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Everything posted by Protein

  1. - More inspirational/motivational videos. I know there are many of them on YouTube, but yours are often deeper and just better. - In general, I love when you talk about positive stuff. You should make more videos about beauty, wisdom, love, self-love, higher energies. - More “step by step” videos. For example, how to move from stage orange, to green, to yellow; explaining practical steps based on different starting conditions. For example: - steps to take if you struggle with finances - steps to take if you have a good income but are not yet “financially free” - steps to take if you are rich That could be done through a video course too, instead of just YouTube.
  2. Go check that with a lawyer. Don't get into troubles, we need your content
  3. Here are some improvents I got in my life thanks to Leo's teachings: - I love myself more - I'm more kind with people - I'm less prone to give up - I have less fear - I'm 100x more open minded - I believe life can be magic
  4. You could talk more about why life is beautiful. Why is life a gift? Why is life so amazing? Most of your episodes are about "problems" and "deconstructing": I love them all, but why don't you talk more about why and how life is beautiful and perfect? I mean specific episodes about that.
  5. It was clear that you didn't promote suicide, and you clarified that once more (and even more clearly) in your last video. It's good that you put more warnings in the descriptions of your videos (and maybe remind that sometimes while you talk), but other than that, I would suggest, just move on: don't spend too much time and energy on that topic.
  6. A huge thank you from an italian doctor who was stuck in the materialistic paradigm before knowing you. Happy birthday.
  7. A video that talks about similarities and differences between the best models to understand reality, and how those models integrate and interact with each other. You could make a quick summary about the models you already talked about, such as: - Spiral Dynamics - 9 stages of ego development And you might add the "Levels of Energy" model, by Frederick Dodson and David Hawkins. Since as you always say there's no "ultimate model", it'd be very interesting to understand the pros and cons of each model, and how/when to use one model or another.
  8. - Spiral Dynamics - 9 stages of ego development -"Levels of Energy" model, by Frederick Dodson and David Hawkins The first 2 are models about stages of development. Levels of energy, instead, is about states of consciousness.