationship and that's it. 

  3. Turning Truth into a weapon
    I’m Becoming Tempted to Drop Random Spiritual Phrases on People that Annoy Me
    You're tempted to be a spiritual devil
    Time to summon the legendary video

  4. Authentic thinking
    Once 100% Godhead, why would one come back to life again?
    Infinity is another voguish belief topic among the object-ive minded. Theories of infinite space, time, and quantity are just object-ive math. Definitions of infinity are related or relative to the concept of immeasurability in space, time, or quantity. However, if there is no space, time, or quantity, as implied by Prajnaparamita, and quantum cosmology, then there is no infinity. How can there be infinity if there's no space? There's a difference between lazy nihilism and authentic free thinking.
    Regarding Elon Musk, as the Oracle told Neo, "We are all here to do, what we are all here to do". Everyone who is expressing the authentic self at least a little bit, contributes to the evolution of humankind and consciousness.