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Posts posted by Vibroverse

  1. 27 minutes ago, snowyowl said:

    one thing which shook my materialism was a perspective I read (can't remember where) about it all being my mind. From the materialistic POV, the external, objective world enters our material brains through the 5 senses, and into the brain via the nervous system, where it gets converted into consciousness as an emerging property. 

    By that logic, when I open my eyes and look at 'the world', listen to it, feel it etc, what's actually happening is I am always seeing, hearing and feeling only the inside of my own brain. All my awareness is my own brain, I never get to the supposed external world. I only receive a tiny fraction of the information about the external world anyway.  It's Plato's cave I guess. 

    The objective world, including my material brain, is only a logical deduction, not an experienced thing. Only my subjective brain is certain. Flip this logic round, and we have the realisation that brains and the material world doesn't exist, only mind. 

    My third insight is to throw out both matter and mind, and what's left is, "This". 

    The trick in materialistic science is it all is in your brain including what you perceive as your brain. The strange loop.