
Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by vladorion

  1. Does your right to health trump another person's right to bodily autonomy? Do you believe other people have to modify their bodies so you can feel more protected?
  2. Of course nobody can do whatever they want. But they can peacefully protest. In no way is it against the law. In fact the right to peacefully protest is a part of Canadian democracy. I don't know where you got the idea that they're doing something that's not allowed.
  3. So you attempted to paint all the people that are still protesting as children. I don't see a big difference. They don't look like children to me, because I'm not projecting my own childishness onto them. (See what I did here?) The protests have a purpose so it doesn't make sense for them to say, "ok, enough is enough, let's go home". Lol. Ok
  4. You came up with a very bad analogy in your attempt to paint all anti-mandate people as children. It's interesting how you always make it about conservatives. As if whenever someone disagrees with vaccine mandates, they're automatically a "right wing leaning freedumb type". Lol. There are plenty of non-conservative people who don't agree with it.
  5. The only point in suffering is that ego needs conflict and problems to perpetuate itself. The idea that you'd get bored if there were no problems doesn't make sense since people that have it easy have more fun in life than those who are stuck in their problems.
  6. Yeah. Especially considering you don't need to know much. Just the name of the chemical and a dealer's phone number.
  7. It's pretty funny that things like "Ivermectin cures covid", "5G is toxic" aren't in the "we have questions" section but almost at the very top. Higher in the pyramid than "Titanic never sank", "Tupac alive in Serbia" etc. Some beliefs that are apparently dangerous to yourself and others: "Feral people in forests", "Ancient giant trees", "Moon landing fake", "Phantom time", "5G is toxic". Also pretty funny. And sad.
  8. There's no reason she should get vaccinated since she's already a few times better protected than those who got vaccinated.
  9. The vaccination rate doesn't matter at this point because everybody's already got it.
  10. There are many different forces in the universal subconsciousness that can be used to manifest certain results. But I believe there's a price you pay in most cases when you use them, even if you're not aware of it. There are also levels of consciousness from where you manifest your reality. And you can do it more consciously if you have access to them.
  11. You won't become infinitely conscious when your body dies. Ignorance doesn't disappear just because you don't have a physical body. The body and physical reality is a tool for God-realization, not something that prevents you from it.
  12. From his point of view, you're the one denying reality. Just because you think you have the truth and he doesn't, doesn't make it so. You cling to your beliefs as if they're the truth and every other viewpoint is a lie. Are you open to the possibility that you might be wrong?
  13. He actually did say that when presented with studies that contradicted his view, if you follow his twitter.
  14. I haven't tried his supplement so I can't say anything about it. But generally speaking, you get what you pay for. Quality products are expensive. He could probably make a cheaper product with lower quality ingredients. Assuming he's a grifter just because his products are expensive is irrational.
  15. What's wrong with selling supplements? How's that a grift?
  16. In the same way as the arising and cessation of ocean waves does not result in the arising or cessation of water.
  17. The subject doesn't have experiences. It IS experiences. Experiences are what the subject appears like to itself.
  18. In cessation, there is no awareness or knowledge that I exist.
  19. You should probably read the message I quoted to understand why I said that. That is exactly the way he excuses his misogyny.
  20. I'm not racist. I just say harsh truths about black people and don't sugarcoat like most people. I have black friends, no way could I ever be racist.
  21. Wanting to profit from your ancestors' suffering seems like a noble goal.
  22. What does it matter if they get vaccinated, since most people already have antibodies, either from getting a vaccine or getting covid? https://www.clarkcountytoday.com/news/natural-immunity-gets-another-boost-from-two-new-u-s-studies/ "Last week, the CDC released data which demonstrated natural immunity was 2.8 times as effective in preventing hospitalization and 3.3 to 4.7 times as effective in preventing COVID infection compared with vaccination" Dr. Makary and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins therefore did their own study. “We found that among 295 unvaccinated people who previously had COVID, antibodies were present in 99.9 percent of them up to nearly two years after infection. We also found that natural immunity developed from prior variants reduced the risk of infection with the Omicron variant,” he reports. “We found that immunity was strong, nearly two years out from the infection,”he said. “So it is now settled science. Natural immunity is durable and effective for as long as the infection has been around.” "The CDC found COVID-19 rates among the vaccinated with no previous infection were 6.2 times lower in California and 4.5 times lower in New York than among the unvaccinated with no previous infection. However, among the unvaccinated with a previous infection, the COVID-19 rate was 29 times lower in California and 14.7 times lower in New York." Links to more studies in the article.