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Everything posted by Vibroverse

  1. There is no death and everything is consciousness. So when you die you actually don't leave your loved ones because there is no such thing as death. You become one with them in your consciousness which is the only thing there is in existence ever. Everything including your body is imagination within and as you, and your loved ones are also that forever. So you don't need to die to experience that oneness because who you really are is already dead forever. Who you really are is the zero point.
  2. Imagine it kicking in while you're driving in traffic.
  3. The trick in materialistic science is it all is in your brain including what you perceive as your brain. The strange loop.
  4. All of those "people" who are critizing Leo are Leo himself. "He" is the only one saying "but Leo" to himself.
  5. And don't confuse effortlessness with actionlessness. Action will continue but with no effort. You will be, like, lying in your bed and dreaming. Resting 24/7.
  6. Don't try to control your mind. Relax your mind into the self, into knowing. Your little mind cannot comprehend this. You still think there is a duality. This is darn you talking to you.
  7. You probably confuse the present moment with present manifestation. Present moment is what the manifestation is made of. Present moment is awareness.
  8. As you only watch, your vibration raises since you're not efforting. Then you realize that all is you. Then you realize that your awareness is me.
  9. There only is one subject and it is all the objects. The entire existence is it.
  10. Others don't exist as physical forms. Nothing, including you, exist as a physical form. It is all the motion of consciousness. A DREAM "FOREVER".
  11. The mindfuck about psychedelics is that they show you that they don't exist. And you also, as a phenomenon, don't exist.
  12. Russian Doll (tv series) is also pretty good, based on the idea of eternal recurrence like Groundhog Day.
  13. God does not say I will create x, y, z. Creation just oozes from and in and as it.
  14. First the idea of survival is born in consciousness and then it got stuck to that idea that it need to survive as if who it really is can ever not survive.
  15. Soon you will come up to some physicist who will say "oh no, qft does not show that we are all one at all" and you will get confused again.
  16. Are other people and cats and so on we see in our dreams also conscious and creator like the ones in this "waking" dream? If it is all awareness, consciousness, that exists in existence, then it kinda makes sense :D:D
  17. If you're in alignment with the Self, then only what you deem to be good can come to you.
  18. And has any of you had any shared dream experiences?
  19. Emotion is guidance from the Self. It tells you how connected you are to who you really are, the Self, in this moment.
  20. Esther Hicks has a book called Astonishing Power of Emotions, channeling "Abraham". It is a good book about the meaning and importance of emotion.