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About Huegeleisen

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  1. In about 3 weeks I‘ll have one of the most important exams I ever had at school. If I started studying tomorrow or at least this week, I could still easily get an A or an A+ for it. I know exactly what I need to do and how to study. Also after this exam, I won’t have school anymore, so I‘d only need to push for these last 3 weeks. The problem is: I literally can’t sit down and concentrate. For the last 2 months I‘ve been wasting my time with YouTube Shorts or normal YouTube videos after school every day. After that I won’t ever have to study for an exam again while having school, so I‘ll have a lot of time for life purpose and self-actualization. How can I push one last time and finally get myself to sit down and do the work?
  2. So I’m having trouble to find a tangible definition on “Intimacy”. Mine is so far: “I have a gf who I see 3 times per week. I work on becoming a better boyfriend.” And to live this value fully I wrote down: I have a girlfriend with whom I live together most of the time. I can say that I am fulfilled by this relationship. I read or consume at least 3 books or courses per year on relationships and sexuality. … (basically other tangible actions like trips and having sex x times per week follow) But I really have trouble to define it in a more tangible way and this definition doesn’t feel right since I find it hard to measure it and it is more of a feeling for me that I would share with someone. Also I have trouble putting this into words. Could you provide some inspiration for me? I feel a bit lost with that one…
  3. You can try it out if you want for 90 days for yourself. If you find that it works for you then keep it, if not try to masturbate healthily. I did it for 30 days and it did not work for me at all as I have a high sex drive. It literally had the opposite effects of what every Nofap guru was telling. (Edit: I quit after day 21 since it had bad effects on my performance at school and never went back to it)
  4. What healthy meal would you make, if you had to eat lunch at school? It should be cold, since we have no microwave at school available and it should be portable in box(es) in a school bag.
  5. @Noahsteelers34 That sounds interesting. I will try it out. Thanks!
  6. @integral Ok, got it. How can I then just sit down to get the tasks done so I can focus on other things with the time left? Because I usually procrastinate on school and it only takes me maximum 5-6 hours in a really busy week.
  7. @integral I am a high school and I got about one year left. I have not fully decided yet but it will be most likely be something like a software or ai developer, soccer player/coach or a career path to improve the educational system (I am in the process of doing the lp course).
  8. So, I absolutely hate school and can not bring myself to do homework or to study for an exam when I am at home. Although if I get myself to sod it I produce exceptional results. But I do not have intrinsic motivation for school work and it feels like a time waste. Because of that I have trouble concentrating on a simple task and requires me so much mental energy to do it when I am tired after school. Actually the task itself is very easy but the process of doing the task drains mental energy from me as it really bores me to do it. Also I just hate the German school system because all exams make up only a third of a grade while participation in class matters 66,6% in every subject, so the extroverted kids are getting a good grade for free if they care about school a little. I hate that so hard because I have strong social anxiety and a slow thinker so that it is very hard for me to participate the class because other kids can put their hand up in the air faster to answer a teachers question while I am debating my own answer in my head and thinking if I should try to answer it (my answer is almost always right but I am always thinking that it either too simple or I think that the question the teacher asked is too stupid). Because of that I always end up getting a B if I do not mess up an exam. I can not pay attention in class because it is just boring and the teachers do very much small talk with the students so I end up playing video games on my iPad. So my question is: Is it possible to resolve my hate for school or get myself to do the school work even if I hate it?
  9. Thanks! Luckily my holidays start next week so I can try it out. I guess I should go to sleep at the same time when I try this out or am I wrong? I guess I am a night owl based on my experiences with going to bed early cause of school. It kind of sucks, but I guess I have to somehow use that for my advantage.
  10. Maybe for extra information: I am an 18 year old student. I usually play 2 times per week soccer and do home workouts besides that. But right now I need to do physiotherapy after being recovered from a shoulder dislocation. Because of school I have to get up at 6:30 am. How can I find out, how much sleep I need? Looking forward for your replies!
  11. @integral No, I am not. No weed and other ,,drugs”, no smoking and no alcohol.
  12. So normally masturbation feels awesome and intense (like it should) but since 2-3 weeks the act itself doesn’t feel pleasant anymore. While masturbating I (18yo) feel like getting away from the orgasm instead of reaching it. It takes me far longer than usual to reach it and the orgasm feels far less good than usual. Because of that I’m getting stressed out. I have no problem with erection but have a less good sex drive although that is not too extreme. That happened to me a few times before but to a smaller degree and a 1 day break would make masturbation perfect again. But this time even a several day break couldn’t solve it. Do you know what is going on or what to do? Thanks for reading! (Extra info: I can’t exercise because I had a shoulder injury. Although it is healed I have to wait until my physiotherapie starts to regain its range of movement)
  13. So right now I am in the middle of the core concepts section but I have been putting it off in the last weeks. Today I watched Leo’s video on increasing results of self help programs by 10x and some questions arised in my head. How much time should I plan for the lp course? Right now I am a student and can spend some hours a week on the course and doing the assignments but I don’t want to rush it. Also Leo said in his self help products video(title mentioned above) that you should retake self help courses at least 5-10 times. How frequently would you retake the lp course? Another question: How much time a week should you spend contemplating and journaling about the questions and concepts of the course and following my bliss? Thanks for reading!
  14. Today it excited me to watch the video about “the 30 ways how society f**ks you in your a**”. In the middle of the video I stopped and played with my dog. But after that I fell off again. Kinda sucks. I think I should question my beliefs to get in a more positive state when I realise I’m not following my highest excitement right now. But I got back in the evening and watched the video until the end. Now it excites me really hard to do a week of detoxing while contemplating my life for a week as mentioned as an action step in the video. Although I will stop if it becomes too forceful from my ego side while my higher self wants to do something else. But I wont start with any expectations into it.
  15. Today started really awsome. I woke up later than I usualliy do and did a sprint training outside. But after that I fell off and forgot about following my highest excitement at first until the evening. In the evening I planned the itinerary for my london trip and after that I procrastinated through watching youtube. So it is really easy to fall off folowing your highest excitement and follow negative ego instead. So I was believing that watching Youtube was more beneficial to me than following my highest excitement. I will try to replace that belief tomorrow with a more beneficial one.