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Posts posted by EternalDream

  1. @The Buddha
    Thanks a lot for your answer. That helped me.

    I started watching Leo for fun and found his spiritual videos cool, and I accidentally (I saw no other option than letting go and dying) entered some type of god consciousness during the mentioned ego dissolution on a way to high lsd dosage. That was absolute heaven, but in retrospect it was too much for my ego. I noticed that in the weeks that followed and I also notice it today with my moment of shock.

    The thing is, I really want to use psychedelics for personal development. I want to trip, but not existentially. I need to figure out what dosages work for me, but I'm kinda afraid i will encounter a mystical experience again. I'm sure I can enjoy it in the meantime, but it will turn my mind upside down.

    Some days I want to cut off all spiritual stuff from my life to concentrate on my life purpose and personal development and some days I think whether I shouldn't push "the Truth" away and not hide behind my ego or whether I could integrate all spiritual insights so that my life will be even better than with "just" an actualized life purpose a few years from now.

  2. WTF ist going on here? I just sat on the toilet reading this thread and I got a really strange, unpleasant feeling in my body. I got catapulted into a state of mind I experienced during an Ego Dissolution on LSD and now I am scared. The part "Only your POV exists" ist the most frightening part. 

    On the one hand I'm thinking to myself "Well, even if all others are hallucinations, I will experience their live and how I treat them, therefore ultimately nothing changes for me. Even if they are myself, during this lifetime they are meant to appear as "others". It is just very, very hard to accept. The attachments to my loved ones are huge.


    Am I, a 21yo little boy, meant for this stuff? Are these concerns and fears a necessary part of my journey? Should I wait for more maturity.

    I also tend to interpret everything that happens as a message from God/the Universe telling me that I don't need to ne afraid.


    And WTF, who even am I asking here? My future and past I? >.< 



  3. Wow, man. This is so interesting!
    Does Crysty feel solid? Can she hold things, like a pen? Does she feel warmth and cold? Does Crysty have the power to know things about me? Can she look at my physical appearence if she wants? Can she tell you the name of my girlfriend and the name of my twin brother? (if so, please write them down here! That would be absolutely amazing!) Can others hear her? Can she make sounds that could be recorded with a microphone?

    Dude, I've got so many questions. How cool is that? A fucking spirit as your friend. Enjoy your relationship together ! :)

  4. Hello fellow actualizers,

    what are your experiences regarding listening to and reading of books? 

    When Iistening to audio books, I would progress with the books much faster than with reading. But I probably wouldn't remember that much of it, even If I listen carefully. 

    I mean, because I take notes while reading non-fiction books, those books would fall out anyways. But what about books like biographies ect.?

  5. Really an amazing and beautiful story, I thank you for sharing it. I also think that love is one of the most powerful forces that exist. I have a question for you:

    From your point of view, what are the 3 strongest reasons why one doesn't need to be afraid of dying and especially of leaving the relatives behind?

  6. A pretty chill study life. I can do all my homework and study at my PC, I'm much more productive here at home, still can hold contact with my fellow students via zoom. And, I don't have to go outside that much in winter now (especially in the morning when it's still dark outside).

    On top of that, at my job as a student assistant I got highly overpaid, since at the beginning of the pandemic with start of online studying nobody really knew how to do it properly. I had very less work to do but still got the full salary paid. My brother experienced similar things. We really don't notice anything about the difficult economic situation, due to the pandemic we are doing better financially than before (without any social benefits or the like).

  7. You remind me very much of my own. I recently had a phase of existential unrest (not a bad extent) and sometimes even still today. Daily meditation is doing a good job for me. If you encounter Truth like on psychedelics, try to feel the greatness of it. Don't be afraid, there is nothing to be afraid of. Remind yourself that your Ego is scared, not the real You. Don't get tricked by your Ego too much, try to observe and acknowledge the tricks.

  8. Every time I think a little deeper about the Unity, the Eternity (especially that, even if I can't even imagine ceasing to exist at some point), the Awakening upon death, I get this contracting, tingling feeling in my chest. Right in the middle of my breast bone. What is happening? Is this the reaction of my ego to something "dangerous"? I don't know whether it is fear, I don't want to mislabel it. But it is somehow unpleasing.

    The only thing I could imagine is that I can't even imagine the greatness and I'm simply overwhelmed. I feel strong attachment to this life, to my girlfriend, to my family. I had one mystical experience so far and it was just so fucking beautiful, too good to be true. I cried out of gratitude. But still, in this sober form, it unsettles me.